View Full Version : KeeperFX
- no cd problem
- New script commands
- Map Editor fix, similar to KeeperFX
- No humanoids
- Tunneller
- Map name idea
- No mouse cursor
- KeeperFX CCP
- Graphics Problem
- KeeperFX version 0.32
- New sacrifices
- finally damage for word of power !
- Invisible Dungeon Keeper
- Download KeeperFX
- Dungeon Specials
- Compatibility?
- Dear Mefistotelis, a possible bug report...
- Fixing Slow?
- Temple Bug
- The game runs very slow
- Transfer creature crash
- Crashes
- Resolution Problem
- Won't start
- Rainbow Effect
- Releases and news
- Multiplayer in KeeperFX
- Multiplayer maps
- Sacrifices Still Bugged?
- DD Netzcaro Bugged?
- Music in KeeperFX
- Start New Game submenu bug
- Fly through Ceiling Bug
- Assistant AI Bug
- Why keeperFX?
- can't play custom multiplayer maps
- question
- Guard Post block - fix?
- Save game
- Original creature stats
- Eye Lens Values?
- Prison isn't working
- Incorrect creature is picked up when clicking in creatures tab
- Temple is not / rarely healing disease
- Deeper Dungeons
- Random game crashes
- Little request - secret level countdown
- Re-balance needed?
- A few questions
- Three Things...
- KeeperFX - TCP/IP support ?
- Can't see while in possesion
- Merging KeeperFX with map editor
- My friend can't seem to get past the first level without it crashing
- Map making.
- Bug - Shows intro but fails just after
- Embarassing honesty? Yup.
- Bug - Crash just after intro
- How to compile source code from SVN
- Windows 7 - crash while drawing "Main Menu"
- Hard to target creatures...
- Bug - Lava turns into water after deleting a bridge
- Creating Campaigns In KeeperFX
- Random lock-ups on Windows 7
- Bug 0.37a - Hellhound not moving and Swipe freeing crash
- New Thought...
- Hellhounds not Moving / Mouse not working?
- Closes after intro.
- Creatures acting oddly~
- Can't get 640x480 resolution to work with command lines
- Synthesia's textures.
- Tunneller Smoking Bug - Temporary Fix
- New bugs and a crash with version 0.37b
- Crash - Insight appreciated
- Trap requirement bug that should be fixed
- Would it be possible to increase the amount of things allowed?
- Bugs and crashes, now for version 0.37c
- [Bug] Tiles Shifting
- New official download server
- Congratulations from Europe to Keeperfx team!
- sleepiburgh
- Horned Reaper
- KeeperFX 0.37c is a problem with displaying Russian fonts - decision
- Original Campaign issue - can't end level.
- Changing EXE file into DLL library
- Cheat Menus?
- IMP bug.
- Dexterity and Defence are different?
- Missing Graphical Data for Creatures in Other Campaigns
- Hey! You made Rock, Paper, Shotgun!!
- What resolutions does KepperFX support?
- 1 Player Multiplayer(Skirmish)
- KeeperFX under WinXP Home
- Word of Power damage code
- Keeperfx graphics and music
- Crashes and Gem prioblems
- new creatures or heroes
- Random Freeze?
- tentacle
- dk1 competitions
- Can't start dkfx - "Can't enter movies screen mode"
- change the creature order?
- Save 20 lvl original DK Capmaing in KeeperFX
- KeeperFX crashes after loading a map
- Resolution problem
- Multiple Campaign Question
- Changes I wanna bring to version 0.38
- Bug from v0.37c - some message speeches stops playing after a long play
- Spacebar doesnt work and camera tilting
- LOG file improvement
- Adding Map Help (Skirmish/Multiplayer)
- keeperfx 0.37c IPX MULTIPLAYER playing with Win7/Vista 32 or 64 bits
- "h" key doesn't work in pause
- SUGGESTION: Room bars message indication
- Thief Hero
- Computer freeze
- latest svn error
- keeperfx svn
- new spells
- KEEPERFX and Speech SDK 5.1????
- Ingame zoom using mouse wheel
- This is awesome!
- Imps work improvement
- SUGGESTION: keeperfx in window mode
- Strange behaviour with the CD Picture
- keeperfx 0.38 ERROR
- BUG in keeperfx 0.38 with bridge slab
- Keeper fx 0.38 skeleton lair problem.
- Keeperfx 0.38 strange behaviours in windowed mode
- keeperfx 0.38 bug of not?
- Keeperfx 0.38a LINK DOWNLOAD GIVES A 404
- Incorrect trap boxes title bug
- Mulitply Creatures Bug
- Dungeon Keeper FX site PHP error
- Unable to run KeeperFX
- keeperfx 0.38a: Backspace pressed doesn't work in savegame title
- Incorrect Wall block draw?
