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Thread: RPG Rules

  1. #1
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default RPG Rules

    Any exception for any of the rules listed below must be approved by Metal Gear Rex. Exceptions that are listed below for specific rules do not require his approval, however.

    1. When creating a creature character, keep the following things in mind:

      1. No creature is truly stronger than another, they all have their pros and cons. This applies mainly to Player Characters only. Enemy balance varies.
      2. No one can choose the Royal Guard at this time.
      3. There may be a limited amount of a certain creature available and a few others may be unlocked only through certain means.
      4. No creature reservation is allowed.
      5. There is a max of 20 creature slots per realm for every RPer, this excludes dead and/or inactive creatures
      6. Fill in this creature profile and PM it to Metal Gear Rex. In the case that he has approved your creature, you are allowed to make a topic (if you haven't got a topic already with (an) approved creature(s)) in the Lair sub forum. If you are in need of an example, go to the Lair sub-forum. Find the creature of your choice on the list of available creatures here. If Metal Gear Rex doesn't respond after 48 hours, you are allowed to send a reminder.

        Creature Profile (1.6)

        Creature type:
        Current level:
        Most Powerful Foe Slain:
        Body Count:
        Other things:

      7. You are free to pick any spell/attack for your creature as long they are within reason. You can see a list of spells available here.
      8. You always start at level 1 and with 0 gold.
      9. Transferring creatures

        People can transfer their creatures as long as the realm they are transferring to has the proper Room requirements for that particular Creature or Hero. When transferring a Hero, they require the Scavenger Room in addition to their standard Room requirements.

      10. Players' Creatures can now reach a status beyond level 10, called Elite. When reaching this status, the Creature in question starts at level 1 again. They may gain stronger versions of the Spells they got in normal status or gain normal variations of new Spells as they level up in Elite Status. The Elite status cannot be lost by transferring but Vampires can lose it when resurrecting.
      11. Ranking is as following from weakest to strongest: Normal, Elite (maximum obtainable for roleplayer Creatures), Boss, Elite Boss, Unknown/All-Powerful. It's thus appropriate that roleplayers take these rankings into consideration. For example, while a Normal Creature may hold his own against an Elite, depending on the levels of each of them also, the former cannot defeat the latter in a fair battle. The rankings from Boss and up always require teamwork effort to beat it.
      12. Heroes are available. New Heroes can only be obtained through convert, but can still be transferred like standard Creatures. In addition, RPers must seek approval by the Keeper of a realm before sending a profile to Metal Gear Rex. You may send a message to the Keeper in order to make a request for a specific Hero to appear with the purpose of being converted.
      13. Players can change their spell set at any time. The new spell set must be approved by Metal Gear Rex before it can be changed. Changing their Spell Set in a way that effects them at their current level (Such as adding or remove a Spell at Level 4 when they are Level 5) will cause them to drop to just below the level that they gain(ed) the new or lost spell. (So as in the previous example, the Creature would drop to Level 3 if there was a Level 4 Spell change) However, once into Elite Status, Creatures cannot change the Spell Set that they had with Normal Status.

    2. Power playing is not allowed. Power playing is where your creature is taking part in every activity that yields the fastest progression, and bypassing the "lesser" activities or any other secondary job/trait/skill. In other words, ignoring tasks/events for the sake of reaching the highest possible level is not allowed!
    3. God moding is completely out of the question. God moding is for example taking over another player's character, hitting a character with an attack. See below for an example. Forcing inaction on a character counts as well!

      • Player A: Character A throws a punch at Character B.
        Player B: Character B dodges the attack, grabs Character A and throws him out of a stained glass window. Character A flies at Character B, who warps behind him and slashes Character A in the back.

      • The only exception to this is when the Dungeon Keeper himself takes control of your character/creature!
      • Also, take Hero abilities into account when 'fighting' them.

    4. Board rules still apply in all RPG posts. This includes no swearing.
    5. Making up something outside the area that is playeble must be consulted with Metal Gear Rex first.
    6. The Game Master of the RP has the power to boot a Player or RP Character out of the RPG if they see fit.
    7. No killing another player's creature. Killing is not allowed unless the owner of that creature has agreed to having his/her creature killed in the RPG.

      • Creatures can be 'knocked' out if low on health and will be dragged to their lairs by imps.

