You didn't start anything.
Taking credit for some-one elses work is hardly what I would call gentlemanly of you.
You didn't start anything.
Taking credit for some-one elses work is hardly what I would call gentlemanly of you.
If we can't simply respect each other's opinions and stick to on-topicness, then I see little choice than locking this thread before a flamewar breaks out, maybe hand out a couple of infractions while I'm at it.
Last chance for this thread!
1. крестоносцы меча и магии (Crusaders of Might and Magic)
2. Дальнобойщики 2 (King of the Road)
3. Dungeon keeper 2
4. Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships
5. Quake III Arena
6. Soldier Of Fortune
7. Age of mythology
8. Transport Tycoon
9. Half life 1 or 2
10. Quake 1
11. Dungeon Siege
12. World of Warcraft
13. Netstorm
P.s. More personal List.
Here is my list.
Last edited by drubjak; March 1st, 2011 at 18:26.
Wow I've barely played any of these games x.x
Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.
The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
Tesonu is napping!
"The essence of religion: Fear God and obey God. The quintessence of spirituality: Love God and become another God." -- Sri Chinmoy
Because I've scarcely played 30 games for a long enough time in my life to have a list of 30, I'll have a shorter list, but here thar be
1: Warcraft 3
2: Age of Mythology
3: Dungeon Keeper
4: Rome: Total War
5: Oblivion
6: Abe's Odysee/Exoddus
7: Dragon Age: Origins
8: Mass Effect 1/2
9: Carmageddon
10: League of Legends
Last edited by Searingflame2; January 13th, 2012 at 16:12.
I remember Lego Racers =)
Old Lego Games = awesome... Lego: Rockraider might have made my list.
Only Lego Strategy ever + a modicum of depth + interesting varied levels + Underground Gameplay quite similar to DK = epic win.
Last edited by MeinCookie; April 1st, 2011 at 14:25.
{RPG} Creature Page: Here | My Maps, My Comic
Not even Vermillion reads the OOC threads
Current Awakening Creatures
Vermillion Ignoble, the Unsightly Mad Rogue
Grot de Groit, the Happy Troll
Asifet, the Martial Warlock
Dreggory 'Dregs' Pakal, the Mercenary Goblin
Ithique, the Brutish, Killer Dark Elf
Bastain Ignoble, the Jerkass Veteran Rogue
Shaylum, the Dark Archer
Scourge, the Possessed Rogue
Azazisaz Badward, the Warlock Artificer
Zama, the Amazing Flying Beetle
Spindle, the Elderly Spider
Buzzard, the Annoying (and Thankfully Dead) Firefly
Ortype, the Stupid Orc-Troll
8 :Creatures Dispatched | Creatures Killed: 9
Fallout 2
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate 2
Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 3d
Serious Sam
Serious Sam 2
Doom 2
X-Com: Enemy Unknown
Original Wars
Civilization 2
Carmageddon 2
Postal 2
Half-Life 2
Dungeon Keeper 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Dune 2
Red Alert
C&C Tiberium Sun
Red Alert 2
Diablo 2
Quake 2 (ooh the good times at school)
Quake 3
something else...
I mostly play old games. I have half of the list on my PC now. I'm an oldgamerThis is a list of personal preference + the impact that each game has made on the gaming industry.
Last edited by Hapuga; April 1st, 2011 at 14:42.
My top games
1. starcraft 2
2. starcraft brood wars
3. Warcraft 3
4. Warcraft 2
5. Dungeon Keeper: Deeper Dungeons (or FX)
6. Diablo 2
7. Diablo 1
8. World or Warcraft
9 Spectromancer
10 Worms (all games)
11. Heroes of Might and Magic