- Scripting discrepancies in level 18 (Blaise End)
- DK Scripting. Two different function names, same functionality
- Training Room Animation Error
- keeperfx 0.38a: strange sound behaviour
- keeperfx 0.38a: crash bug with sight of evil
- Desperate for Help. I have run out of solutions.
- Can't create traps, placed traps in map does not function
- Attacks not being drawn.
- About my patch + Imbalanced stuff
- lag in campaign
- Weird Flag issue.
- Twin Keeper
- KeeperFX .38 Crashes loading New Game
- KeeperFX Keeper Klan forum issue
- KeeperFX SUGGESTION: Enable/Disable original DK
- Dzjee Ar´s 6 Level Pack Bug
- KeeperFX 0.38a TRAP BUG (crash)
- RAM detection issues
- Another Dzjee Ar´s 6 Level Pack Bug (Makes map unbeatable.)
- Limit on "things", mistresses don't fire anymore, etc.
- Keeper FX Crashes When Loading Levels
- Help, Win 7 "Stage Select" Frame is broken
- [0.38] Debugger extremely slow?
- So, did anybody try TCP/IP in 0.38?
- How does it work? And why is it slow?
- KeeperFX 0.38a bug with Fly
- KeeperFX 0.38a bug with Horned Reapers in level 20
- KeeperFX 0.38a bug with enemy dungeon heart in level 20
- Modding help
- Issue with World Map
- KeeperFX 0.38a BUG: Morkardar (Deeper Dungeons)
- How to build KeeperFX pre-release SVN from scratch ?
- Imps
- How to get the official editor to work with KeeperFX
- KeeperFX roadmap
- 0.38b Bug with imps
- Computer AI issues
- KeeperFX 0.38b BUG boulder trap
- KeeperFX 0.38b sound bug
- Random freezing.
- Development - HQX enhancement inside KeeperFX ?
- Things I'd love to see changed in KeeperFX
- Play Heros?
- Keeper Fx Multiplayer Tut
- Can't compile r318
- Plying on PC without graphic card - possible?
- Ancient Keeper Campaign Bug
- KeeperFX Russian language bugs
- KeeperFX "nointro option" bug
- Shift (speed) button does not work
- 0.38c flying creature bug. and imp issue.
- Strange mouse error in .38
- Level 18 out of thing slots
- Crash bug in 0.38c, sound problem?
- Freeze in 0.38c
- Ancident keeper campaign help
- [0.38c] Savegames make game unstable?
- AI is cheating?
- Loving it
- Burdened Imp's level 1 alternate strategy
- Keeper FX crashes
- Freeze/Crash in 0.38c
- Keeper FX 0.38c crash in Windows 7 64bit (no current solution in readme or forums)
- Unit, Balance & Gameplay changes
- Wood, Braced and Iron doors
- Twin Keeper final level
- Gem problem in 0.37c
- Lightning Spell (keeper not creature) - Should it be nerfed?
- How can I fix the discolouration/distortion of the main menu and level select screen?
- Game crashes on level 8.
- SDL?
- [0.38c] Free play map menu bug?
- Strange Error in Map, Error from KeeperFX?
- Game started crashing + a couple questions.
- The music.
- What Is Keeper FX?
- too many items / things
- crash in lv 14 original campaign
- Gems and AI 0.38c
- ActionPoint problem
- debug
- engine
- Sudden crash
- 1 player/skirmish mode doesn't work
- Sound bugs, training hating Imps, and suggestions.
- keeperfx 0.39 Hang
- Lightning and Drain - Bugged?
- Crash on KeeperFX 0.39
- AI
- Multiplayer
- Crash upon the possession of a fly
- can i edit creature stats?
- Comand lines? :eek:
- adding lvls&campaings to KeeperFX?
- new tample sacrifices on keeperFX?
- Mouse laggs..
- Shortcut Key Problems
- Lens effects
- [0.39]Ghost body bug?
- Keeper 0.37, Castle map
- Thank You for KeeperFX
- Scores after Freeplay Levels
- Oh shit my Dungeon Keeper (Including FX) just died. I need help!
- 0.39a
- Minor Deeper Dungeons Errata
- Legal issues incoming?
- Pressing "Mute" button causes the interface to flicker A LOT
- Dislocated cursor in the menues & no music?
- BugzillaFX
- Reversing CREATURE_AVAILABLE causes Crash
- Campaign specific Rules.cfg / Magic.cfg / etc
- Full moon level and unofficial patch
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