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Thread: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

  1. #21
    Fly KSS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    Ok ill explain it remember how My guy is dropped into the lava iw ould be slapped in back first and probly jsut my back burned so basicly you know how you get out of a shower and it gets cold? well it works like that

  2. #22
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KSS View Post
    Ok ill explain it remember how My guy is dropped into the lava iw ould be slapped in back first and probly jsut my back burned so basicly you know how you get out of a shower and it gets cold? well it works like that
    Da fuq?

  3. #23
    Vampire MeinCookie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MeinCookie View Post
    Somewhere to improve your writing skills;

    Never use the phrase "for some reason" again... ever, lol. You've lost the right . You use it far to much. Find a reason. It doesn't matter if its crazy or complete techno-magical gibberish... if you can't find a reason that makes sense in context, then it doesn't make sense... so don't do it . Or you could just say it happened and leave it at that... because all you achieve by saying "for some reason" is sign-posting the fact that the thing you just wrote is unjustified and, possibly, non-sensical .

    Fix it, man. Make it so.
    His response was in response to this in response to this in response to Moth's post.
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  4. #24
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    Well, he sould've quoted you. That was completely out of context there, I thought he answered to Rex about the civil war he wants to start. :P

    edit: Btw KSS, you forgot to completely mention Pel's punch at all. You must either write that he dodges it or gets hit.

  5. #25
    Elite Dragon Mothrayas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MeinCookie View Post
    His response was in response to this in response to this in response to Moth's post.
    Still doesn't make a lick of sense to me what he's saying.
    Last edited by Mothrayas; April 16th, 2012 at 14:31.

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  6. #26
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    As I've already told Mothrayas through private conversation and through the chat, I'd be willing to allow Animus to sack Matthew and his allies if they do end up starting some kind of "civil war".

    The problem is that, due to the "No killing another player's creature." rule, this would technically create an almost never ending battle. And I don't think imprisoning Matthew would really solve anything because then KSS will be left without a Creature to RP. That and, he's a Rogue, you can't really keep him locked away as he may eventually free himself. It will require someone else to constantly remain guarding to prevent that sort of thing, and that wouldn't be fair to the RPer forced to keep watch.

    In the end, it just creates too many problems for Faircoast to let him be if Matthew has such intentions and actions, so sacking him would be probably the best or one of the best solutions.
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  7. #27
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    KSS, your last FCC post was again a case of godmodding through inactivity from Pel who would've done more than just wait there while Matthew and his gang flee. You have to either change your post or allow me to have Pel wounding your creatures (Not Matthew obviously). This way it wouldn't hurt his character, we wouldn't need to make arrangments to change your post and you can simply enter a new realm instantly. I won't kill one of your caracters nor cripple them, just giving them a few wounds before they manage to flee. Idf that'd be alright then give the go. If not you'd have to change your post to give Pel a chance to attack, so it would boil down to the same thing basically.

  8. #28
    Elite Dragon Mothrayas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    Post #68:
    Quote Originally Posted by Pel View Post
    "Animus, words"
    Post #69:
    Quote Originally Posted by Animus View Post
    "Pel, response"
    Post #70:
    Quote Originally Posted by Pel View Post
    complaint thought Animus didn't respond earlier
    Jeebus, Pel is an impatient bastard.

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  9. #29
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    I see, that post was confusing as hell. Some bad problems with the time there, don't have time to fix it now so I'll just dispose of it.

  10. #30
    Elite Dragon Mothrayas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Faircoast Cavern OOC Thread

    IMPORTANT: Inactivity announcement

    Note to all Faircoast Cavern roleplayers: I'll temporarily be inactive due to final exams coming up so I can't spend any of my valuable time on The Awakening. So that means, no Keeper Animus posts (and also no Skios/Krua/Hellhound posts, either).

    This inactivity period ends 30 May at its earliest. That's when my exams are finished, but note that after that I may still take a while to catch up on matters.

    Creatures can continue roleplaying as they please, but do note the following things:

    • Heed the RPG rules still, obviously.
    • Particularly pay attention to godmodding and interaction with other characters rules; without me watching to pay attention towards what's happening, it may take longer until we find out if people are violating rules. Please just try not to (borderline) break the rules at all.
    • Don't bother interacting with Keeper Animus, or with my other creatures (Skios/Krua/Ouroboros&Ragnarok). I won't respond.
      • Do not abuse my or my characters' inactivity to play tricks with them (this counts as godmoding-through-inactivity). Just don't interact with my characters period.
      • Creatures should not communicate to Animus in any way that would require a response (such as questions). Informative statements to the keeper are okay, as long as the creatures don't expect a response.
    • Do not go outside dungeon perimeters; specifically, do NOT go into the lava area. Offending characters will be kicked off the realm with no mercy.
    • Metal Gear Rex will announce payday roughly after post #81. Creatures can collect payday as usual.
      • Keep salaries reasonable; don't abuse the fact that Animus is not there (as above, this counts as godmoding-through-inactivity). Animus has 3610 gold, which should be more than enough for all creatures' wages.
    • Hint for researching creatures: as I won't be there to gauge research process, and I'll be away for quite a while, they can mix up their researching activities. If all creatures focus on one thing, they'll overkill on research quite quickly, wasting creature resources.

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