Downloads: KeeperFX Unofficial 0.4.7 Complete

KeeperFX Unofficial 0.4.7 Complete

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Uploaded by YourMaster - October 2nd, 2019
Author Author Several
File Size File Size 409.35 MB
Downloads Downloads 6,654
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KeeperFX Unofficial 0.4.7 Complete

KeeperFX requires an original version (Disk, GOG, etc) to work.

For more information and download mirrors see this topic.
Installation instructions can be found here, changelog is here. If you have any problems, please read Troubleshooting first.

Music files need to be downloaded separately from here.

Version 0.4.7u build 1913. Change date 2019-09-10.

This is no longer the latest full release.


  • KeeperFX Unofficial 0.4.7 Complete


October 22nd, 2019 at 20:34
Ok seriously been trying the whole day to download this but keeps dropping and fails, even tried different service providers.
Is there no other way of hosting this file or getting a torrent of it?
October 22nd, 2019 at 22:25
I mention 'download mirrors' in the text above. Click the link, and there you'll find other places to download it.

So go here:

And click 'Mirror 1', 'Mirror 2' or 'Mirror 3'
October 24th, 2019 at 09:03
Thnx a million, humble apologies I clearly did not read carefully..... awesome playing this again