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Thread: Community maps worth playing

  1. #71

    Default Re: Community maps worth playing

    413 Songbrook

    Quite a basic map, that looks and plays well enough. There's 4 keepers for an all out war, and you seem to be the weakest of the 4, but the enemy keepers are not allied so them fighting between them keeps their numbers down. I had a really easy time with it, mostly because you get a free barracks early on and the Orcs you get from that are really strong compared to what the enemy keepers have. I also could not resist placing some bridges in the right spots to make sure the other keepers were left mostly defenseless when I decided to attack, so it was over quickly.
    What's kinda weird is that if you're too fast (like me) in killing the keepers you have to wait a while for the final hero party to spawn.

    If you're looking for an easy map which is over fast, this is a map worth considering.

  2. #72

    Default Re: 10 best community maps

    Quote Originally Posted by Hades View Post
    How the hell am I supposed to beat the Blue Water Pass when an unstoppable Hero army rains down on me?
    You can stop that army, by building one long guard post along the shore.
    Before the hero's come, leave one guard post out, so imps can come ashore to stock their gold from the gems.

    Creatures can not come ashore from lava or water, when there is a guard post or temple there, because these buildings are to high (+1 height).

  3. #73

    Default Re: 10 best community maps

    I have been doing more reviews and rankings on the workshop, here. I invite everybody to rate whatever they played.

  4. #74

    Default Re: 10 best community maps

    Quote Originally Posted by Remasa View Post
    You call Syndikat good, but I think it's insane. The hero waves don't stop. Sometimes I get multiple waves. I try to save the heroes I get to start with but if I'm not careful (and it's hard to carry everything to safety when you need to control your imps and hellhounds, but I can't keep up with the training.

    I'd love to see a video of someone completing this map, because I cant do it.
    I know it's been 7 years, but still. Syndika can be cheesed by not capturing the Scavenger room (and consequently not activating the action point that drops the 1 level wizards into your dungeon). It is easy to do since it's not directly in the way, and imps will likely ignore that door forever. That way, the parties in the mountain corner don't spawn at all, and the parties in the westernmost cave will still spawn indefinitely, but won't get a tunneller. There's plenty of time to wall off the Northeast too, even it's not strictly necessary. The rest of the map is cleaned easily, but in the end you'll need a very long corridor with 100+ lightning traps to weaken the ~150-200 heroes from the western cave enough so your BDs and mistresses can finish them.

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