Downloads: Dungeon Keeper 2 Unofficial Patch 1.73

Dungeon Keeper 2 Unofficial Patch 1.73

Uploaded by dotted - June 9th, 2010
Author Author Unknown
File Size File Size 1.55 MB
Downloads Downloads 41,825
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Update text for DK2 v1.73

This is an unofficial update to Dungeon Keeper 2. We cannot guarantee that
Savegames from earlier versions of DK2 will work with this version.

NOTE: Version 1.7 must be installed for this update


Version 1.73
  • Fixed a problem with asynchronization in some maps

Version 1.72
  • The game can now be played without the CD
  • Fixed a problem with Safedisk
  • The standard screen depth is now 32-bit

Version 1.71
  • Fixed a problem with QSound
  • Fixed a problem with different user programs
  • Fixed a problem in the chat-lobby, users with different language-versions of DK2 can now chat with each other
  • No more lags in the DK2 menu
  • The maps 'Furnace' and 'Olympia' are now compatible to each player
  • In some campaign-levels there couldn't attract Goblins, Fireflys. Rogues, Black Knights and Dark Angels, now this creatures are available

KNOWN BUGS (not fixed yet)
  • The game crashes if one player use TAB to chat
  • The game crashes if one players goldreserve goes under 0
  • The game crashes if one player presses Space, ESC or go out of the game when he is defeated
  • The AI have problems dropping creatures with the 'Hand of Evil'
  • When a player goes while DK2 is running to the desktop, Hardware-Accrelation will be automatically deactivated
  • When a campaign-level is ended the game crashes sometimes when Space or ESC was pressed
  • Some campaign-levels does not end
  • The Game can crash, when you restart a game




Thomas Crang
August 22nd, 2010 at 21:07
everytime i try to download this its a .htm file ?
January 23rd, 2011 at 21:05
Same for me, always a .htm file.
Evil Lord Proteus
April 10th, 2011 at 23:55
Some instructions would be nice.
May 1st, 2011 at 00:02
I installed this, and it screwed up all my graphics. Everything in the game looks like it was made for a SNES. Uninstalled DKII, reinstalled, applied OFFICIAL patches, graphics are still crappy, thanks to this patch.

How do I uninstall this patch? I'd very much like an answer ASAP, thank you.
March 3rd, 2013 at 13:32
I ve installed the patch in the game path (1.7) and it doesn't work. (unable to get black knight neither dark angles)
May 7th, 2013 at 19:50
Rename the file from .htm to .exe and it works
October 11th, 2013 at 23:59
This one messed up my graphics on Win8. Reinstalling didn't help, the only way to fix it was to manually delete all Dungeon Keeper 2 folders from the registry.
August 12th, 2016 at 22:41
Well i downloaded this 3 times and all the times i get an .exe file with no program icon, when i execute it a cmd window appear for 1 sec then close and nothing happens, also with 1.3 to 1.7 patch i downloaded patch 1.7 from other site and the patcher worked.
March 21st, 2017 at 10:04
An alternative download link: