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Thread: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon [Old Dark Beyond]

  1. #1
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon [Old Dark Beyond]

    Dungeon Heart Health:

    Number of Imps:

    ‘’Gold held’’:


    Rooms Controlled:
    1 Lair
    1 Hacthery
    1 Treasury
    1 Portal

    Researched Spells:

    Researched Rooms:
    Last edited by Duke Ragereaver; January 15th, 2012 at 10:11.

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  2. #2
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon

    Note: I have edited my post at Crystalbarrow to reflect that Lucien is going to the Dark Beyond.

    Lucien the Black Knight

    Lucien suddenly stood before a tunnel, with a portal directly behind him. Lucien dreamt before but this was different; he was conscious of his actions and feelings…. somehow. And he remembered that not too long ago he was in Crystalbarrow, something was wrong! What is this place? It seemed real, yet not real at the same time. He started walking...

    Entering the Dark Beyond soundtrack

    As he walked down the path he came before a chamber… with a dungeon heart in the middle of it.

    Damned Soundtrack

    "Hello Lucien." A cold voice said, echoing through the chamber.

    Lucien: "Who are you?"

    "I am that I am. But you may call me Leto, and I am the Keeper of this dungeon. You may have many questions, some of my answers you will understand and some others you will not. And although your battle hardened experience has altered your thinking over the years, you remain a human and mortal. And thus you may not realize your most urgent question is also the most irrelevant, " Leto said on an almost machine-like tone.

    Lucien: "What is this place?"

    "We are here in the Dark Beyond. It’s a metaphysical world that is part of the physical realm that you know it, yet separated. Think it as of two sides of the same coin. It are spirits that normally inhabit this world, and dreamers, such as yourself, visit this realm occasionally, " Leto said.

    Lucien: "Yet I’m not dreaming now. "

    "No, you are not, " Leto replied on a slightly mocking tone.

    Lucien: "Why?"

    "There is a metaphysical barrier between the mortal realm. Neither spirits nor mortal beings can easily pass physically through it, but the consciousness of mortal dreamers easily does so. But the barrier has been weakened by the recent events happening on the Kingdom of Heavenarius at this very moment. There was a brief moment of silence from Leto The war itself, however, was not enough. For something else happened on Heavenarius… that could be felt from here. "
    Lucien: "What did?"

    "That, I do not know. But just like me, you are experiencing the outcome of it. Before the event, a short pause was here, I was powerless, then I felt it… the mana surge, I was empowered once more. And, well, I can imagine you can fill in the blanks of my part. And apparently the damage to the barrier allows mortals like yourself to visit this place conscious. Although I do find the amusing notion of weak minded mortals unable to separate reality from a dream something likely to see, " Lucien chuckles to himself.

    Lucien: "And now what?"

    "You and other Creatures that enter my dungeon or this part of the Dark Beyond are going to help me. If my own powers are restored, it’s likely that those of other Dungeon Keepers that inhabit the Dark Beyond also did, but I do not know the extend and range of the mana surge. The Dark Beyond used to be a calm place but I suspect it will not longer be, or at least this part. Therefore, I must prepare for war and thus am in need of Creatures," Leto explained on a very serious tone.

    Lucien and Leto exchanged introductions and Leto explained himself
    Keeper Approval: 0 (neutral)
    Health: 100%
    Location: Leto’s Dungeon Heart
    Last edited by Duke Ragereaver; January 15th, 2012 at 08:38.

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  3. #3
    Vampire MeinCookie's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon

    The Aggressor

    Asifet found himself suddenly awake. That was how it felt to him, except he knew he wasn't, surely? He was not where he had been... though that itself was somewhat blury. Suspcions and paranoia clawed upwards seeking acknowledgement but he beat them down, and locked the trapdoor behind. He was in a strange dungeon... eerily quiet and sinister. Now was not an appropriate time to freak out. It was never an appropriate time to freak out

    He had fallen asleep... in Crystalbarrow, and now he was instantly conscious elsewhere. This wasn't waking, this was Sourcery and powerful at that. He was a Warlock... he was never ignorant... and yet here he was.

