Ever since I read about this game on this forum I've been looking forward to its release. Now that I bought it and have been able to play it in the past few days I can say that I'm very disappointed.
I expected it to be DK-like. Not an exact copy ofcourse, but I was kinda expecting that I'd be building rooms, attracting creatures, etc. Instead, this game is just some kind of RPG in a dungeon. All you do is move your main character, add furniture to your dungeon, complete some lame quests, and most of all: you wait.
This game is so terribly slow it's not even fun to play it for more than two or three hours, because by that time you fell asleep, either because you're waiting for things to happen, or because the gameplay became very repetetive (just hack away with your Dungeon Lord). Also, your Trolls (imps) dig soo slow. I've literally waited for 20 minutes for them to dig like 10 blocks of earth.
This game is like The Sims meets Bad RPG. Every level you start with a dungeon (which is mostly cut out for you already) and then you place some furniture in it to satisfy heroes. Then you use your Dungeon Lord to kill them, you sacrifice some Gold or Soul Energy to your master and then the next mission starts.
This game sucks and at the moment I'm really fed up with the fact that I paid 40 euros for this... If you want your next DK game, you certainly shouldn't buy Dungeons!