    8. No spamming in the RPG threads, give others a chance to post as well!
    9. There is now a required minimum of two full sentences and two full lines of text for EVERY post.
    10. And, of course, one of the MOST IMPORTANT, don't leave home without it, forget it and die, rules is: HAVE FUN!
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; May 8th, 2013 at 22:46.

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  2. #2
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG Rules

    Here is a list of all the Rooms along with information regarding them.

    Dungeon Heart

    Gold Cost: -
    Attraction: -
    Research: -
    This is the life force of a Dungeon Keeper, and the physical form that he or she takes. They must be present in a realm in order for that Keeper to have influence over it. Once it is destroyed, the Dungeon Keeper will perish for all eternity. For this reason, Dungeon Keepers and their Creatures must protect this at all costs.

    Entrance Portal

    Gold Cost: -
    Attraction: -
    Research: -
    Portals are found across the land, ready to be claimed. This is a Creature's way of entering the dungeon and into the service of a Dungeon Keeper. For NPC Keepers, there is a limit of fifteen Creatures that may enter. The max limit increases by five with every additional Portal. This rule is ignored for PC Keepers.


    Gold Cost: 200
    Attraction: -
    Research: Available from the Start
    After Imps mine Gold, they return here in order to store it. The size of the Treasury defines the amount of Gold that can be stored in it, with the standard being 2000 Gold per tile. This is the only storage place for Gold, so it must be secured. Creatures head here on Payday in order to collect their pay.


    Gold Cost: 300
    Attraction: Beetle, Human Archer
    Research: Available from the Start
    The Lair is where Creatures place their beds to sleep when tired or injured, slowly regenerating their health if the latter. There can be only one bed per Lair tile. When Creatures fall unconscious, Imps will normally drag them to their Lairs if there are any that are free.


    Gold Cost: 300
    Attraction: Spider, Bile Demon, Human Archer, Giant
    Research: Available from the Start
    The Hatchery is blessed with magical soil that causes chicken eggs to appear from the ground. They eventually turn into delicious chickens for hungry Creatures to feast upon. The size of a Hatchery defines the max Chicken count at any point in time and the rate at which Chickens grow, but this usually doesn't come into play.

    Training Room

    Gold Cost: 500
    Attraction: Salamander, Demon Spawn, Barbarian, Giant, Samurai
    Research: Available from the Start
    The Training Room contains training dummies and moving targets to allow Creatures of all types to train. Experienced gained in the Training Room is noticeably slower compared to the Combat Pit or real combat. Creatures can train up to Level 6 here.


    Gold Cost: 600
    Attraction: Warlock, Wizard
    Research: Available from the Start
    New Spells and Rooms can be researched here. Each Room and Spell researched takes up a bit of Library space. Each tile stores a single researched item. Most Creatures can read but only few make for actually effective researchers. It is important to make sure the Library remains quiet so that researching Creatures can focus. If a Library is captured, then the Keeper loses all of the Spell Books that were being kept there. Room Technology is kept, however.


    Gold Cost: 600
    Attraction: Troll, Bile Demon, Mountain Dwarf
    Research: Low
    This is the location where Creatures may manufacture new weapons, armor, or other types of equipment for themselves or other Creatures. It is also where Traps and Doors are built as the Keeper commands. The size of the Workshop defines the max amount of packaged items it can store at any point in time. It also effects the max amount of active Traps a Keeper can have in place. It's one per tile for each. The limit of active Traps and packaged items do not conflict, however. There aren't many who can manufacture, but typically those who do know how to do it well.

    Guard Room

    Gold Cost: 600
    Attraction: Orc, Dark Elf, Hell Hound, Elven Archer, Guard
    Research: Low
    This is the general meeting point for Creatures out on Patrols throughout various dungeons, and is typically placed in front of the dungeon to serve as the most heavily guarded of locations. This also can be the ideal location for Creatures to mobilize into a defensive or offensive party to face any opponent.


    Gold Cost: 400
    Attraction: -
    Research: Average
    The Bridge is built across both water and lava. Over water, it serves as a way for Vampires to cross it if they lack Flight and as means to allow Imps to claim land beyond the seas. As most Creatures are not resistant to lava, it is most useful on lava to allow a Keeper's army to pass through.


