
Tag: blood

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  1. The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Started by Quuz, August 5th, 2021 01:31
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 24
    • Views: 31,853
    Last Post: February 5th, 2025 22:17
    by DarkKan  Go to last post

    DK2 Maps

  2. The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Started by Skarok, June 22nd, 2013 22:13
    20 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 20
    • Replies: 196
    • Views: 239,466
    Last Post: October 19th, 2024 10:59
    by Rox  Go to last post

    DK2 Maps

  3. Fear Campaign - Fear of the Dungeon

    Started by DarkKan, September 12th, 2024 13:40
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 9,424
    Last Post: September 16th, 2024 13:20
    by DarkKan  Go to last post

    DK2 Maps

  4. Fun, inconsequential little modifications to units

    Started by Beard Bro, December 14th, 2023 23:13
    avatar, battle, bile, blood, creatures, demon, demons, die, dragons, evil, explosion, fire, fun, heroes, horned, imps, keeper, made, making, reaper, reapers, set, switch, things
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 10,083
    Last Post: December 18th, 2023 01:39
    by Beard Bro  Go to last post


    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 8,498
    Last Post: November 26th, 2023 00:44
    by watler253  Go to last post


  5. What do you think makes a fun DK map?

    Started by Blossy1000, October 8th, 2022 00:02
    2 Pages
    1 2
    blood, campaign, claim, creature, creatures, day, duke, dungeon, dungeon keeper 1, game, general, gold, good, guess, heroes, investment, jobs, keeper, levels, love, making, map, map making, maps, post, prison, problem, protection, reinforce, room, setup, topic, traditional, trouble, unearth, unlock
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 12,795
    Last Post: October 22nd, 2022 00:55
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  6. My review of Good Campaign

    Started by Noanechu, January 9th, 2014 02:18
    2 Pages
    1 2
    avatars, bile, bile demon, blood, campaign, claim, compiling, control, creature, creatures, dungeon, editor, evil, fix, good, guard, hero, heroes, horny, idea, included, introduction, join, keeper, keeperfx, latest, level, made, making, map, mode, possession, post, prison, problems, set, slave, time, torture chamber, transfer, transfer creature
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 32,439
    Last Post: June 20th, 2021 16:31
    by Noanechu  Go to last post


  7. Top 30 Games of All-Time

    Started by MeinCookie, February 24th, 2011 13:47
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 6
    alternate, armageddon, blood, castle, city, combat, community, console, cool, crack, customise, dark, day, deeper dungeons, difficult, dk1, dungeon, dungeon keeper, fan, fell, fun, game, games, gear, good, half, hand, hint, internet, join, keeper, lan, life, list, love, man, map editor, metal, metal gear rex, mod, modern, mods, movie, open, orcs, packs, play, red, rex, rpg, ruin, servers, the way, thought, thread, time, top, topic, video, watch, world, youtube
    • Replies: 59
    • Views: 80,686
    Last Post: February 11th, 2021 13:58
    by fbacker  Go to last post

    Off Topic

  8. Trap Configuration Models

    Started by Treebeard, November 8th, 2020 11:56
    0.4.9, black, blood, chicken, code, commands, complete, creature, dead, dragon, full, gold, hero, hold, keeperfx, level, machine, magic, maps, model, models, possession, script, set, treasury, wiki, workshop
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 42,184
    Last Post: November 8th, 2020 11:56
    by Treebeard  Go to last post
  9. Why DK1 is better than DK2

    Started by Gold Knight, December 31st, 2016 12:19
    8 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 8
    • Replies: 71
    • Views: 67,438
    Last Post: September 11th, 2019 20:00
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  10. Some Suggestions I Have

    Started by mishko, November 11th, 2017 00:16
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    bile, blood, building, corpse, creatures, demon, dk1, dk2, dk2 maps, dungeon, form, game, games, gold, ideas, job, kill, kind, king, list, made, maintenance, power, skeleton, suggestions, trap, true, unlock, wfto
    • Replies: 22
    • Views: 14,283
    Last Post: January 22nd, 2018 22:13
    by DBlac  Go to last post
  11. Metal Gear Rex Profile

    Started by Metal Gear Rex, September 27th, 2009 12:03
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    abilities, actions, balance, battle, bile, bile demon, black, blood, bones, business, character, color, creature, creatures, dead, default, dexterity, difficult, dk1, dragon, dungeon, dungeon keeper, dwarf, entrance, evil, extract, extracted, fancy, fly, food, fun, gear, giant, goblin, gold, good, group, guidelines, hand, hatchery, healer, health, heavenarius, hidden, horned reaper, horny, iceland, idea, imp, information, keeper, lava, manipulating, manual, material, mentor, metal, metal gear rex, mode, monster, northland, orcs, pit, pool, possession, post, profile, progress, protection, rate, realm, red, relationship, research, reverse, rex, room, rooms, rpg, service, settings, shadows, silver, skill, speech, spells, status, temple, the way, thief, title, tongue, traditional, tree, trip, type, voice, warlocks, watch, water, weather
    • Replies: 29
    • Views: 91,835
    Last Post: August 28th, 2014 06:44
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post

    The Lair

  12. ...!

