
Tag: silly

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  1. Creature editor?

    Started by AdamP, December 14th, 2017 02:08
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 6
    • Replies: 53
    • Views: 107,446
    Last Post: September 8th, 2024 17:26
    by AdamP  Go to last post


  2. KeeperFx Incompatible with new Win10 update

    Started by Hades, May 20th, 2018 10:03
    049, change, computer, crash, crashes, creature, dark, file, game, hard, horny, keeperfx, log, prison, reinforce, room, run, set, setup, silly, skeleton, ssd, temple, time, top, unlock, update, updated, win, windows, windows 10
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 8,937
    Last Post: May 21st, 2018 16:39
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  3. Lords of Nether Development Progress

    Started by DBlac, September 2nd, 2017 11:44
    12 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 12
    • Replies: 118
    • Views: 74,582
    Last Post: April 30th, 2018 18:08
    by DBlac  Go to last post
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 6,046
    Last Post: May 18th, 2016 23:19
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  4. Dragons are the worst creature in game

    Started by YourMaster, August 17th, 2014 21:43
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    attack, balance, battle, bug, change, code, combat, creature, creatures, damage, dark, data, demon, die, difficult, display, dragon, dragons, dungeons, fix, fixes, fly, game, good, guess, heal, healer, health, heroes, issues, keeper, keeperfx, latest, level, levels, love, made, make, melee, metal, multiplier, orcs, original, present, pro, problem, problems, quickly, rarely, run, silly, skeletons, slow, spam, spell, stats, time, version, worst
    • Replies: 35
    • Views: 34,162
    Last Post: April 26th, 2015 16:01
    by Mireks  Go to last post


    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 12,906
    Last Post: October 7th, 2014 08:49
    by tonihele  Go to last post
  5. Claim neutral creatures with armagedon spell

    Started by YourMaster, March 22nd, 2014 20:59
    armageddon, challenge, change, claim, code, creatures, default, dungeon, google, idea, issues, keeperfx, kind, levels, map, neutral, neutral creatures, nightly, players, set, silly, spell, thoughts, time, version
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,152
    Last Post: March 22nd, 2014 21:44
    by Mullertime  Go to last post


  6. EA’s Dungeon Keeper Mobile has been released!

    Started by Mentor, January 30th, 2014 22:00
    check, creatures, design, dk1, dk2, dungeon, dungeon keeper, fans, fast, form, game, games, good, horny, ideas, keeper, made, minions, overlord, released, rip, silly, thought, today, updated, war for the overworld, year
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 6,240
    Last Post: January 31st, 2014 02:43
    by Powtreeman  Go to last post
  7. Orcs Must Die!

    Started by rooz, October 12th, 2011 04:00
    awesome, cool, creatures, day, die, fan, future, game, games, gear, good, guys, hidden, kill, kind, metal, metal gear rex, mode, multiplayer, orcs, picking, play, portal, rex, rooms, silly, slow, sounds, speech, steam, support, thought, time, today, top, topic, tower, traps, type, video, watch, working, yeah, youtube
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 26,422
    Last Post: October 30th, 2013 08:32
    by davidmikky  Go to last post

    Off Topic

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 4,256
    Last Post: June 5th, 2013 11:22
    by Jackie82  Go to last post
  8. Frozengard Wastelands OOC Thread

    Started by Duke Ragereaver, August 30th, 2009 12:00
    54 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 54
    049, approval, art, bile demon, brainstorming, bridge, building, business, cheap, color, community, cool, creature, creatures, decision, difficult, dungeon keeper, dwarf, eat, eating, edit, entrance, evi, exchange, fire, forum, free, frozengard, fun, game, gold, great, horned reaper, horny, horrifying, html, image, issue, jobs, join, keeper, latest, lava, make, man, material, metal gear rex, movie, occ, orcs, photos, post, posting, posts, psychic, realm, record, rooms, rpg, ruin, save, searingflame2, section, silly, sounds, square, start, the way, thief, things, thread, time, tree, unlock, warlocks, wastelands, watch, way back, yeah
    • Replies: 536
    • Views: 104,183
    Last Post: May 13th, 2013 05:54
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post


  9. Sticky Thread Sticky: Keeper Spell Speeches

    Started by DragonsLover, November 13th, 2010 18:51
    5 Pages
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    • Replies: 46
    • Views: 54,462
    Last Post: May 3rd, 2013 09:09
    by VoidWeaver  Go to last post
  10. Sticky Thread Sticky: Post a Picture of Your Physical Human Form, Keeper!

