The disk with the question mark is a sign it expects the disk in the drive and doesn't find it. So either put in the disk, or make sure that keeper.cfg directs to the drive with the dungeon keeper files.
The disk with the question mark is a sign it expects the disk in the drive and doesn't find it. So either put in the disk, or make sure that keeper.cfg directs to the drive with the dungeon keeper files.
The disc screen with a question mark means that the editor doesn't find the necessary data files pointed with your INSTALL_PATH= line in the Keeper.cfg file. Do you correctly have all the needed files as specified in the steps above? You should have the data folder, the ldata folder, the levels folder, the sound folder and the save folder along with the Editor.exe, Keeper.cfg and the 3 .dll files in your Editor folder. Is your INSTALL_PATH= line correct?Originally Posted by darkkingkongman
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
your advice worked but I don't think my the resolution on my monitor can support it. It launches for a few seconds then closes and goes back to the desktop.
It seems the editor isn't compatible with your computer, I'm sorry. An alternative solution would be to use a virtual machine with Windows 98SE on it, edit your levels on it and transfer them through sharing on your real computer.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
Gah... so close to getting it working on my old machine!
I can kind of get the GUI up - But the text is a complete mess. Every menu option has "< 9" or some garbage to that effect, and there's handfuls of random semi-transparent text on the screen (around the top left quarter). I have a row of 4 option buttons at the top (all with the same < 9) and I *think* I found the load button (It opened a window where you'd normally select your saves from) but that was as far as I got (I can't seem to save or exit without ctrl+alt+del)
Did you guys stumble upon anything like this during your respective setups?
Oh Jesus.... this is embarrassing...
Note: .rar files must also be extracted. Don't place them in whole
Works fine now *Facepalm* - Superb Guide DragonsLover: Thank you very much for taking the time to write it
Interesting discovery for anyone else having problems:
The editor seems to hate file paths with spaces or underscores (and likely other characters too) - And will crash if you attempt to load it (You'll see the Splash Screen, the CD screen... then it dies a painful binary-infested death)
So if the path to the editor is:
"C:\Dungeon Keeper\Editor\"
It dies
"C:\Keeper\Editor\" - Is fine
It also might help to hard-core the editor location in the Keeper.cfg file like so:
Last edited by Mullertime; March 29th, 2014 at 00:56.
Good news people
You CAN make the editor run at a comfortable speed, if you run it with Advanced Game Loader, a small prog I used earlier to slow down the original Dungeon Keeper and Deeper Dungeons. Works well with the editor as well. You can find it here:
I run it at 20% speed, works fine for me, but you may want it running at a different speed depending on your pc and how you like it.
It comes with a good help file, but I'll be happy to assist if you want me to.
Happy editing to you![]()
This guide worked great except I just have a problem where it often crashes when I select save or load, is this a normal problem with the editor or did I do something wrong?
Guys, I'm having many troubles doing this. I think I followed every step correctly (maybe the keeper.cgf offered some problems, since when you ask to copy it from the "original CD", I looked it up in my DK gold .ISO, and couldn't find it (I've got the original DK old cd, if necesary, but after all it looks like a simple 3 lines text file, isn't that it?). I tried everything said in the responses, like avoiding spaces or dashes, and it slightly improves after each step. At first, I wouldn't go farder than the CD screen with the question mark (sometimes seen in horrible colours, as DK usually do). Then, when I changed the path to the editor folder, instead of just "c:\", is passed the cd screen but the game closed, and keeping the resolution, a windows popped up tittled "Editor.exe has stopped working". It checks for a solution online, can't find any and then offers you a close button, which return you to the original resolution. I couldn't take a screenshot of it, it won't let me.
Could you share a screenshot of your editor folder, and the contents of your Editor folder?
Do you run the editor in compatibility mode?