    Started by Metal Gear Rex, March 19th, 2014 21:40
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 17,374
    Last Post: August 22nd, 2014 17:50
    by Zabii  Go to last post


  13. New creature info panel

    Started by mefistotelis, August 19th, 2014 18:08
    2nd, action, alternative, armour, blood, code, combat, complete, creature, creatures, dungeon, game, gear, general, gold, good, heal, health, ideas, interface, join, lair, level, max, metal, model, play, random, rex, set, showing, spell, stats, text, time
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 11,893
    Last Post: August 19th, 2014 22:59
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  14. WFTO Wednesday #54: The Sanctuary

    Started by Mentor, January 16th, 2014 15:11
    black, blood, dark, evil, low, shadows, spells, war for the overworld, wfto
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,800
    Last Post: January 16th, 2014 15:11
    by Mentor  Go to last post
  15. Searingflame2's Profile

    Started by Searingflame2, August 30th, 2009 11:28
    abilities, armour, battle, black, blood, bloodlust, bones, cave, character, chest, colours, control, corpse, creature, creatures, crystalbarrow, cyclops, dark, day, dead, display, dragon, dungeon, dungeon keeper, dwarf, eating, entrance, evil, flash, fun, game, general, gold, good, guard, guess, hand, hatchery, heal, hellhound, heroes, join, keeper, kill, king, latest, lava, level, list, lord of the land, making, material, mentor, metal, metal gear rex, minion, monster, multiple, orcs, pit, possession, prison, profile, progress, protection, quickly, read, relationship, room, rooms, rpg, searingflame2, service, skirmish, sneaky, speech, spells, spider, status, success, the way, thief, torture chamber, traditional, trip, voice, water, wizards
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 33,959
    Last Post: November 13th, 2013 06:19
    by Searingflame2  Go to last post

    The Lair

  16. Dark_Omega MK2 Profile

    Started by Dark_Omega MK2, March 6th, 2013 04:01
    abilities, allies, attack, bite, blood, claim, color, combat, creature, creatures, dark, dead, deadly, difficult, fast, files, gold, good, great, guard, guy, happy, heal, hell, heroes, hidden, images, job, keeper, kind, lava, level, mk2, orcs, profile, quickly, relationship, run, service, set, speed, style, success, time, title, true, type, watch, word, workshop
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 15,688
    Last Post: October 30th, 2013 15:21
    by Dark_Omega MK2  Go to last post

    The Lair

  17. WFTO Wednesday #28: The Huntress

    Started by Mentor, September 25th, 2013 20:14
    blood, creature, entrance, finally, found, lair, night, res, search, war for the overworld, wfto
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,831
    Last Post: September 25th, 2013 20:14
    by Mentor  Go to last post
  18. Heroes Campaign : Impure Blood

    Started by dayokay, September 15th, 2013 20:22
    army, blood, campaign, castle, clean, day, door, doors, dungeon, editor, effect, found, gold, hero, heroes, level, lord, made, map, night, open, pool, prison, res, run, samurai, total
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 19,125
    Last Post: September 17th, 2013 16:56
    by dayokay  Go to last post


  19. Mothrayas' Profile

    Started by Mothrayas, November 10th, 2009 23:00
    2 Pages
    1 2
    battle, black, blood, chest, complete, conquer, control, creatures, dark, dead, display, dungeon, dungeon keeper, fast, fly, full, fun, general, gold, good, great, heal, hellhound, heroes, image, improve, keeper, killed, level, levels, local, made, make, melee, minion, mothrayas, neutral, profile, protection, psychic, random, research, service, speech, speed, spell, spider, stuff, the way, things, time, total, type, warlock, watch
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 16,374
    Last Post: July 4th, 2013 02:05
    by Mothrayas  Go to last post

    The Lair

  20. General tips for playing Dungeon Keeper

    Started by Hades, June 21st, 2013 23:29
    armageddon, army, art, blood, creature, dungeon, dungeon keeper, dungeon keeper 1, evil, game, general, hell, keeper, make, overlord, pain, portal, resources, rooms, slayer, start, tips, transfer, transfer creature, treasure, win, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,671
    Last Post: June 21st, 2013 23:29
    by Hades  Go to last post
  21. Sticky Thread Sticky: The History of Heavenarius

    Started by Metal Gear Rex, August 30th, 2009 07:32
    action, battle, blood, castle, city, clean, control, creatures, dark, decision, difficult, display, dungeon, dungeon keeper, evil, fan, fast, files, food, hand, heavenarius, heroes, hidden, horned, horned reaper, horny, idea, join, keeper, kill, king, make, metal gear rex, modern, movie, news, orcs, pit, problems, quickly, reaper, resources, silence, skins, slaves, the keepers, veteran, voice, war, war for the overworld, warlocks, watch, way back, wizards, word
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 22,136
    Last Post: April 18th, 2013 21:53
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post


  22. WFTO Wednesday #13

    Started by Mentor, April 3rd, 2013 21:12
    attract, blood, care, dungeon, war for the overworld, wfto
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,016
    Last Post: April 3rd, 2013 21:12
    by Mentor  Go to last post
  23. Songs that would fit Dungeon Keeper

    Started by Hades, September 21st, 2012 20:21
    armageddon, battle, blood, countdown, dark, dungeon, dungeon keeper, game, general, good, horned, horned reaper, horny, keeper, killed, land, lord, lord of the land, moment, music, pain, play, reaper, rpg, run, sacrifices, set, temple, world
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 5,881
    Last Post: January 28th, 2013 23:36
    by Hades  Go to last post
  24. Ancient Keeper Red Carpet

    Started by Kerdinario, January 14th, 2013 02:12
    ancient keeper, archer, art, blood, bridge, dead, die, disease, edit, gold, guard, heal, health, hint, imp, keeper, level, pain, portal, post, posts, pro, quickly, red, research, slayer, start, temple, warlock
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 6,086
    Last Post: January 14th, 2013 20:25
    by DragonsLover  Go to last post


Results 1 to 25 of 92
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