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Thread: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2

  1. #231

    Default Re: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2


    Maybe not the right topic, but let's try.

    My kid needs a little bump in the campaign (and I also need it in level 5 in the Elite campagn Forgotten one). So the think to look for is Cheats.

    I used the code to activate the cheats: ctr alt c. I hear the "opening of the door" sound.
    After that sound you ofcourse need to enter the relevant texts for cheat, however nothing happens.

    My set-up:
    -> CD version
    -> 1.7 patch
    -> VoodooFx register edit
    -> NL-international - regular QWERTY keyboard setting
    The version is not totally stable and crashes here and there, but generally playable enough.

    Could someone help me or direct me how the get the cheats working?

  2. #232

    Default Re: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2

    Also to continue about the crashing. Can someone please help or assist me what to do?

    I got 2 routes:
    1. CD version of 1999 and manually upgraded to 1.73 and used the reg-edit + voodoo tool + run on XP Service pack 2-> relative stable
    2. Illegal GOG download version -> horrible

    What I especially see the game crashes when possessing creatures & perfoming some actions in a group, or for example heavier fighting or mods (see the Elite campaign in level 4).

    My specs are the following:
    AMD A8-6600K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.90 GHz
    64-bits, x64-processor
    Windows 10 Home

    These are the voodoo set-up:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Voodoo snap1.JPG 
Views:	54 
Size:	47.3 KB 
ID:	2487Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Voodoo snap2.JPG 
Views:	63 
Size:	46.6 KB 
ID:	2488Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Voodoo snap3.JPG 
Views:	47 
Size:	47.9 KB 
ID:	2489

    This is the link w.r.t. the reg-edit:
    But it is the easiest thing in the world:

    1. Open regedit (Start, type 'regedit' and press 'Enter').
    2. Navigate to: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bullfrog Productions Ltd\Dungeon Keeper II\Configuration\Video]
    3. Change the values "Screen Width" and "Screen Height" to the values you want (click decimal first for ease of use).

    See image:
    Click image for larger version.

    Name: DK2res.png
    Views: 632
    Size: 198.7 KB
    ID: 1568

    But making registry patches is the second easiest thing in the world.

    Extract this file, then double click to add the 1600x1200 resolution to the DK2 options menu:

    Extract this file, then double click to set your screen resolution to 1920x1080:

    I did 1920 * 1080 for my monitor!!

    What could be the solution to get a more stable environment? Many thanks all!!

  3. #233

    Default Re: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2

    Having issues with it crashing right after the opening cinematic (GOG version, fresh download). Any fixes for that? Using Windows 11.

  4. #234

    Default Re: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2

    Quote Originally Posted by black_cat_bbq View Post
    Having issues with it crashing right after the opening cinematic (GOG version, fresh download). Any fixes for that? Using Windows 11.
    Did You manage to fix that issue? I have the same problem

    Fresh GOG version + GIM nothing else. Was so excited to finally try GIM .

  5. #235

    Default Re: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2

    Having this issue too. It crashes after the cinematic, it goes to load the title screen and POW, CTD. I'm on Windows 10 Pro, 22H2.

  6. #236

    Default Re: General Improvement Mod - A New Unofficial Patch for DK2

    All balance changes have been stripped from GIM since it was assumed people would prefer to have just the fixes without the gameplay changes. Find it here:

    However, for the people wanting to try the balance changes, here is the original gim 1.05 with balance/gameplay changes: GIM_v1.05.7z

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