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Thread: KSS's profile

  1. #1
    Fly KSS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Post KSS's profile

    Name: Matthew ''The Dark One''
    Creature type: Rogue
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Personality:Violent, Brave, friendly if you get to know him, charming, fragile in his feelings and he believes "if you want a job done right, you ought to do it yourself", Very disloyal.
    Alignment: Neutral
    Current level: 2
    Gold on pocket:0
    Strengths: Great fighter, Can see most invisable people near them(posible to detect invisable), Levels up fast
    Weaknesses: Easily is killed by magical spells, Taunting him will work easily and he will charge in anger.
    Likes: Sharp blades, Sleeping, training, fighting and kind loving people.
    Dislikes: Strict people, Mean people, working and very evil people/ very good people
    abilities: Level 1: attack
    Level 3: Slow
    Level 4: sight
    Level 7: Invisability
    Level 10:Speed self
    Most Powerful foe slain: 0
    Body Count: 0
    Other things: He doesnt know how to blacksmith at all, terrified of spiders and hes called the dark one because a odd trail of darknesss follows him
    Realm: Faircost Cavern
    Biography: Trained by his father to fight off foes and to be always sucessful in his missions but one day there was a siege on the fare town he lived in as he defended the castle against the siege allowing his family and loved ones to escape however we was knocked out and one day he awoke in this odd caraven and was greeted by lovely people that would train him even more,from that day he never saw his family again so he decided he'd work and when he was ready he'd hunt for his family.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; May 31st, 2013 at 09:29. Reason: re-added profile for the sake of reference.

  2. #2
    Fly KSS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: KSS's profile

    Name:Max''Lava lover''
    Creature Type:Salamander
    Personality:Calm, Loving, Loyal, Energenic and distracting.
    alignment:Chaotic Neutral
    Current Level:1
    Gold on pocket:0
    Strengths:Never gives up, Agile, Very resistant to fire based spells.
    Weaknesses:Very easily killed by frost based spells, Doesn't take that much stratergy into hand and is always distracting teamates somehow
    Likes:Gold, Fire/lava, Caring/loving people, Food and Humans(as owners).
    Dislikes:Cold areas, Very mean people, Heroes and Bugs(not including spiders).
    Attack,Level 1
    Fire Spit,Level 2
    Sight,Level 4
    Speed self, Level 7
    Naviagting Missle,Level 9
    Most Powerful Foe Slain:0
    Body Count:0
    Other things:Adores fights in the combat pit and is also the pet of Matthew's Family.
    Realm:Faircost Cavern
    Biography: 6 years in the past this obidient salamander was happily living with Matthew's family and one that there was a volcanic erruption.
    Chris was seperated from his owners when a volcano errupted he was trapped under a wooden beem no one could help him after the beem fell.
    He was doomed to the ash and lava when he suffocated in the ash the dark gods were overwatching him and they kindly resurected him in
    Heavenarius. From that day on he has been working down in the teleporters to Gaurd entrances from heroes untill he was called from the dark gods themself to enter the Faircost Caverns.

    ---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:26 ----------

    Name: Daniel ''GreyBeard''
    Creature Type:Warlock
    Personality: Wise, Disloyal, Thinks ahead, Friendly, Caring and thinks ''If you need a job done don't be so ignorant to do it yourself'',Very hygenic.
    Alignment:Neutral Evil
    Current Level:1
    Gold on pocket:0
    Strenghths:Great Stratigizer, Great Researcher, Good Spell Caster.
    Weaknesses:Very fragile, Horrible at melee, Horrible manufactuer, Does not take kindly to Bugs And is very picky about food.
    Likes:Books, Rogues, Family, Fire, Friendly/caring people and gold.
    Dislikes: Strict Keepers, Bugs, Uncooked food(chickens that arn't finely cut into a fancy dinner), Other Warlocks.
    Attack,Level 1
    Fireball,Level 2
    Heal other,Level 5
    Summon Skeleton,Level 10
    Most Powerful Foe Slain:0
    Body Count:0
    Other things:Has a obsession with pony blood and is Matthew's brother.
    Realm:FairCoast Cavern
    Biography:When Daniel was 27 he fought in the same battle with Matthew he was one of the mages trying to take out the archers by the wall.
    He was seperated from the rest of his team when the wall collapsed between them and he never saw Matthew again untill one day he was working as a researching in a city that he couldn't remember the name of he one day ventured out to find his forchune and found himself in the land of heavenarius he was informed by a note to go to FCC and he did and now he is in land of heavenarius.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; May 31st, 2013 at 09:29. Reason: re-added profile for the sake of reference.

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