My own list:
1&2: Doom 1 & 2 (Easily my most absolute favorite game of all time, and don't get me started on Doom 3. That game is a piece of shit. This is my review at And yes, the review is very condescending, which is the way I meant it to look like!Doom 3 was such a huge disappointment. It went back to the store only after a couple hours of playing it. That's how disgusted I was with Doom 3)
3&4: Diablo 1 & 2 (I haven't played D1 in years)
5: Dungeon Keeper 1 (I don't like DK2 at all)
6: Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (The old one, not that sack of shit new one)
7: Need For Speed: High Stakes (Love this game)
8:Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed (This one's awesome. I think the new "street racing" NFS's are boring as a turd and are lame. I hate street racing, it's an idiotic concept)
9: StarTopia (Just started playing this, and it's pretty cool. Wish they made a #2)
10: The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (Awesome game!)
11: The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (I absolutely love this game, even though I haven't played it in months. I loved exploring the abandoned forts and ruins. Making money in this game was seriously easy. lol.)
12: The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (I really like this game so far. Minus the crap UI these people obviously put no thoughtful planning into)
13: Star Trek: StarFleet Command 3 (Awesome game with mods)
14: Grand Theft Auto 3 (I really did not like San Andreas, I honestly couldn't care less about some wannabee black gangster idiots)
15: Red Faction (The first one was pretty good)
16: Carmageddon (Absolutely LOVE this game! Haven't played it in a couple years or more)
17: Carmageddon 2 (Love the 2nd one even more than the first one. I played it A LOT! TDR2000 was lame ass)
18: Civilization 4 (This one's fun for a while, but I'm more into expanding on the map, and with no other players)
19: Quake 2 (Played this. Was fun.)
20: Battlefield 2 (Love this game)
21: Battlefield 2142 (this one's fun, too.)
22: Half-Life (Loved the campaign and all of it's expansions (Opposing Force, etc)
23: Stronghold (Loved this game. Didn't really like SH2/3)
24: Star Wars: Empire At War (This one was very fun)
25: Star Wars: Forces of Corruption (Even better than EAW in terms of gameplay)
26: Mount & Blade: Warband (This one's very fun to play with online multiplayer mods)
27: Baldur's Gate (One of my favorites. I did not like BG2)
28: Unreal Tournament (This game was very, very fun to play back in the day)
29: Unreal Tournament 2004 (This one was very fun, too!)
30: StarCraft/Brood War (Was very fun to play for years, but I finally got bored with it. I do not like SC2)
31: Galactic Civilizations 2 (this game's pretty fun, though I don't play it very much)
32: One Must Fall: 2097 (Absolutely love this game. OMF Battlegrounds is a sack of shit)
33: HomeWorld (Awesome game)
34: HomeWorld 2 (Yet another awesome game. Even better than the first with good mods. There was even a StarWars mod for it. You could buy/create so many ships, and the research section was good, too! I didn't really care for HomeWorld: Cataclysm, even though I did play it quite a bit)
35: WarHammer 40K: Dawn Of War (Awesome game for a 2003/2004 release. It had awesome graphics for its time)
36: WarHammer 40K: Dark Crusade (Loved this game, too. Didn't really care for SoulStorm all that much)
37: Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Both DS2&3 are absolute shit)
This is about all I can think about right now.
I never really did get into WarCraft 3. It honestly looked like it was made for children instead of Teens/Adults. They did an absolutely abysmal job with making it look like a bad 3D Cartoon bullshit. That absolutely ruined it for me. I won't even bother touching Diablo 3. There's not going to be any singleplayer. That it'self is making me boycott Blizzard. Their company turned into a well used, unflushed toilet ever since the original team that created D2 left the company to create Flagship Studios. The only thing I liked about WC3 was their little videos, even though they were too short. I never had the chance to play WarCraft 1 or 2. I'm told "StarCraft: Ghost" for the console was a poor attempt.
EA Games also used to be a good company back in the day when they were making the early Need For Speed games. But their company turned into absolute shit after they finished creating Porsche Unleashed (That's Porsche 2000 to the UK). Now-days, the only 3 things EA Games and Blizzard Entertainment care about anymore, is money (emphasis on money, seeing as they bought out so many PC game creation companies that the courts actually threatened to sue them due to making themselves a monopoly (though I'm not entirely sure on that), Anti-Piracy shit that isn't exactly effective, and anti-cheating. Everything else they'll say "Get lost". One example of this, is Nascar Season 2003. Just after they bought out Sierra, they stopped the support for Nascar 2003, and the multiplayer was basically cut away. In Nascar 2003 multiplayer, you had a rating on your ability to race. They only stopped this because it was old, and they honestly didn't care about their Nascar fanbase. So EA Games...fuck you, assholes.
Edit: I'd just like to add that these games in this list are not in any particular order. They're just favorites.
Edit: I'll apologize if any of my cursing offends anyone, I'm not in a pissy mood or anything, it's just that I prefer speaking my mind/the truth.