
Tag: stats

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  1. The Dungeon Colosseum

    Started by Beard Bro, November 13th, 2023 20:18
    abilities, arena, awesome, battle, creatures, demon, dragon, dungeon, fire, heroes, join, post, spells, stats, stuff, thought, true, video, videos, warlock, year, youtube
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,174
    Last Post: November 21st, 2023 23:42
    by Beard Bro  Go to last post


  2. Custom Creature : Dark Fairy

    Started by watler253, April 20th, 2023 17:45
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,209
    Last Post: April 20th, 2023 17:45
    by watler253  Go to last post


  3. [HELP] Level variables - creature stats

    Started by BlaxFly, December 10th, 2022 03:08
    change, creature, creatures, damage, dk2, dk2 editor, editing, editor, fix, health, level, map, map editor, maps, metal, open, post, problem, stats, temple, things, thread, web, works
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 6,764
    Last Post: December 11th, 2022 07:45
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  4. Creating new trap types

    Started by ZzZombo, March 17th, 2015 09:39
    2 Pages
    1 2
    adding, alternative, attack, change, check, crash, crashed, crashes, create, creating, creature, creature spells, creatures, door, editor, file, game, hero, ideas, made, make, official, patch, pro, section, single player, spells, stats, stuff, trap, traps, type, types, unknown, version, work, working
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 16,650
    Last Post: October 4th, 2022 08:36
    by Necror  Go to last post
  5. Different rule sets and making a campaign

    Started by Blossy1000, September 29th, 2022 08:56
    art, bit, bug, bugs, campaign, creatures, dosbox, engine, fan, fixes, game, interested, keeperfx, king, level, make, making, maps, original, questions, released, spell, start, stats, version, versions
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,665
    Last Post: October 1st, 2022 08:46
    by Blossy1000  Go to last post


  6. Ancident keeper campaign help

    Started by Micha, March 12th, 2011 10:07
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    ancient keeper, art, bug, campaign, claim, complete, creature, creatures, data, default, dexterity, difficult, dk1, dungeon, dungeon keeper, edit, entrance, exploit, fast, file, fix, found, game, guess, horned, horny, keeper, keeperfx, lava, level, levels, maps, orcs, original, pain, portal, problem, problems, reapers, ruin, savegame, set, sloth, stats, strength, thief, transfer creature, trick
    • Replies: 35
    • Views: 40,196
    Last Post: August 2nd, 2022 17:25
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  7. The Quest for Fruity Goodness

    Started by impboy4, October 2nd, 2016 14:37
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    1.3, 1.7, 7zip, archive, army, attract, balance, battle, campaign, complete, display, dk2, downloads, dungeon, dungeon keeper 2, edit, evil, extract, files, form, game, gim, good, guy, half, hand, kill, king, latest, levels, make, map, messages, patch, play, players, portal, post, progress, quest, read, stats, the keepers, the way, topic, update, version, war, windows 10, word, work
    • Replies: 33
    • Views: 57,493
    Last Post: February 16th, 2020 18:29
    by Quuz  Go to last post

    DK2 Maps

  8. How do I edit creatures .cfg files for the Original Campaign

    Started by sphynx, February 10th, 2020 19:56
    attack, bit, campaign, creatures, custom, edit, files, finally, fun, game, guess, heal, health, keeperfx, love, multiple, not working, original, play, power, reaper, reapers, stats, working
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 16,372
    Last Post: February 10th, 2020 21:09
    by sphynx  Go to last post


  9. Sticky Thread Sticky: Stats of creatures

    Started by Oehler, January 31st, 2014 13:39
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    attribute, change, creature, creatures, data, difficult, dk2, dk2 editor, dkii, dungeon, dungeon keeper 2, easy, editor, found, future, general, good, icon, images, interested, internet, level, link, list, melee, needed, patch, play, possession, post, read, reference, russian, samurai, stats, thread, time, translate, types, versions, web
    • Replies: 27
    • Views: 42,409
    Last Post: September 19th, 2018 13:14
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  10. Simulating creature fight...what the?

    Started by Flanker, July 12th, 2018 23:40
    1.7, 1.8, 2nd, attack, black, combat, combat pit, creature, creatures, damage, direct, dungeon keeper 2, game, heal, health, kill, knight, level, lvl, making, pit, stats, test, time
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 25,286
    Last Post: July 14th, 2018 21:59
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  11. DzjeeAr's 6-level Campaign

    Started by keeperfx, May 18th, 2011 12:32
    attack, block, bug, called, campaign, check, claim, creatures, destroy walls, dungeon, dungeon keeper 1, eats, game, games, heroes, hold, idea, keeperfx, kill, killed, level, map, month, quickly, room, save, start, stats, strength, version, versions, work
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 9,529
    Last Post: March 6th, 2017 15:33
    by YourMaster  Go to last post
  12. Yet another questions about modding the game

    Started by watler253, July 13th, 2016 20:08
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bad, board, change, claim, code, create, creatures, day, difficult, dragonslover, dungeon, file, files, game, gold, good, guard, guess, happy, hard, job, keeper, keeperfx, kind, language, latest, link, mapmaking, max, modding, offline, order, patch, questions, random, rules, search, set, source, spell, stats, steam, traditional, trouble, website, works
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 7,189
    Last Post: August 5th, 2016 06:40
    by watler253  Go to last post


  13. Elite ceratures stats

    Started by Aum_major, June 24th, 2016 14:59
    check, creatures, default, dungeon keeper 2, elite, research, spells, stats
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,396
    Last Post: June 25th, 2016 02:50
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  14. Issue with official map editing

