Downloads: The Death Clock (KeeperFX Map)

The Death Clock (KeeperFX Map)

Uploaded by YourMaster - December 10th, 2014
Author Author Loobinex (YourMaster)
File Size File Size 60.7 KB
Downloads Downloads 412
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The Death Clock.
Heroes have destroyed this dungeon before and left you and your rival powerless.
Now that you are back to reclaim it they are amassing a massive army to finish the job once and for all.
The clock is ticking, gather your scattered forces in time to repel the attack or see the light return permanently to this realm.

You will start out with very little, but given enough time you should be able to get an army powerful enough to defeat the hero invasion.
But that's the thing, the heroes won't wait for you to get there. So be quick or be killed.
You start without gold, technology or creatures, which will you go after first?

Requires KeeperFX 0.4.6 or newer or 0.4.5 with nightly build 1466 or newer to play.

This map features:
  • A 5 minute first-person introduction to claim your dungeon and imps
  • 75 minutes to build the dungeon, acquire rooms, creatures and gold
  • A massive battle at the end to see if you managed to get a strong enough army
  • A challenge without any cheap deaths.

If you enjoyed it, hated it, or find a problem please leave a message in this topic.

This map was originally created to advocate some DK1 Map design principles. To read more about that and leave your opinion click here.

Last updated: 2015-08-30

If you like the map, also try some of my others:


  • The Death Clock (KeeperFX Map)


December 13th, 2014 at 15:43
I'm enjoying this, but I entered the yellow dungeon too soon, and my savegame is too far, so I'll have to start again. No problem, as it's fun. Clever that the hand doesn't work,

some script errors shown:

Error: command_quick_objective(line 238): Invalid QUICK OBJECTIVE number (99)
Warning: command_add_to_party(line 353): Party 'CLEANUP' member added inside conditional statement
Warning: command_add_to_party(line 357): Party 'CLEANUP' member added inside conditional statement

December 13th, 2014 at 17:31
That's fixed now.