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  1. View Conversation
    Hi I just thought of a creature idea called Parasite worm. I just thought if you could help me see if it's ok or not. If you agreed to helping me, I was wondering if I could send the whole thing to you via email
  2. View Conversation
    I haven't had the time for reviewing bigger suggestions lately. Looking at your Dryad was something I planned to do, I just haven't done it yet.
  3. View Conversation
    I wouldn't be so sure about that.
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    As I'm sure you already know, the thread with the most recent post is above all other threads within a forum. At the front page, it can also be seen. Bumping is usually making a post within a thread with the solo intention of making it the thread with the most recent post so it can be seen more often. Bumping is usually used on inactive threads or threads that are pushed beyond the first page in a forum, and is used to get people to notice the thread more.

    In other words, it is an attempt to give one thread more attention. You'll often see this for suggestions. Don't be excessive with bumping or you'll end up like Keeper_Infernal.
  5. View Conversation
    Well Dungeon Keeper has a bit of a cliched fantasy world, so having female support units is to be expected. Female Units like the Valkyrie are usually kept to a minimum. Even so, she's still a magical unit that does have some supporting abilities.

    The role of a Temptress/Succbus/Siren has been suggested many times, but so far the only ones who have been accepted or are even worth considering are the Succubus and obviously the Dark Mistress as far as I know.

    As for the Unit Role, as in what kind of functions the Unit has and what it does in battle, no female Unit has the same Unit Role as another. None that are accepted/even worth considering anyways.
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    Most of the female Units are on the Hero Side, which is good as I think the majority of females should be there. I think most of the females that will be implimented will be unique from one another.

    Which of the female Units are you talking about that you think aren't unique? (And which ones do you find to be unique?)
  7. View Conversation
    To put it simply, ragegun is a necromancer who kept necroposting in suggestions and didn't have anything good to add to them, he just spat a bit of nonsense. DK Tentacle... I think he wasn't the brightest of users but I think he may be a bit younger. dragonfist I believe is litterally insane, you have no idea what kinds of things he said.

    Zyraen, on the otherhand, isn't really that bad and the quote is really taken out of context. You don't need to take a quote from dragonfist out of context for it to sound crazy though, it sounds crazy even when in context.
  8. View Conversation
    I'd rather not go into the details about that.
  9. View Conversation
    And yes, Mothrayas is typically the more aggressive of the two of us. I used to be the same way but I toned down a bit, for the sake of being fair to the suggesters. It also sounds a lot more personal when you are more aggressive, or so I have noticed. I try to only be aggressive like that when there is absolutely nothing going for a suggestion and it is overall all crap. Generally though, my goal is to be closer to something that is neutral.

    I still speak my mind and speak what I feel is the truth though.
  10. View Conversation
    When you say the "idea process work", what exactly do you mean by that?
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