
Tag: arts

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  1. Problems starting Keeper FX

    Started by ChNetrunner, January 13th, 2024 12:25
    arts, bit, black, computer, files, full, game, guys, keeper, keeper fx, keeperfx, lines, log, make, mod, mode, problems, resolution, save, screen, set, snow
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 7,432
    Last Post: January 13th, 2024 14:35
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  2. Undivine Dungeon

    Started by Shinthoras0815, August 30th, 2021 13:32
    2 Pages
    1 2
    0.4.9, alpha, arts, claim, creature, dungeon, files, found, free, full, game, keeperfx, kind, latest, level, lines, made, map, mappack, maps, money, nest, original, rooms, rules, skeletons, stuff, undivine dungeon, versions, wisp
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 16,463
    Last Post: December 16th, 2023 19:47
    by Shinthoras0815  Go to last post

    DK1 Maps

  3. Nat's DK2 Level Launcher

    Started by Nat, January 17th, 2023 21:20
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 8,823
    Last Post: December 14th, 2023 15:45
    by Mephistophil  Go to last post
  4. Three Knights

    Started by Metal Gear Rex, November 17th, 2009 06:30
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    1.3, arts, banned, battle, bile demon, black, castle, cheap, complete, cool, crashes, creature, creatures, day, dead, dungeon, early, edit, elite, eversmile, fun, game, giant, gold, good, heal, health, hell, hero, hidden, idea, issue, kill, knight, knights, lair, land, lava, lord of the land, love, making, maps, models, multiplayer, multiple, play, possession, problem, quickly, secrets, skeleton, skirmish, test, the way, today, war, watch
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 29,557
    Last Post: February 26th, 2023 11:29
    by Rox  Go to last post

    DK2 Maps

  5. Flowerhat on New Game Plus

    Started by Ogredrive, January 30th, 2023 19:19
    arts, block, campaign, cheese, fan, forums, game, general, gold, involved, keeperfx, levels, map, mouse, online, original, room, save, secret, specials, time, training, transfer
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,725
    Last Post: January 31st, 2023 00:25
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  6. My first two DK1 maps

    Started by TackerTacker, December 4th, 2021 11:14
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 8,607
    Last Post: January 25th, 2023 20:24
    by 0etelaer  Go to last post

    DK1 Maps

  7. Sticky Thread Sticky: Introduction Thread

    Started by Duke Ragereaver, August 29th, 2009 21:41
    37 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 37
    • Replies: 368
    • Views: 149,084
    Last Post: November 28th, 2022 06:04
    by Duke Ragereaver  Go to last post
  8. Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Started by Blossy1000, October 4th, 2022 09:31
    2 Pages
    1 2
    action, arts, attack, check, claim, commands, dungeon, early, good, heroes, idea, keeperfx, level, levels, made, map, matter, neutral, original, party, players, possesion, question, script, set, setup, test
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 5,957
    Last Post: October 9th, 2022 15:54
    by YourMaster  Go to last post
  9. Creatures not hitting

    Started by Junkman1217, July 2nd, 2020 06:08
    alpha, arctic, art, arts, attack, campaign, creature, creatures, door, files, game, hero, issue, issues, latest, level, messages, past, problem, quest, read, start, updating, version, war, work
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 12,708
    Last Post: July 2nd, 2020 16:43
    by Junkman1217  Go to last post


  10. Trap and Door icons flashing permanently

    Started by AdamP, January 19th, 2019 01:47
    alpha, arts, bug, building, code, door, fixing, flash, game, hand, keeperfx, latest, mode, official, original, problem, room, spell, top, trap, unofficial, version, versions, video, work, working, youtube
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 10,084
    Last Post: September 13th, 2019 17:42
    by AdamP  Go to last post


  11. My new campaign - Conquest of the Arctic

    Started by Ninja, December 25th, 2009 20:07
    arctic, arts, battle, campaign, cave, ccp, code, complete, conquest, control, create, day, demons, download., downloaded, duke, edit, error, file, game, gold, keeper, kill, killed, level, levels, link, make, maps, moon, new campaign, ninja, play, portal, problems, quest, ragereaver, released, res, secrets, set, special, strange, today, true, versions
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 15,233
    Last Post: December 6th, 2018 11:03
    by shieldofhope  Go to last post

    DK1 Maps


    Started by Themperror, September 18th, 2018 15:22
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    alpha, art, arts, building, creature, dungeon, dungeon keeper, dungeon keeper 1, early, file, files, format, game, gold, good, keeper, keeperfx, level, models, proper, remake, resolution, results, screen, sprites, start, unknown, wondering
    • Replies: 25
    • Views: 16,837
    Last Post: November 14th, 2018 12:00
    by Themperror  Go to last post
  13. Laptop framskip: AutoHotkey working for anyone?