    Gold Cost: 750
    Attraction: Rogue, Tentacle, Thief
    Research: Average
    The Casino is seen as an unnecessary room in some dungeons. Unless its games are rigged, it does not help the Dungeon Keeper in any direct way. It is mostly a room for Creatures, allowing them to play games and enjoy themselves. They may even drink away their troubles until they desire the lips of a foul mouthed Troll named Thefsuth.


    Gold Cost: 750
    Attraction: Skeleton
    Research: High
    Unconscious enemies can be dragged here by Imps to be imprisoned. At that point, they fall to the whim of the Keeper who owns the Prison. Prisoners must be fed chickens to prevent them starving to death, but if that does happen, they can become Skeletons if they died as a humanoid. The Prison's limit is equal to the amount of 'middle tiles' (basically any tile that isn't on the room's border) it has. This room can also be used to lock away Creatures that have irritated their master.

    Torture Chamber

    Gold Cost: 1250
    Attraction: Dark Mistress, Ghost
    Research: High
    Captured prisoners can be dropped here to enter the wonderful world of torture. They're normally interrogated by torturers that are constantly on the job, but other Creatures are allowed to crack a whip on them as well. The tortured victims may sometimes let out bits of information regarding their master, or even convert. But be weary as they may also die and rise up as a Ghost. Aside from captured prisoners, this room can also be used to punish those foolish enough to defy their Keeper. Converts don't need the standard room requirement that would normally be needed to attract them.

    The Torture Chamber's limit is defined by the amount of 'middle tiles' (basically any tile that isn't on the room's border) it has in addition to the amount of reinforced walls it has. Every middle tile allows a single torture table. There can exist a table on the wall so long as there is an adjacent blank wall next to it on both sides.


    Gold Cost: 1500
    Attraction: Vampire
    Research: Very High
    Here is where all the bodies of those who've been slain are tossed and forgotten. As the corpses pile, a Vampire may rise from five of these graves. The Graveyard is incredibly important to the Vampire as it is not only a means for them to be born, but it is also where they are reborn whenever they resurrect. The amount of dead bodies a Graveyard can store is equal to the amount of 'middle tiles' (basically any tile that isn't on the room's border) it has.

    Combat Pit

    Gold Cost: 2000
    Attraction: Black Knight, Knight, Samurai
    Research: Very High
    Here is where a Keeper can drop his various Creatures and watch them fight one another for his or his Creatures' amusement. Experienced gained in the Combat Pit is similar to that of real combat. Creatures are able to train up to Level 8 here. The Combat Pit's limit is equal to the amount of 'middle tiles' (basically any tile that isn't on the room's border) it has.


    Gold Cost: 1750
    Attraction: Maiden of the Nest, Dark Angel, Horned Reaper, Priestess, Fairy, Monk, Samurai
    Research: Very High
    The Temple is a quiet place where Creatures can go to pray and calm their mind and soul. Remaining in the Temple's presence also cures any illnesses, diseases, or any other kind of negative magical status effect on a Creature. Keepers can also dump various Creatures in the Temple waters in order to earn favor with the Dark Gods and possibly a reward. Additionally, a Creature praying protects himself up to two others of his choice from the effects of the Scavenger Room. After leaving the Temple, the Creature is protected for an extended period of time but the two other creatures lose their protection.

    Scavenger Room

    Gold Cost: 1500
    Attraction: -
    Research: Very High
    The Scavenger Room is a more complex room with a variety of functions. Creatures using the room can scavenge mana from the land or information for the Keeper to utilize. Anything occurring in the Conquest of Heavenarius thread is information viable to be obtained. It can also see within the enemy Keeper's dungeon, but its view is limited to the enemy's Scavenger Room. It also supposedly works as a long distance method to contact relatives. The Scavenger Room can additionally function as an alternative entrance for any Creature entering the realm.

    The Scavenger Room's last feature is that it allows a Creature to project their minds to a Creature, enemy or ally, in battle with the Creature's Keeper. It must be a Creature of the same species, (and not class, so Warlock can scavenge Rogue) however. This can allow a Creature to inform their ally of news or potentially distracting enemies and disrupting their focus mid-battle. The Scavenger Room allows entrance to only one mind at a time and for short periods of time. This is also countered by the Temple in the exact same way as in DK1. (Creature Praying protects himself and two others of the same species. When he leaves, he is protected for an extended time still but the others lose protection)
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 2nd, 2013 at 18:11.

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  3. #3
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG Rules

    Here is a list of all the Keeper Spells, along with information regarding each of them. There is no true official Mana System nor will there ever be one. Mana Systems can be created and kept by the individual Keepers, so long as they are within reason.

