The Barbarian Campaign
The Barbarian Campaign is about a group of normadic tribes people who want to lead a better life. By a better life, I mean one where they can ravage, loot and pillage. They are looking for an evil Keeper to lead them into glory, and, after hearing of your conquest on obliterating an entire Kingdom, they believe you are the only one worthy enough for the task. As you venture through your conquest, be on the lookout for Conan the Barbarian who is the tribes leader who is leading the expedition. Conan has also paid some devious wizards and fairies to also assist in your needs. Are you up to the task, Keeper? Or will you fail miserably?
Below are the first twenty maps of the campaign that I've managed to create. This campaign takes place after the obliteration of the original campaign realms. I'm planning on creating at least twenty playable maps and maybe a couple of bonus ones. Once the Campaign is complete I'll upload it to the forum. Click on the images to see a bigger picture of each map.
1. Winter's Edge
Players: 1. (red) Heroes (white)
This cold Realm see's you going against numerous heroes, Keeper. They have established a vast fortress to the southeast. You need recruits first. Explore the rest of this realm before taking your peers on. You have also been given fifteen iron doors to aid you.
2. Harmspring
Players: 2. (Red) (Blue) Heroes (White)
Harmspring is a Realm that has been torn apart by years of war. There is another Enemy Keeper here with an Avatar that has taken a dislike to your presence. Plus, the Lord of the Realm also needs to be dealt with. Dispose of them both. In the proper way of course.
3. Runescape
Players: 3. (Red) (Blue) (Green) Heroes (White)
Two other Enemy Keepers and a Local Lord control this Realm. One of these Keepers is trying to amass an army of the undead. The battle for this land will be no mean feat as resources are limited. I suggest you do a bit of exploring first, Master to find a suitable gain of wealth.
4. Nirvana
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
The Inhabitants of this land already have a Hero Fortress here. They're planning a full scale attack on your dungeon. Hurry! You only have several minutes to wall yourself in and train up a suitable strong fighting force before venturing out for more resources.
5. Volcania
Players: 4 (Red) (Blue) (Green) (Yellow) Heroes (white)
Volcania is a land that is set inside a vast volcano. Over the years this realm has become a battleground for Keepers alike. Dispose of your three rivals here to prove your worth. This realm has no portals. It's also rumoured that there's an Avatar imprisoned here. Perhaps it's worth freeing him. His powers could prove useful.
6. Backwater Pass
Players: 2 (Red) (Yellow) Heroes (White)
Another enemy Keeper already controls this realm. Her dungeon lies somewhere to the north. She has a grand army of mistresses. This could prove to be one of those days. I recommend using extreme tactics, Master.
7. Demonicano
players: 3 (Red) (Blue) (Green) Heroes (White)
Two other Keepers are currently vying for control of this Realm. They're not yet aware of your presence. The locals here are also a force to be reckoned with. Conan expects you to use any force necessary to gain this realm as your own.
8. Hadrian's Wall
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
This realm is barricaded by several great walls. Researching the Destroy Walls spell is the only way to break through these walls. Conan also expects you to exterminate every last living inhabitant, including the good Lord.
9. Mystica
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
This Realm is currently ruled by a group of Avatars. A devious Wizard has robbed you of your plans disallowing you to construct bridges. The Wizard has also cast a barrier on our portal limit. Find and slay him before venturing any further so you break the barrier and gain the ability to build bridges.
10. Pickel
Players: 2 (Red) (Green) Heroes (White)
Some devious Knights are about to attack another Enemy Keeper in this land. You have been given an ideal dungeon. You have no portal or creatures and the only one available is located in the centre where the heroes are. You certainly have gotten yourself into a pickel here, Master. You need a plan.
11. Darckrock
Players: 4: (Red) (Blue) (Green) (Yellow) Heroes (White)
Darckrock earned it's name for the vast amount of evil that flows through this land. They're three enemy Keepers here that need to be disposed of. This task is perfect for someone of your undertaking I'm sure. Unfortunately, our Wizard's have been called away to more pressing matters and they cannot assist you in this realm. This could be difficult.
12. Labyrinthian
Players: 2 (Red) (Blue) Heroes (White)
A rival keeper by the name of Crassius controls this pass of the underworld. Crassius's dungeon lies to the north. The only way to get there is to battle your way through the vast labyrinth here of Labyrinthian. Crassius was once a man who sealed his soul into an evil heart to become a Keeper. Defeat this former adversary of Conan's by destroying his soul.
13. Castle Valadir
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
The Inhabitants of this realm have caught you off guard, Master. A vast castle surrounds your dungeon. You have no choice but to venture out and stealthily build up your dungeon by claiming the Castle as your own. Great cunning and stealth is required here if you want any hope of achieving victory. It may be wise to plan ahead.
14. Dragon's Reach
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
Dragons, Dragons... and even more Dragons protect the inhabitants of this region. Hence the name. These Dragons would make great and rare converts. Sadly, we have lost the plans for constructing a prison and torture chamber. So you'll have to make do without. Your objective here is to destroy the fortress to the south. Good luck, Keeper.
15. Arctica
Players: 2 (Red) (Blue) Heroes (White)
Another keeper has decided to foolishly challenge your superior skill in this realm. Such an act of insolence can only go with the upmost justice of an extreme, slow, agonising and painful death. You will also find a small fortress of heroes here that also deserve the same fate.
16. Baron's Bayou
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
Baron's Bayou is an area that's controlled by a group of greedy Barons. My spies tell me they're planning a full scale invasion on your dungeon.
Time is the enemy her, Keeper. Act Swiftly, or suffer a fatal defeat...
17. Necronaro
Players: 2 (Red) (Blue) Heroes (White)
A Keeper by the name of Lucifer controls the crossing point here to the last standing realms of Valhalla. Some squatter creatures prowl the crossing.
They shouldn't be a problem, but you can only attract thief's into this realm. Who will prove useless. however, there is a graveyard nearby...
18. Byzantium
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
The Grand realm of Byzantium is ripe for our taking, Keeper. Your only problem is that you cannot construct certain rooms, as there is no Library available.
Invade the small Fortresses to find plans for building rooms. This will be no easy task.
19. Valencia
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
You have finally arrived in this Realm with Valhalla closeby. Conan and his men have also decided to assist you.
Defeat your enemies here and we can enter Valhalla. Should Conan and his men die, then you can bet that all our efforts to get this far will be for absolutely nothing.
20. Valhalla
Players: 1 (Red) Heroes (White)
This is it, Master. the realm of Valhalla now lies at your mercy. Slaughter every nobleman and woman alike. Feed them their own endtrails.
Conan is once again willing to assist you.