    \\I am in a dungeon, there is a Keeper and I am bound to serve... all else will fall into place in due course.//

    The warlock advanced calmly and unfalteringy down the corridor, most determinedly hiding how shaken he really was by this behind his facade. He walked up alongside Lucien, having caught all-but-nothing of the previous dialogue.

    "Keeper?," he inquired with a wary undertone, "your standing orders?"

    ASIFET SUMMARY__________
    Creature Profile
    Health: 100%
    Currency: 0
    Keeper Approval: 0 (Neutral)
    Mood: Wary, Shaken.
    Status: In the Heart Chamber.
    Quick Summary: Asifet appeared and walked up to the Keeper asking for orders.
    Last edited by MeinCookie; January 15th, 2012 at 10:11. Reason: Clearing up ambiguity
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  4. #4
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon


    Leto was finished talking to Lucien when a warlock came up and spoke up. The warlock was obviously trying to hide his wariness behind a steel face and mannerism.

    "Keeper?," the warlock declaimed with a wary undertone, "your standing orders?"

    "Ahh yes, I welcome your arrival too, Asifet... As we speak, my Imps are digging towards a room in the east, which I suspect it’s an abandoned library because of the presence of vengeful ghosts belonging to long deceased warlocks. I presume by the time my imps have finished digging towards it, we have a sufficient force to claim it."

    Lucien: "How do you know our names?"

    "I have my ways of knowing that, and everything else. But I digress, feel free to explore the dungeon if you like but be prepared when the time comes."

    Lucien the Black Knight

    After receiving the answers on his questions Lucien looked up to Asifet for a moment before leaving the heart chamber and moving to the lair. Trying to figure everything out while walking to it.

    Lucien is walking towards the lair
    Keeper Approval: 0 (neutral)
    Mood: Uncertain
    Health: 100%
    Location: Pathway towards lair

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  5. #5
    Spider ARMofORION's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon

    A familiar black Demon Spawn pulls himself out of the portal. He looks around, confused.Don't tell me I sleep-walked into the portal again! Fifth time in a row now.
    But then, something catches his eye. The tiles are different than anything he's seen.What in the name of Great-Aunt Marie is with this dungeon?
    He begins to walk, wondering what in the world is going on, and finds the Dungeon Heart."Hello, Keeper. I'm going to assume that this is a special kind of realm, isn't it? And, what would you have me do?"
    Without waiting for a reply, he walks away from the Dungeon Heart and to the Lair, but stops in the hallway, deep in thought. But suddenly, he gets wet, and dissappears from the dungeon.

    Health: 100%
    Gold: 0
    Keeper Approval: 0 (Neutral)
    Mood: Cautious, Annoyed
    Status: Hall between Hatchery and Lair
    Summary: Entered, asked a question to the Keeper, then walked to the hall between Hatchery and Lair, then disappeared.
    "What in deh deeps is dis?" Marteal looks around, finding himself in a dungeon that is nothing like the dungeon he was in.
    "OI, IS ANYONE HERES? WERE IS HERES ANYWAYS?!"He walks to the Heart and asks, "Who is you, and were is we at, anyways?"
    He stands there, awaiting answers from the Keeper. He looks to his left, and notices the warlock.......The same warlock from the Dungeon he came from.
    Oi! Yous! I tinks I knows you from somewheres......"

    Health: 100%
    Mood: Normal
    Gold: 0 (This realm)
    Status: Waiting.
    Summary:Yells out to see if anyone is in this realm, finds the Dungeon Heart, asks questions, and trying to find out where he knows Asifet from.
    Last edited by ARMofORION; January 15th, 2012 at 15:20. Reason: Marteal entering

  6. #6
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon


    Barely finishing his answers, a new barrage of questions came in for Leto. A rather active demonspawn who didn't even bother waiting for answers, asked him a few questions, left the heart chamber and disappeared into thin air... probbaly waked up. Leto let the thought wave on as a new minion from Crystalbarrow arrived, an Orc this time. Just as the Creatures before him, he began asking some questions...

