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You're welcome!
The conqueror AI does build smaller dungeons, but I consider this an advantage for the conqueror except on levels with huge amounts of room for the master keeper. Master keeper tries to make always 5x5 rooms with a space of two tiles between each room while conqueror likes to build 4x4 rooms with just a space between at first. Also master keeper likes to build gigantic lairs much bigger than needed (like 6x6 or 7x7 tile for one portal). This all causes the master keeper to stall up on most maps because it doesn't have enough room to build much more than a lair and a treasury often times before it freezes from lack of space to build rooms. Master keeper really mostly tends to be a money waster while conqueror is relatively efficient. Also the master keeper seems to be better at handling low amounts of room to build, as it will sometimes build rooms right next to each other if it can't find room while the master keeper always wants to build a 2 tile path between each room and will lock up if it can't do that.
Another thing to consider is that I think the Master Keeper has much more of a love for huge, useless casinos than the conqueror does. Oftentimes the conqueror will even build a combat pit before the casino while I recall Master Keeper always building the casino first.
Also conqueror will build 4x4 rooms at first but will expand them or build new ones as needed (such as new lairs for more creatures). And it tends to build a 4x4 combat pit at first and then expand it to 5x6 as it throws creatures into the combat pit. I think master keeper only builds a 5x5 combat pit.
The only advantages the master keeper has over the conqueror is that it's better under perfect conditions (a map specially designed to have huge amounts and resources for the master keeper) and that it will potentially build a 5x5 temple if it has a huge amount of room and money, so that it will get dark angels. It can also use the combat pit more efficient under ideal conditions.
Overall the master keeper is rubbish though as on almost every existing map in the game it does worse than the conqueror keeper. The only map I've ever seen it do better on was a test map I designed myself which had a huge amount of money, portals and land for the master keeper; otherwise the master keeper is pretty bad and much more often does nothing. I've also noticed that the master keeper doesn't seem to like to dig to enemies or initiate attacks with the call to arms spell as the conqueror AI does.
These are the reasons why I renamed the "Master Keeper" to "Moron" in my mod. Master keeper is very overrated.
Like I said I actually think the conqueror really usually has a better build layout. So I've really no desire to give it a copy of the "Master Keeper"'s build layout.
I've heard someone recommend the Greyman AI as the best Keeper AI but Greyman seems to me to just be a much less aggressive version of the conqueror AI.
I would really like to move the conqueror up to be the default AI for selection instead of the "Master Keeper" to encourage people to use Conqueror more, since I think overall (almost always) it's the better AI.
I encourage people to watch what the Master Keeper and the Conqueror do when they build their dungeons on the map "Alcatraz" to see the difference between the AIs.
This is all my opinion on this subject.
Oh and I remember one better thing that the master keeper does. It can potentially build a 5x5 hatchery to get bile demons assuming it gets that far without freezing from lacking the huge space it needs for its inefficient dungeons.
So you are more or less right about creature attraction power, master keeper can get bile demons and dark angels on a perfect map for it. Usually though it has trouble even attracting in salamanders and trolls.