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Thread: Draraks empire campaign

  1. #11
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    Ok, the entire campaign is finished and version 0.9 uploaded. I'll make some tests at the next days and if I finally get the STR tool working, I'll add text messages too.

    The last level is very difficult, I hope not too hard. Some bugs are fixed, for example the bug in Observation that everyone only can attract black knights. Levels where you was able to get a huge army are harder; you only have a few units. For example, In Takeover you've not su much black knights in the beginning or in Adahrs campaign-a you'll not get so much vampires. In Let's start a riot you're be able to make the enemy keepers attacking themselves again.

    03 Underhand methods is the first level that you have to run over the commando line. (shortcut is included). After I get the STR tool working I'll make shortcuts for every mission.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    hey, i have a bug in last mission. i start playing and everything is fine for a period of time but than i can't cast imps anymore(i think it is, when i they get upgraded by research), also i cant put gold into the dungeon-heart, so i cant save the 16000 gold. and also the gold-room isn't working right sometimes. so the imps put in the gold in strange position, they just leave kind of 9 fields blank(always the same 9 fields. i can take the gold and put it on these fields, than it is saved on them, but the imps dont realize it right and never put the gold in there. i will try out if is a bug caused by imps or by the game, so i try out the money-cheat. i give feedback if i've done it. very nice campaign, but the first maps are very big, with big fields of unbreakable stone. but works fine and is not easy . the mission were you have to impress the one keeper and kill the other 2 keepers. god, thats a tough one, i had to find all keepers first and its freaking hard to kill the first keeper before she does, but i found easy way to eliminate her or his(i think it was a woman) monsters. even possible if you open your dungeon to the water.

  3. #13

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    Yo! Played nearly all of your missions in the Drakraks campaign despite about 3 due to crash issues etc.. I could write a long post about what I liked and disliked about it, but since I dont know if your still active on this forum I wont

    However, I may just be kinda dump right now but how can I run your TFR campaign on 1.7? Like it doesnt work to just put them in the maps folder like it did with Draraks campaign missions. Would really like to play them aswell. Thanks in advice!

    edit: how do I run maps over commandoline?
    Last edited by Linjal; January 12th, 2013 at 20:14.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    I love your campaign!
    I downloaded it yesterday and played it till 2 am last night.
    I'm not able to complete level 1 yet, because I quit the game without saving after defeating the lord of the land in the north :P I didn't knew there were more..
    Today I continued level 1, but the game keeps crashing every half an hour or something, so It's really weird... (It's not a bug in your map, I have it with official levels too)

    Anyway I just love your campaign! It's pretty hard ^^

  5. #15

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    Okay level 3 is really to hard.. I can kill the first 2 attack waves (Although I think they shouldn't take that strange path they're taking now) But what then? I can't train my creatures. I got 3 vampires, 1 black knight and 2 trolls of level 4-5.
    Last edited by Daan Dankers; January 26th, 2013 at 12:32.

  6. #16

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    The only think i can do is go to the north and face green.. He has like 20 creatures of level 9 and 10, and of course I can't defeat them.. Should I build canons everywhere to try to kill them? Do I need to be faster?
    any1 got a hint for me?

  7. #17

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    I built a shitload of cannons in that mission and captured all the creatures I killed. I remember it took a long time for me to complete that mission

  8. #18
    Imp drubjak's Avatar
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    Lithuania(Visaginas), Uk(Worcester)

    Question Re: Draraks empire campaign

    How comes that this campaign is still not available in the "downloads" section? (:

  9. #19
    Fly Quuz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    Bad campaign. Awful maps design and gameplay. As bad as good - The Kasabian Campaign. I liked only one map - 03. Underhand Methods.kwd
    It looks like this was Skarok's first mapmaking experience. )
    Last edited by Quuz; March 6th, 2020 at 12:19.

  10. #20
    Fly Quuz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Default Re: Draraks empire campaign

    Do not download The forgotten Realms campaign (TFR). It's out of date. All these maps are part of The Kasabian Campaign in an improved and finalized form.

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