    ''I am Leto, Marteal. And I am the Keeper of the Dark Beyond, or at least this part of it. As you correctly put it, this is not an ordinary realm. But that's something your fellow Crystalbarrow Creatures can explain to you. You seem to be acquainted with each other already, which is not that unusual when you think of it,'' Leto refering to Asifet, ''regardless, this will something you will find out yourself out in due time.''

    Leto notes the progress to the room the imps are digging towards.

    The tunnel is almost finished. I'm almost certain this is a library room that is behind that wooden door. However, as I've mentioned before; it's protected by Ghosts... If I'm going to claim that room we need to have more spellcasters at our disposal, as a sword cleave through a Ghost is likely not helping much.

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  7. #7
    Vampire MeinCookie's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon

    The Aggressor

    Asifet moved out to explore the dungeon, setting up a lair and then sitting on it, as there wasn't much else to do. He wondered whether he would remember this place upon waking, but speculated that he probably wouldn't. How else did the Keeper know his name? He must have been here before and many times at that.

    The Warlock paced impatiently, wondering if there was any way he could turn this place to his advantage back in the real world.

    ASIFET SUMMARY__________
    Creature Profile
    Health: 100%
    Currency: 0
    Keeper Approval: 0 (Neutral)
    Mood: Thinking, considering, thinkinh
    Status: In the Lair.
    Quick Summary: Sets up a lair.
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  8. #8
    Vampire MeinCookie's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon

    The Aggressor

    Asifet reclined back on his lair, and fell asleep.

    He promptly disapeared returning to his natural realm where he awoke.

    ASIFET SUMMARY__________
    Creature Profile
    Health: 100%
    Currency: 0
    Keeper Approval: 0 (Neutral)
    Mood: zZZZz
    Status: GONE.
    Quick Summary: Sleeping in Dreamworld, Waking in the real one.
    {RPG} Creature Page: Here | My Maps, My Comic

    Not even Vermillion reads the OOC threads

    Current Awakening Creatures

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  9. #9
    Spider ARMofORION's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon

    Zaral reappears in the Spiritrealm, having been knocked out by a insane skeleton walking on a boulder. "Ah, heck. Now I hate the undead. I swear, when I wake up, I'm make a drinking mug from that skeleton's skull." He notices Marteal walking to the lair, and follows him. They both set up their respective homes, and wait for the call to battle. Such a long time to wait for a battle. He gets up, and walks over to Marteal. "Hello there.. I'm Zaral, a Demon Spawn. Whats your name and race?" Marteal stares at him for a few seconds before replying. "Me's name is Marteal, and Me bes an Orc." Quite a HUGE Orc, it seems. "So Marteal, any idea what we might be fighting?"
    "I tink deh Voice said it be Ghosts." Zaral nods, then returns to his home, and waits.

    Health: 100%|Health: 100%
    Gold: 0|0
    Keeper Approval: 0 (Neutral)|0 (Neutral)
    Mood: Very Annoyed|Normal
    Status: Waiting|Ditto
    Summary: Re-arrives, enters Lair, sets up home, chats with Marteal to pass the time|Leaves the Dungeon Heart room to the Lair, sets up home, chats with Zaral to pass the time

  10. #10
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dark Beyond: Leto's Dungeon


    Leto noted that, much to his annoyance, that Creatures disappeared as quickly as they came. It seems for now he has to delay the capture of the library. At this rate it will be soon enough another eternity sitting in the Dark Beyond.

    ''Imps, cease the digging towards the library for now. And instead focus your efforts now on digging enough space for a sufficient large Trainings Room, so I don’t have to wait now when it's researched. ''

    Leto added a literal finishing touch to his orders by slapping the imps.

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