    Create Imp

    Mana Cost: Very Low, But Increases Significantly with Every Imp
    Research: Available from the Start
    Creates an Imp to act as additional workforce for the dungeon.


    Mana Cost: Average, But Drains Mana the Longer a Keeper Remains in Possession
    Research: Low
    This spell enables the Keeper to take control of a creature so that he can see what he sees and control him as he wishes.


    Mana Cost: Average, But Drains Mana the Longer it Remains Active in Enemy Territory
    Research: Low
    Calls all Creatures to a selected location to attack and/or defend that specific point. Keepers have extended influence over the Call-to-Arms area, but that is limited to small actions such as picking up, buffing, or speaking directly to Creatures.

    Hold Audience

    Mana Cost: Average
    Research: Low
    Immediately teleports all creatures at the Heart Chamber.


    Mana Cost: Low, But Drains Mana the Longer it is Active Based on the Number of Creatures
    Research: Low
    This spell accelerates all Creatures and forces them to perform their tasks regardless of their physical, mental, or emotional condition for however long the Keeper decides the spell to last. This can wear down exhausted Creatures even further.


    Mana Cost: Average
    Research: Average
    Allows a Keeper to see a part of the map that has not been explored yet.

    Speed Monster

    Mana Cost: High
    Research: Average
    Grants a Speed Enchantment on a Creature, doubling their overall speed for a brief to moderate duration.


    Mana Cost: Low-High, Depending on Unit's Health
    Research: Average
    Restores health to an injured Creature, with the amount being decided by the Keeper. It can potentially fully heal even a Creature at 1% Health, but naturally costs far more mana to do so.


    Mana Cost: High
    Research: Average
    Grants a Protect Enchantment for a Creature, which halves any damage they take for a moderate period of time. Protect also prevents any lethal/instant-death (slicing off head for example) attacks.


    Mana Cost: High
    Research: High
    Grants an Invisibility Enchantment, making a Creature invisible to all for a moderate to high duration. Creatures with the Sight ability can still see Invisible Creatures and if an Invisible Creature attacks, they lose their Invisibility.


    Mana Cost: High
    Research: High
    The ceiling collapses on a single tile, with the debris damaging all Creatures standing underneath it. The debris also prevents Creatures from passing, and can only be mined out by Imps.


    Mana Cost: High
    Research: High
    Lightning deals moderate damage to a single target, but its primary function is to stun an enemy for a brief to moderate duration of time. Damage doubles in the water. It can be cast anywhere so long as the Keeper has influence around the casting point, meaning areas close to their territory in addition to any location with a Call-to-Arms flag.


    Mana Cost: High
    Research: High
    Thunder provides Area-of-Effect damage, dealing most of its damage at the central cast point with additional splash damage on adjacent tiles. It has a radius of 3 and deals moderate to high damage at the center, with damage quickly weakening with the outer 2 tiles, down to minor. Damage doubles in the water. It can be cast anywhere so long as the Keeper has influence around the casting point, meaning areas close to their territory in addition to any location with a Call-to-Arms flag.

    Create Gold

    Mana Cost: Average
    Research: Very High
    Creates a small pile of 500-1000 gold.


    Mana Cost: Very High
    Research: Very High
    Chicken can only be cast on a Keeper's land and will transform almost any foe into a harmless chicken. It is considered a Magic Status and can be cured with Purify or use of the Temple.


    Mana Cost: Very High
    Research: Very High
    Disease can only be cast on a Keeper's land and will infect almost any Creature with a terrible disease that disorients and weakens the infected Creature. It can be transferred to other Creatures that get too close to them. It can be cured with Purify or use of the Temple, but casting Purify runs the risk of letting the disease catch onto the caster.

    Destroy Wall

    Mana Cost: Very High
    Research: Very High
    Instantly destroys a wall, be it fortified or no.


    Mana Cost: Very High
    Research: Very High
    Inferno can only be cast on a Keeper's land. It creates an explosion of flames that ranges to a 2x2 Area-of-Effect, dealing devastating damage to anyone trapped within its radius.