    Started by spartahawk, February 6th, 2018 03:51
    arts, code, dungeon keeper 1, edit, game, hold, issues, read, script, success, thought, trick, trouble, unable, versions, windows, work, working, works
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 56,397
    Last Post: February 6th, 2018 19:03
    by rainlizard  Go to last post
  14. Problem with DK 2 GIM

    Started by OrchanGamer, November 11th, 2016 19:56
    arts, dk 2, dk2, gim, gog, issues, lair, map, mod, problem, room, set, skirmish, trap, treasury, unable, version
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,603
    Last Post: November 11th, 2016 19:56
    by OrchanGamer  Go to last post
  15. 2v1 Win won't create portal gem; thus level cannot be exited

    Started by impboy4, September 26th, 2016 20:25
    1.7, actions, arts, campaign, create, die, drop, edit, editor, fix, forum, found, free, game, gog, hand, horny, imp, ingame, keeper, kill, land, level, made, make, matter, patch, portal, problem, section, set, sort, test, triggers, win, works
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,283
    Last Post: September 30th, 2016 09:47
    by YourMaster  Go to last post
  16. Tunnellers breaching fortified walls?

    Started by AdamP, August 13th, 2016 23:52
    2 Pages
    1 2
    action, arts, bug, check, code, creatures, design, dungeon keeper 1, heal, health, hero, imaging, imp, imps, issue, issues, keeperfx, latest, made, map, moment, nightly, official, problem, recent, report, speed, test, time, timing, tunneller, tunnellers, unofficial, version, video, youtube
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 6,817
    Last Post: September 11th, 2016 18:09
    by YourMaster  Go to last post
  17. Wishvale problem

    Started by darkkingkongman, July 26th, 2014 21:49
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 13,753
    Last Post: August 21st, 2016 13:39
    by YourMaster  Go to last post
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 19,137
    Last Post: April 29th, 2016 11:33
    by YourMaster  Go to last post
  18. Ids Habbening

    Started by Woudo, February 5th, 2015 17:12
    10 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 10
    • Replies: 94
    • Views: 43,424
    Last Post: April 26th, 2016 09:09
    by 0etelaer  Go to last post
  19. Multiplier problem

    Started by abedy, June 20th, 2015 20:22
    arts, assistant, bit, bug, command, computer, file, game, gameplay, guys, keeper, keeperfx, lan, launcher, make, map, mefistotelis, multiplayer, multiplier, players, problem, resolution, run, screen, script, set, win, work
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,521
    Last Post: June 21st, 2015 23:22
    by mefistotelis  Go to last post


  20. [Question] - Reinforced Walls

    Started by Auxin, November 1st, 2014 04:16
    arts, campaign, claim, dead, dungeon, early, editor, game, keeper, killed, levels, make, map, map editor, question, room, rooms
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,265
    Last Post: November 2nd, 2014 02:36
    by Woudo  Go to last post


  21. Bug : minimap colors wrong and windows mode

    Started by edorien, June 22nd, 2014 07:49
    art, arts, bit, bug, colors, fresh, full, gold, issue, minimap, mod, mode, nightly, resolution, screen, start, switch, unable, windows
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,740
    Last Post: June 22nd, 2014 08:31
    by mefistotelis  Go to last post


  22. Personal names of creatures

    Started by mefistotelis, March 16th, 2014 08:51
    arts, avatar, bad, code, create, creature, creatures, eat, found, game, good, google, guess, heroes, idea, insect, keeperfx, list, making, match, matter, mothrayas, names, original, post, random, results, sound, source, start, svn, work, works
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 6,447
    Last Post: March 16th, 2014 19:35
    by Mothrayas  Go to last post


  23. Random crashes :(

    Started by falolout, February 25th, 2014 02:01
    arts, crash, crashes, dk1, file, game, guys, idea, information, keeperfx, log, maps, moment, random, windows, windows 8, windows 8.1
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,131
    Last Post: February 25th, 2014 06:05
    by mefistotelis  Go to last post


  24. Antak's ruin - the start

    Started by Frank, March 21st, 2012 20:42
    ancient keeper, antak, art, arts, campaign, creature, creatures, damage, data, default, dragon, dungeon, dungeon keeper, edit, fun, gold, hard, heal, heroes, hidden, ideas, improved, keeperfx, killed, latest, lava, level, lvl, make, map, mode, picking, possession, released, rooms, ruin, spell, start, stats, time, tips, version, word
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 7,485
    Last Post: February 23rd, 2014 21:21
    by BlueTemplar  Go to last post


Results 1 to 25 of 108
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