    Started by Metal Gear Rex, May 25th, 2010 02:51
    6 Pages
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    • Replies: 54
    • Views: 39,338
    Last Post: April 10th, 2013 13:17
    by Tom4z  Go to last post

    Off Topic

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 9,519
    Last Post: March 28th, 2013 13:16
    by Dark_Omega MK2  Go to last post
    • Replies: 26
    • Views: 11,247
    Last Post: August 13th, 2012 02:13
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  11. Sticky Thread Sticky: How to get silly mentor quotes

    Started by DragonsLover, April 1st, 2010 10:07
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    balance, central, cool, created, creatures, demons, devs, dk1, dungeon, dungeon keeper 2, dwarf, edit, files, food, full, fun, game, gaming, gear, glitch, good, group, guess, guide, half, halloween, hidden, idea, ideas, imps, included, keeper, level, love, make, mentor, metal, metal gear rex, night, party, portal, quotes, random, rex, room, rooms, saturday, settings, silly, sound, speech, the way, time, timing, today, torture chamber, warlocks, watch, word
    • Replies: 38
    • Views: 56,201
    Last Post: February 6th, 2012 19:01
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post

    Started by cactus53, January 29th, 2012 13:19
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,873
    Last Post: February 6th, 2012 18:39
    by cactus53  Go to last post


  13. "the very rock..." narrator help

    Started by elmer, August 7th, 2011 03:21
    called, disabled, dk2, fast, full, game, guess, important, level, make, map, mentor, move, possibility, post, question, quotes, random, run, screen, silly, time, user
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 4,604
    Last Post: August 8th, 2011 07:42
    by elmer  Go to last post
  14. [Creature] Assassin

    Started by sly, June 28th, 2011 20:56
    action, advanced, archer, artifact, balance, battle, combat, creative, creatures, damage, dark, dead, demon, devs, dk2, door, doors, dungeon, effect, entrance, fast, god, guard, heal, hidden, idea, ideas, image, invisible, jobs, keeper, kind, knights, lair, level, lines, magic, make, making, map, meant, melee, mentor, moment, mothrayas, post, quickly, silly, slow, style, suggestions, thief, undead, wfto
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,005
    Last Post: June 29th, 2011 17:40
    by Keeper_Infernal  Go to last post


  15. :: Intro Cinematic ::

    Started by Blutonium, September 4th, 2010 14:25
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    alternate, art, arts, attack, bile demon, business, camera, campaign, cool, creatures, dead, difficult, dk2, dungeon, dungeon keeper, dwarf, effects, entrance, evil, fire, flashing lights, free, fun, game, games, gold, guys, happy, heroes, horned reaper, horny, idea, ideas, image, keeper, kind, land, lava, life, liquid, lord of the land, make, making, minion, movie, multiple, orcs, past, post, rooms, rpg, ruin, run, scream, script, shadows, showing, silence, silly, slow, sounds, start, stuff, stupid, style, suggestion, the way, thief, time, tools, trip, war for the overworld, warlocks, weather, work, wow
    • Replies: 46
    • Views: 23,914
    Last Post: March 6th, 2011 23:58
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  16. KeeperFX roadmap

    Started by Chr!x, February 15th, 2011 16:33
    2 Pages
    1 2
    armour, bad, changelog, code, crash, creature, creatures, design, development, entrance, error, fix, hero, ideas, improved, improvement, keeper, keeperfx, list, making, maps, mefistotelis, mouse, movies, order, page, play, problem, project, projects, question, read, rooms, sdl, silly, spell, sprites, things, tools, updated, version, video, wfto, working
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 7,337
    Last Post: February 20th, 2011 10:56
    by Chr!x  Go to last post


  17. [Neutral Creature] Missile Man

    Started by Metal Gear Rex, February 17th, 2011 13:27
    2 Pages
    1 2
    abilities, armour, battle, change, created, creatures, dead, default, defence, dexterity, dk1, dk2, dungeon, entrance, evil, food, full, fun, game, gold, good, guys, heal, health, hell, hero, horned reaper, idea, information, jobs, keeper, kind, king, lava, level, list, make, man, melee, moment, monster, pixie, portal, prison, quickly, read, reply, scream, silly, skeletons, skill, spam, suggestion, temple, thoughts, thread, time, work
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 6,834
    Last Post: February 19th, 2011 16:46
    by DonJoe  Go to last post


  18. Imps

    Started by Airandius, February 14th, 2011 23:29
    balance, claim, dk2, game, imp, imps, mefistotelis, possesion, rooms, silly, spell, thought
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 4,155
    Last Post: February 15th, 2011 08:59
    by Krizzie  Go to last post


  19. latest svn error

    Started by shanon, December 21st, 2010 15:08
    bugged, building, code, compile, error, file, include, issue, jobs, latest, level, load, made, make, mingw, release, sdl, sig, silly, source, sprites, svn, unused, version
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 3,707
    Last Post: December 29th, 2010 16:26
    by P_Hansson  Go to last post


  20. Mercenary Room Requirements

    Started by d4rklqrdnem3sys, October 12th, 2010 16:24
    2 Pages
    1 2
    avatars, building, combat, combat pit, creatures, custom, dark, dk2, dki, dungeon, dungeon keeper 1, dungeon keeper 2, editing, editor, full, fun, giant, hatchery, keeper, lair, library, list, made, map, map editor, maps, misstress, needed, pit, play, portal, posts, ragereaver, room, rooms, set, settings, silly, temple, the way, topic, torture chamber, training, training room, treasury, wizards, workshop, yeah
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 9,782
    Last Post: October 25th, 2010 19:03
    by Duke Ragereaver  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 42
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