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  1. View Conversation
    Well most single enemies wouldn't last long against an army regardless of how strong they were. Said enemy won't be alone. Just look at Chuckles. He was in the middle of hell yet he would have still gotten out of there without Rikiu's help.
  2. View Conversation
    Depending on what happens in Northland, I may know who could prove to be such a tough opponent. But it depends if they live that long. As you know, I am keeping things very open ended. So said character could end up as being a reoccurring and powerful opponent of sorts or simply dead, depending on how Tesonu and his Creatures deal with him/her in Northland.
  3. View Conversation
    Admortis better kick things up a notch with Crystice then.

    I also question if you'd even be capable of mimicking that sort of scene. Problem is that it will be very unlikely for there to be a time where he's alone against a quantity of enemies while also being significantly higher leveled than they. I definitely am not going to bend around the plot of a realm to create such a scenario. Numbers are also quite overpowering, so I would imagine that he'd be overrun pretty quickly without dealing too much damage, which may be a bit anti-climatic. He only has one shield and it only covers one front, so he'll find himself quickly defeated against a swarm of enemies.

    I'm also generally not fond of people trying to mimic these sorts of ideas and scenes taken from another universe, which may kill the effect that you're trying to have, at least for me.
  4. View Conversation
    I knew you'd come begging me for a Resurrect Creature after a suicide with Admortis. :P I have an idea for when he could potentially die, too.
  5. View Conversation
    Wow... You might not believe this, but I think I actually saw you (or someone similar) in one of my dreams about a month ago, in a situation similar to what happened here with the GMs.

    In that dream, there was a gathering of people who play some online game - and I was one of the players. Soon 2 players (with me being one of them) start arguing and people start dividing, supporting 1 of those 2. Then, a blonde teen interferes, calming everyone down and helping us resolve the dispute. In the end, he invites us to "play the game we're all so fond of and have fun together". I remember thinking "What an idiot I was, arguing instead of resolving the dispute. Yet this mere kid managed to help us settle everything, showing more maturity than all of us.".

    I'd say that's about how I feel now, after this GM dispute have been resolved. I can't believe I actually made the same stupid mistake twice. -_-
  6. View Conversation
    I know this might be a weird question to ask, but... is your hair blonde? Also, you're 16 now, right?
  7. If it isn't too late, I suppose I could, though I'm about to go AFK again now.
  8. View Conversation
    Hey Searing, can you help me get past the Double Post System? I was thinking that after I make my Northland Post, (nearly done) you delete your post then repost it then I can post again with my Dark Mistress. :)
  9. View Conversation
    Says the person whose house just burned down.
  10. View Conversation
    I smell something cooking. Oh wait, that's YOUR HOUSE! D:<
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