    Started by KeeperKnight, June 16th, 2016 10:04
    acting, camera, complete, creature, creatures, editing, forum, game, happy, horny, issue, knight, level, map, maps, max, official, portal, room, skip, stats, training, training room
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,213
    Last Post: June 16th, 2016 10:04
    by KeeperKnight  Go to last post
  15. Long Time No See

    Started by Enker-Zan, May 21st, 2015 17:57
    campaign, changelog, check, chicken, code, combat, creature, dungeon, dungeon keeper, fix, forum, game, google, keeper, keeperfx, latest, machine, made, make, making, mod, mods, original, post, rank, release, resolution, rooms, ruin, spells, stats, teleport, things, time, trap, traps, version, wiki, work, working, workshop
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,177
    Last Post: May 22nd, 2015 23:40
    by Metal Gear Rex  Go to last post
  16. HealThreshold and HealRequirement

    Started by Mireks, April 29th, 2015 10:47
    check, code, computer, creature, creatures, creatures.txt, creaturestxt, forums, heal, healrequirement, health, healthreshold, imp, lair, players, question, read, sig, spell, stats, works
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,366
    Last Post: April 29th, 2015 11:19
    by Mireks  Go to last post


  17. Dragons are the worst creature in game

    Started by YourMaster, August 17th, 2014 20:43
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    attack, balance, battle, bug, change, code, combat, creature, creatures, damage, dark, data, demon, die, difficult, display, dragon, dragons, dungeons, fix, fixes, fly, game, good, guess, heal, healer, health, heroes, issues, keeper, keeperfx, latest, level, levels, love, made, make, melee, metal, multiplier, orcs, original, present, pro, problem, problems, quickly, rarely, run, silly, skeletons, slow, spam, spell, stats, time, version, worst
    • Replies: 35
    • Views: 29,594
    Last Post: April 26th, 2015 15:01
    by Mireks  Go to last post


  18. New creature info panel

    Started by mefistotelis, August 19th, 2014 17:08
    2nd, action, alternative, armour, blood, code, combat, complete, creature, creatures, dungeon, game, gear, general, gold, good, heal, health, ideas, interface, join, lair, level, max, metal, model, play, random, rex, set, showing, spell, stats, text, time
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 9,692
    Last Post: August 19th, 2014 21:59
    by YourMaster  Go to last post


  19. Some questions about editing keeperFX

    Started by Question, February 22nd, 2014 08:15
    archer, bile, bug, cave, claim, code, creature, creatures, creatures.txt, dark, data, design, die, door, dragon, dungeon, edit, editing, effect, files, fly, giant, gold, heal, hell, horny, imp, imps, jobs, keeperfx, knight, level, magic, make, matter, ninja, questions, rate, room, rules, samurai, skeleton, spider, stats, terrain, things, trap, tunneller, workshop
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 9,324
    Last Post: February 27th, 2014 22:11
    by mefistotelis  Go to last post


  20. Creature.txt

    Started by CVPI, February 7th, 2014 06:33
    called, campaign, change, copying, creature, creatures, data, dk1, drive, dungeon keeper 1, easy, edit, editing, editor, effect, files, full, game, gear, hard, hero, html, issue, keeper, lair, latest, level, levels, metal, metal gear rex, missions, open, original, page, patch, portal, program, questions, rex, room, skirmish, slave, sound, stats, tools, version
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 9,450
    Last Post: February 26th, 2014 16:03
    by mefistotelis  Go to last post
  21. Antak's ruin - the start

    Started by Frank, March 21st, 2012 20:42
    ancient keeper, antak, art, arts, campaign, creature, creatures, damage, data, default, dragon, dungeon, dungeon keeper, edit, fun, gold, hard, heal, heroes, hidden, ideas, improved, keeperfx, killed, latest, lava, level, lvl, make, map, mode, picking, possession, released, rooms, ruin, spell, start, stats, time, tips, version, word
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 7,587
    Last Post: February 23rd, 2014 21:21
    by BlueTemplar  Go to last post


  22. Portal

    Started by Joe, February 16th, 2014 19:35
    art, attract, claim, creature, creatures, dk2, dungeon keeper 1, level, levels, library, made, matter, official, patch, pool, portal, prison, proper, research, room, sacrifice, sacrificing, skeletons, sort, start, stats, system, temple, time, type, unofficial, warlock, warlocks
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 8,760
    Last Post: February 16th, 2014 23:11
    by Joe  Go to last post
  23. Question on how to have keeperfx with vanilla stats for AK

    Started by psymonpsyko, September 24th, 2013 15:03
    2 Pages
    1 2
    ancient keeper, avatars, campaign, change, claim, code, computer, crack, dexterity bug, dosbox, dungeon, dungeon keeper, edit, gold, guide, hard, keeper, keeperfx, kill, latest, level, make, mode, nightly, orcs, original, patch, play, possession, problem, question, resolution, room, rules, set, sloth, stats, thread, today, wondering, works
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 9,600
    Last Post: January 6th, 2014 12:21
    by psymonpsyko  Go to last post


  24. WFTO Wednesday #52: Super Units

    Started by Mentor, January 1st, 2014 16:10
    community, created, forum, post, problems, stats, war for the overworld, wfto, year
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,351
    Last Post: January 1st, 2014 16:10
    by Mentor  Go to last post
  25. Trouble finding command line options

    Started by Blanchflower, November 21st, 2013 16:48
    art, bit, code, command, dungeon, easy, edit, exe, file, files, fps, game, google, horny, icon, keeper, keeperfx, kind, launcher, mefistotelis, program, question, rate, reaper, run, set, sound, speed, start, stats, stupid, things, time, trouble, wiki, works
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 8,532
    Last Post: November 27th, 2013 13:53
    by Blanchflower  Go to last post


Results 1 to 25 of 131
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