View Full Version : DK1 Mapmaking

  1. tring to make maps, No success
  2. Various Campaign bugs?
  3. Dungeon Keeper Computer Characters
  4. Adding Tunnellers
  5. Adikted Problem
  6. How to play other maps
  7. Different terrain types
  8. Official Editor help
  9. Two Questions
  10. Creatures Not Entering (Not Script Problem)
  11. Party leadership
  12. The Best unofficial campaign.
  13. Help
  14. Research Order Script
  15. Saving with Adikted with KeeperFX
  16. Quest for the Hero...
  17. Makeing a new Dungeon Keeper Mission - Working Title "Die Hard Dungeons"
  18. 3 A.I. Allies?
  19. Workshop Fix Possibility
  20. Naming maps in adikted??
  21. RPG style campaings?
  22. How to upload maps on the Keeper Klan website
  23. Bullfrog Map Editor VS Adikted Comparison
  24. Adding new textures
  25. Help the newbie! :o
  26. halp pl0x
  27. ADiKtEd in max screen
  28. Playing Messages
  29. adding imps
  30. Level submission conventions?
  31. I need help with editor
  32. action points
  33. Changing textures
  34. Official Editor Help.
  35. DK Editor help!!!!
  36. Changing Map Numbers
  37. Adikted user levels don't load
  38. Skyman's Adikted question thread
  39. Set Computer Process
  40. DK1 Map Remakes
  41. Reveal Map in Assault-Based Maps
  42. Official editor tutorial
  43. quest of the hero first lvl.. UNBEATBLE....
  44. Sandbox for DK1 Level
  45. Dungeon Keeper Editor Help
  46. Help with map made ​​ADiKtEd¡¡¡¡¡
  47. level shuts down after a few seconds of playing
  48. Cannot edit maps
  49. 2 Problems
  50. Read only!
  51. Editor crashing problem
  52. ADiKtEd - Question
  53. Creating an endless fight against the Player_Good
  54. ADiKtEd - Next Question
  55. Creature Count Restrictions?
  56. Problem with a few monsters and entrance
  57. HellO! I am new :)
  58. Map Names with maps using ADiKtEd
  59. Problem with playing my own maps
  60. Can not overwrite Maps/save new maps
  61. Quest for the hero Tower of Power
  62. Looking for help (My First map)
  63. Custom Creature Spell for a map
  64. Map Editor
  65. Computer Players
  66. Queries
  67. Adikted - Selecting A Tile With Mouse Arrow
  68. ADiKtEd - how to change maximum minions from entrance?
  69. Some questions about scriptings and unusual settings
  70. Linking objectives/information to action points
  71. Map crashes when loaded
  72. Editing original campaign maps
  73. Unded Editor
  74. need help with script
  75. How do I create a hero party from a hero gate?
  76. where do i find the dungeon keeper objective and pop up icons data to edit them?
  77. First map - some varied questions
  78. scripting problems
  79. Map Rules what´s wrong?
  80. Dungeon Keeper 1 Settings Editor
  81. Dungeon Scripter
  82. General Mapmaking Questions.
  83. DK Level script plugin for Notepad++
  84. Manipulating the AI keepers.
  85. Getting Computer Players to attack
  86. How to make a hero attacking loop on my map?
  87. Custom Sounds In-Game
  88. heroes sprinting?
  89. Question about not mapmaking but land view making
  90. Script question.
  91. Winter-Maps
  92. Misc programmable events
  93. Ids Habbening
  94. script questions
  95. any ideas?
  96. first selfmade map with some problems
  97. How to replicate the 'Rock Fall' effect in Editor?
  98. Advanced mapmaking: AdIkTeD Column mode and Slab50
  99. own level always crashes
  100. Map doesn't load on -1Player Multiplayer
  101. Keeper.Lubki now down?
  102. Creatures won't spawn from portal
  103. Water Map- The Vikings come Idea
  104. Keeper FX - My Pet Dungeon
  105. How to get the official map editor working with GOG
  106. Dungeon Keeper Gog - Original Bullfrog Editor
  107. Snow or different tiles in the original editor.
  108. What's wrong with this script
  109. SET_MUSIC
  110. Scripting
  111. Doors without workshop
  112. Way to bypass room requirements for creatures?
  113. start with creature?
  114. freeze timer?
  115. Hidden realms
  116. Some scripting questions
  117. adding creatures
  118. Snow tileset?
  119. Proper AI usage of thieves
  120. Flag values?
  121. Proof of Concept: 5 Choices (let's hold a contest?)
  122. Trap Configuration Models
  123. Level editors and documentation
  124. Can't get editor to load levels
  125. Editor Change Not Showing (Newbie Question)
  126. This map crashes within 15 minutes in Deeper Dungeons
  127. Unearth - DK1 map editor
  128. VSCode extension
  129. Dk2 to Dk1 Map converter
  130. Original Editor save without red dungeon heart
  131. Transfer_creature script question
  132. Changing dungeon heart in a map
  133. Q's about creature spell damage, script limit and flags
  134. KeeperFX 0.5.0 New script commands
  135. Cannot Lock doors in Adikted
  136. Tutorial - Spawning heroes with action points
  137. hELP!, AI Keepers imps wont mine gold.?
  138. Problem with creating my own map
  139. Changing the rooms required to attract creatures with script
  140. CHANGE_SLAB_TYPE Doesn't work