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Thread: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

  1. #21
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Shonji View Post
    That is where I was messing up, I was thinking that was the case.

    Just put your patch in and Skarok's Kasabian Campaign in, now to get these to work.

    I was able to get your first level to work, thank you both for the help, I am sorry if I was a pain in the ass. But I still have one more problem. Its the screen being all black again, I was able to fix that when I in the main menu, but here when it goes right to the map, I can't figure out how to actually see.
    Actually you don't need to download my patch at all. Skarok merely states that his campaign uses the settings and balance created from my patch, but all of the configurations are limited to the levels you apply it to. You can download Skarok's campaign and just play it as it'll already have the patch applied to it, and it won't effect any other part of the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shonji View Post
    I did that when it lets me go to the main menu and that works, but it seems to reset and turn back on when I close the game. That is the part that confuses me.

    I will try setting Antialiasing to 0
    I have the same problem, actually. It's weird, because I never had that problem with my 1.3 folder, but after installing the General Improvement Mod, I began getting that issue. I don't know why. Try removing that folder or something. I can't guarantee a fix though, as I haven't tried it myself.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
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  2. #22
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    I ran into the same problem even in my 1.3 folder. Still the same thing. I am done messing with it for the night, will mess around with it more tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. I will just see how the campaign is like with 1.5v and the changes you made. Hopefully it isn't a joke like the last 100 times I beat it.

  3. #23
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Shonji View Post
    I ran into the same problem even in my 1.3 folder. Still the same thing. I am done messing with it for the night, will mess around with it more tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. I will just see how the campaign is like with 1.5v and the changes you made. Hopefully it isn't a joke like the last 100 times I beat it.
    I hope you're good at timing your Lightning and your Heals.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

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  4. #24
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Shonji View Post
    I ran into the same problem even in my 1.3 folder. Still the same thing. I am done messing with it for the night, will mess around with it more tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. I will just see how the campaign is like with 1.5v and the changes you made. Hopefully it isn't a joke like the last 100 times I beat it.
    Well, as I said, changing the Antialiasing setting usually fixes all the screen errors. Unless that Improvement Mod really screws something up with the game, but I'm not sure how that'd work, as it's applied to a 1.7 version of DKII and shouldn't really affect 1.3. Might still be worth a shot to remove it to see if it makes any difference.
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  5. #25
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Skarok View Post
    Well, as I said, changing the Antialiasing setting usually fixes all the screen errors. Unless that Improvement Mod really screws something up with the game, but I'm not sure how that'd work, as it's applied to a 1.7 version of DKII and shouldn't really affect 1.3. Might still be worth a shot to remove it to see if it makes any difference.
    Yeah, turns out it is the Improvement Mod, Anti-aliasing is already on lowest setting. So without being able to get to the main menu, it won't work. Once I finish this improved campaign I am going to wipe that version of dk2 and try again on 1.3

  6. #26
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Ah, I see. Figured it must've been something like that. Anyways, depending on how long that'll take you I might have the next update finished anyways, so you'd have a bunch of more fixes for the maps. Just gotta remember what changes I wanted to make, then it should be done fairly fast.

    Also, as an announcement: I scrapped the idea of 3 Aftermath maps and will only do one, which will be fairly long and will play out as a mix of a MPD map, and a normal Campaign one. From the length it'll take at least as long as the normal RBS Campaign mission and will be the last level I'll add to this particular campaign, excluding possible releases of MP Coop maps based on this campaign that i already have lying around. I was also planning of making a walkthrough series of all the maps for people who might have problems with certain missions, or for people who just like to watch DKII videos in general. If anyone's interested, that is.
    There is absoluetly nothing wrong with DK Mobile, whatsoever.

  7. #27
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Alright, I did some minor bug fixes and updated the campaign to version 1.3.1!

    I hope I can finally update all levels with the new patch values with the next version, but I'll have to see if I have enough time to test everything. Until then just remember: When you start a map, save the game and then exit, start it with the exact same shortcut you used last time if you want to load said save (So if you played Supremacy, use the shortcut you made for that particular level again). This is because there are basically two patch values for all the levels and one of them has the Elite Vampire as Mana Generator, while the other one has the Elite Dark Angel. If you load up a map with a different patch value than you had before, it'll use the globals from that map and might cause some heavy gameplay problems for the AI.
    There is absoluetly nothing wrong with DK Mobile, whatsoever.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrmcast View Post
    I myself have the same problem with the black screen from hardware acceleration getting reset every time the game is restarted. I don't know what causes it myself. I just go to options and untick hardware acceleration every time I start the game and bear it. I've been assuming it was something to do with Windows 7 or patch 1.51 and I've had that on my list to fix sometime in the future.

    I didn't really think about whether I was the only one that had the issue before now.

    I've tried editing the Windows registry settings but that didn't really improve anything.

    I looked up many troubleshooting guides to fix the DK2 black graphics issues and I found them all useless for me.

    It's actually good to know that other people have the same issue.

    It might also have something to do with the 4 gigabyte patch being applied to the game. I will have to check that, I guess.


    By the way I can't even get 1.3 to work so, I can't really compare that to 1.51 to see if it has the same problem. And I'd rather play DK1 than use DKII executable version 1.7.
    That is where I am stuck at as well, while I would love to play this campaign, since I just finished Rex's patched one, I just can't get it to work, on 1.51 or 1.3. The game is in a more working state for me in the 1.51v so I will just stick to that.

  9. #29
    Mapmaker Skarok's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Are you unable to get 1.3 to work or just the campaign itself? If it's the latter, maybe you're doing something wrong with the shortcuts. If it's the latter, try removing the Improvement Mod, as it seems to cause problems with 1.3. After that try changing the Anialiasing setting to something else, I recall having mine on 2 or 0.
    There is absoluetly nothing wrong with DK Mobile, whatsoever.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: The Kasabian Campaign - Episode 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Skarok View Post
    Are you unable to get 1.3 to work or just the campaign itself? If it's the latter, maybe you're doing something wrong with the shortcuts. If it's the latter, try removing the Improvement Mod, as it seems to cause problems with 1.3. After that try changing the Anialiasing setting to something else, I recall having mine on 2 or 0.
    I got it to work, it wouldn't with with the other 1.3v. But the one you uploaded it works perfectly with. Looking forward to these levels now that I can play them.

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