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Thread: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

  1. #1

    Default Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    Hi Friends.

    Currently i try to write a small article for my blog ( about DK2 but i'm stuck with my investigations.

    You can extract the mesh files (.KMF) of Dungeon Keeper 2 with a mod tool but I need an importer for 3Ds Max or Blender or a converter which can convert KMF to OBJ. I already searched the web and found nothing. The only piece of code i got was this:

    I'm not sure what it is doing exactly but i hope it can convert KMF to OBJ. I tried to contact Trass3r who wrote the code but didn't get any response. So if you know something, have tools, understand the code, are a DK2 developer or just feel inspirited to investigate the KMF files - feel free to help me.

  2. #2
    Your Majesty Hapuga's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    The biggest problem is getting the files back into the game. Nobody figurd that out yet.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    No problem for me. I just want to investigat the geometry. So, do you know how to convert KMF into a readable format like OBJ?

  4. #4
    Your Majesty Hapuga's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    No idea.

  5. #5
    Demon Spawn
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    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    It's a complex format.
    local int i;
    struct {
        char magic[4];
        int size; // size of file incl. header
        int version; // = 17
    } KMSH;
    struct {
        char Signatur[4];
        int size;
        int Format; // 1 = Mesh, 2 = Anim (?)
        int uk; // = 1
    } HEAD;
    struct Texture {
        string name;
    struct MAT2 {
        char Signatur[4];
        int size;
        string uk; // internal name?
        int NumTextures;
        Texture Texturenames[NumTextures]<optimize=false>;
        int uk1;
        int uk2;
        int uk3;
        string uk4;
    struct {
        char Signatur[4];
        int size;
        int NumMat;
        MAT2 Materials[NumMat]<optimize=false>;
    } MATL;
    struct Mesh {
        char MeshSig[4];
        int size; // inkl. Signatur
        struct {
            char head[4];
            int size;
            string meshname;
            int NumGroups;    // number of groups in SPRS
            int NumVerts;    // total number of vertices defined in GEOM
            float uk1; // bounding area?
            float uk2;
            float uk3;
            float uk4;
            int NumLOD;    // number of total LOD entries
        } Header;
        struct Ctrl {    // NumCTRL only non-zero in ANIM files
            char Signatur[4];
            int size;
            int NumCTRL;
            int uk[NumCTRL*2];
        } ctrl;
        typedef struct {    // only used in ANIM files
            char Signatur[4];
            int size;
            float x,y,z;
        } POLY;
        typedef struct {
            short index;    // index of the vertex in GEOM
            int uk;        // flag?
            float nX;    // the vertex normal
            float nY;
            float nZ;
        } VertEx;    // Extra vertex data with normals
        struct Model {
            char Signatur[4];
            int size;
            for (i=0; i<Header.NumGroups; i++)
                struct {
                    char Signatur[4];
                    int size;
                    int LODEntries[Header.NumLOD]; // one entry for each LOD
                    int NumVertsEx; // number of entries in the extended vertex list
                    int uk;
                } SPHD;
            for (i=0; i<Header.NumGroups; i++)
                    char Signatur[4];
                    int size;
                    int uk;
                    local int j;
                    for (j=0; j<Header.NumLOD; j++)
                        struct {
                            struct {
                                ubyte x,y,z; // indices for the extended vertex list
                            } LODVertIndices[SPHD[i].LODEntries[j]];
                        } LODEntries;
                    VertEx VertsEx[SPHD[i].NumVertsEx]; // extended vertex list
                } Groups;
        } model;
        typedef struct {    // a vertex definition
            float x;
            float y;
            float z;
        } Vec3f;
        struct GEOM {
            char Signatur[4];
            int size;
            Vec3f vertices[Header.NumVerts];
        } geom;
       } mesh;

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    Thx Trass3r. I finally got it and here's the resulting article:

  7. #7
    Demon Spawn Keeper Decagon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    Do you know where I could download the WAD tool from? On keeper.lubie it only says to search the internet, and so far I haven't found anything useful, only dead links.
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    Here you go. But please check the EXE with or something other before you execute it.

  9. #9
    Demon Spawn Keeper Decagon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    Thanks for the link.
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Dungeon Keeper 2 - Convert KMF Meshes to OBJ

    I already read the article of this link:
    It may work for some people, but not for me, when I try do do it follow the guide, I encounter with error after error, could anyone just upload the obj format models?

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