- tring to make maps, No success
- Various Campaign bugs?
- Dungeon Keeper Computer Characters
- Adding Tunnellers
- Adikted Problem
- How to play other maps
- Different terrain types
- Official Editor help
- Two Questions
- Creatures Not Entering (Not Script Problem)
- Party leadership
- The Best unofficial campaign.
- Help
- Research Order Script
- Saving with Adikted with KeeperFX
- Quest for the Hero...
- Makeing a new Dungeon Keeper Mission - Working Title "Die Hard Dungeons"
- 3 A.I. Allies?
- Workshop Fix Possibility
- Naming maps in adikted??
- RPG style campaings?
- How to upload maps on the Keeper Klan website
- Bullfrog Map Editor VS Adikted Comparison
- Adding new textures
- Help the newbie! :o
- halp pl0x
- ADiKtEd in max screen
- Playing Messages
- adding imps
- Level submission conventions?
- I need help with editor
- action points
- Changing textures
- Official Editor Help.
- DK Editor help!!!!
- Changing Map Numbers
- Adikted user levels don't load
- Skyman's Adikted question thread
- Set Computer Process
- DK1 Map Remakes
- Reveal Map in Assault-Based Maps
- Official editor tutorial
- quest of the hero first lvl.. UNBEATBLE....
- Sandbox for DK1 Level
- Dungeon Keeper Editor Help
- Help with map made ADiKtEd¡¡¡¡¡
- level shuts down after a few seconds of playing
- Cannot edit maps
- 2 Problems
- Read only!
- Editor crashing problem
- ADiKtEd - Question
- Creating an endless fight against the Player_Good
- ADiKtEd - Next Question
- Creature Count Restrictions?
- Problem with a few monsters and entrance
- HellO! I am new :)
- Map Names with maps using ADiKtEd
- Problem with playing my own maps
- Can not overwrite Maps/save new maps
- Quest for the hero Tower of Power
- Looking for help (My First map)
- Custom Creature Spell for a map
- Map Editor
- Computer Players
- Queries
- Adikted - Selecting A Tile With Mouse Arrow
- ADiKtEd - how to change maximum minions from entrance?
- Some questions about scriptings and unusual settings
- Linking objectives/information to action points
- Map crashes when loaded
- Editing original campaign maps
- Unded Editor
- need help with script
- How do I create a hero party from a hero gate?
- where do i find the dungeon keeper objective and pop up icons data to edit them?
- First map - some varied questions
- scripting problems
- Map Rules what´s wrong?
- Dungeon Keeper 1 Settings Editor
- Dungeon Scripter
- General Mapmaking Questions.
- DK Level script plugin for Notepad++
- Manipulating the AI keepers.
- Getting Computer Players to attack
- How to make a hero attacking loop on my map?
- Custom Sounds In-Game
- heroes sprinting?
- Question about not mapmaking but land view making
- Script question.
- Winter-Maps
- Misc programmable events
- Ids Habbening
- script questions
- any ideas?
- first selfmade map with some problems
- How to replicate the 'Rock Fall' effect in Editor?
- Advanced mapmaking: AdIkTeD Column mode and Slab50
- own level always crashes
- Map doesn't load on -1Player Multiplayer
- Keeper.Lubki now down?
- Creatures won't spawn from portal
- Water Map- The Vikings come Idea
- Keeper FX - My Pet Dungeon
- How to get the official map editor working with GOG
- Dungeon Keeper Gog - Original Bullfrog Editor
- Snow or different tiles in the original editor.
- What's wrong with this script
- Scripting
- Doors without workshop
- Way to bypass room requirements for creatures?
- start with creature?
- freeze timer?
- Hidden realms
- Some scripting questions
- adding creatures
- Snow tileset?
- Proper AI usage of thieves
- Flag values?
- Proof of Concept: 5 Choices (let's hold a contest?)
- Trap Configuration Models
- Level editors and documentation
- Can't get editor to load levels
- Editor Change Not Showing (Newbie Question)
- This map crashes within 15 minutes in Deeper Dungeons
- Unearth - DK1 map editor
- VSCode extension
- Dk2 to Dk1 Map converter
- Original Editor save without red dungeon heart
- Transfer_creature script question
- Changing dungeon heart in a map
- Q's about creature spell damage, script limit and flags
- KeeperFX 0.5.0 New script commands
- Cannot Lock doors in Adikted
- Tutorial - Spawning heroes with action points
- hELP!, AI Keepers imps wont mine gold.?
- Problem with creating my own map
- Changing the rooms required to attract creatures with script