Well, I could make a mistake - hard to tell.
Counting functions which are rewritten, but still remain in form of comments:
grep -Rxe "^[[:space:]]*\(//return[[:space:]]*\|//\)\_DK\_[[:alnum:]\_]*[(].*[)].*;.*$" *.c | wc -l > _rewritten_count.txt
gives me 384.
I'm using the latest version from SVN repo - you can easily get it with:
svn checkout http://keeperfx.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ keeperfx-read-only
(to have command line SVN tools, you have to select them while installing TortoiseSVN)
Remember that not all functions are returning a value .
This is why my regular expression has "\(return[[:space:]]*\|\)" - which means: match the word "return" and any amount of spaces after it, or completely skip that part (match 0 characters).