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Thread: Random stuff

  1. #1
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Random stuff

    Hey, here's the last thing I (may)be posting for a while. It is a simple game, all you have to do is answer the previous poster's most random question, then you think of a new 1. You can make up to 10 questions at once.

    The questions can be dk realated, or about the forum, or about cheese. Whatever your twisted mind can think of, you post it.

    That's it, answer a(some) random question(s) and make another question(s). And if you make more than one, can you use the list feature. Its what it was made for.

    Here's your first, to get you started:

    1.) Why does the bile demon be very "naughty" after being slapped. Soes he want to get more slapped?

  2. #2
    Imp elamre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    its personality is from a mistress

    2)why may this be your last post?

  3. #3
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    Because I already posted most of the important topics, so I did my job.

    3.) What doesn't make a horned reaper mad? (aside from doing something)

    4.) Why is the slelton so weak, when he's the only one with a sheild

  4. #4
    Imp elamre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    getting laid by mistresses ofcourse (:


    1)what is a slelton?
    2)why is horny red?
    3)why dont the imps keep the gold they dig?

  5. #5
    Orc Dark_Omega MK2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    -Slelton its someone who defies the laws of nature, time and space and made his own time paradox basis continum thingy so he could live in peace and discover the true meaning of christimas.
    -Becuase... he is... horny... i guess...
    -Imps dont need gold... they only need cookies... chocolate chip cookies...

    1.- Why evil is good? D:
    2.- How many flavours of cheese exist in cheeseland? O.o
    3.- Do dk2player really like to play DK2? O.O

  6. #6
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    because, no one likes to be good, so evil is the new good. why do you think crime is up scince last month. thank you.

    203, but only 16 are ediable

    Yes, I play dk2 evey single day. Sometimes its the only thing I do all day.

    1- why is the sKeleton so weak, when he's the only one with a sheild

    2- where does the lava and water come from underground

    3- how many slaps does it take before a mistress get mad.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Random stuff

    1. because hes an addition to your army.. kinda like a sword.. disposable

    2. ALL lava comes from underground.. water... well they don't have toilets down there do they?

    3. about -1 slaps should do the trick, slaps actually make her happy!

    So err..

    How many oranges does it take before you turn orange from eating them?

    Why do Horned Repears hate horned reapers?

  8. #8
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff


    becuase horned reapers are always looking for a way to get mad

    1.) if you have a dungeon full of hornies and goblins, what time of year is it?

    2.) Why does the dungeon keeper need warlocks to research a book that he has built?

    3.) what is the diffrence between the troll icon, and the workshop icon

    4.) how many smilies can you fit into 1 post

  9. #9
    Hellhound Searingflame2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    -Why its Halloween of course!
    -Because he's illiterate, obviously!
    -So many your eyes would bleed if you even considered the possibility of comprehending attempting to find the answer.

    1.) Who is the leetest god out of all ancient civilizations' pantheons (this has ONE correct answer people, and its TOTALLY not opinion!)

    2.) If Jesus walked on water, why do potatoes colour range from creamy to purply?

  10. #10
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random stuff

    I don't know, who is it?

    because lava is a salamander best friend

    1. who is the leetest go out of all anicient civilizations
    2. who is the most energetic creature in the rpg
    3. how do you make a yellow guy orange
    4. Whos birthday is on halloween
    5. which month this year has 2 full moons

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