"The Oncoming Storm" Torin
Name: Torin
Creature type: Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Personality: Wrathful, Quiet, Whimsical
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Current level: 1
Strengths: Magical, Intelligent, Anger increases efficency
Weakness: Weakling, Navigationally challenged, Happiness lowers efficiency
Loves/likes: He likes to read and to fight, and especially enjoys the company of other undead creatures. He'll do the first thing that comes to his mind and decides if he likes it after or not.
Hates/dislikes: He dislikes the company of heroes, and especially hates those of a holy nature. He may just attack monks on sight.
Level 1: Melee
Level 2: Flight
Level 3: Fireball
Level 4: Heal other
Level 5: Heal Self
Level 6: Thunder
Level 7: Whirlwind
Level 8: Stalagmite
Level 9: Hailstorm
Level 10: Meteor
Most Powerful Foe Slain: ---
Body Count: 0
Other things: This is an elemental healer type guy. He gets much more intensely powerful as time goes on, but as a result obviously he can't physically strike for very much damage. His flight allows him to escape combat if things get hairy. He relies heavily upon allies by his side and will stay in the back away from combat whenever possible.
Realm: Northern Iceland
Biography: Torin is a newly risen vampire as a result of all the tentacle corpses in the northern iceland graveyard. His very blurry memories are fraught with the betrayal of the tentacle tribes against keeper Tesonu, and is very happy to have been given new life by the keeper dumping so many corpses beside his foul rotten casket. He raises with the blood lust of a thousand recently dead tentacle tribesman, and the intelligence of his previous body. There's no telling who he was before, but he gave himself a new name shortly after rising. This is the story of Torin. He's very angry, but doesn't show it. He will slay his ally's enemies with prejudice, and use all the spells his previous body knew as he slowly remembers them through training.