    Mana Cost: Very High
    Research: Very High
    An NPC only Spell. Turncoat will temporary delude the target into believing that the caster is its master and its former friends are now its enemies. This form of rebellion also causes the true owner of the creature to, while the spell's effects last, lose control over the creature and therefore cannot pick them up, buff them, etc.. The actual effect the spell has on a creature varies from creature to creature. It is possible to resist it, but unlikely. Its effects can also be cured at the Temple. It can only be cast on a Keeper's own land.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 2nd, 2013 at 18:25.

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  4. #4
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG Rules

    Here is a list of all the Doors, along with information regarding each of them.

    Wooden Door

    Health: Low
    Manufacture Value: Very Low
    The Wooden Door is the weakest of all doors and is not one meant to hold off enemies. Instead, its purpose is to allow easier dungeon management and to increase comfort for the various dungeon inhabitants. Its greatest strength is its high production rate.

    Braced Door

    Health: Average
    Manufacture Value: Average
    The Braced Door is average in all abilities, but still significantly effective at holding off enemies for a reasonable amount of time. It is also surprisingly effective at preventing noise from slipping through.

    Steel Door

    Health: High
    Manufacture Value: High
    The Steel Door is the strongest and most durable of all doors. It can withstand incredible amounts of damage.

    Magic Door

    Health: Average
    Manufacture Value: Very High
    Though not as strong as the Steel Door, the Magic Door has the advantage of significantly reducing physical damage. Physical attacks will be brought down to about an eighth of their original damage. Additionally, the Magic Door can auto-repair itself, but at a slow rate. It is incredibly difficult to manufacture, requiring more than just the traditional methods.

    Secret Door

    Health: Low
    Manufacture Value: Very High
    The Secret Door is about as weak as wood, but it is disguised as a normal wall, hiding it from enemy eyes. Tunnellers have the ability to detect it naturally, however. Like the Magic Door, it also takes great skill to properly manufacture one.


    Health: Low
    Manufacture Value: Low
    Though technically not a door, the Barricade can slow down enemies considerably and act as cover for support while they last.

    Iron Barricade

    Health: Average
    Manufacture Value: High
    The Iron Barricade is an upgraded variation of the standard Wooden Barricade. It's much more durable, but significantly more difficult to build, making it an investment.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; May 8th, 2013 at 22:32.

    Dungeon Keeper I campaign: Undead Keeper
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  5. #5
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG Rules

    Here is a list of all the Traps, along with information regarding each of them. Turns, used in Recharge values, refers to Battle Cycles with posts for all participating Players. It is not an exact estimation, merely a method to help define the value.

    Sentry Trap

    Health: Average
    Range: High
    Damage: Low
    Recharge: Low / 1 Turn
    Manufacture Value: Low
    Sentries are long range but low damaging cannons that shoots magical Fireballs. It is the most common ranged Trap to be used given its reliability and how easy it is to produce.

    Lightning Trap

    Health: Low
    Range: Low
    Damage: Very High
    Recharge: High / 2 Turns
    Manufacture Value: High
    The Lightning Trap is a more expensive but powerful alternative to the Sentry Trap. It deals a large amount of damage with a powerful bolt of Lightning, stunning the target as well. It's fault is its low range and poor recharge time.

    Poison Gas Trap

    Health: Low
    Range: Pressure
    Damage: Low
    Recharge: Average / 1.5 Turns
    Manufacture Value: Average
    The Poison Gas Trap doesn't deal a lot of raw damage, instead dealing damage overtime by poisoning the air, suffocating its victims within a small area of effect surrounding the Trap. It can be quite dangerous for an easily produced Trap, but its biggest drawbacks include the fact that one can counter it by holding their breath, and that it can also harm allies.

    Spike Trap

    Health: Average
    Range: Pressure
    Damage: Average to Very High
    Recharge: High / 2 Turns
    Manufacture Value: High
    The Spike Trap impales whoever triggers it, giving them the worst kind of foot injury possible. Its damage can vary drastically depending on what part of the enemy gets caught by the spikes. However, like the Gas Trap, the Spike Trap also has the problem of Friendly Fire.

    Freeze Trap

    Health: High
    Range: Pressure
    Damage: -
    Recharge: Very High / 2.5 Turns
    Manufacture Value: High
    The Freeze Trap does exactly what the name implies, in that it freezes the target for a sufficient amount of time. While the Freeze Trap can only target a single unit, it never hits a friendly unit.

    Fireburst Trap

    Health: High
    Range: Pressure
    Damage: Very High
    Recharge: Extremely High / 3 Turns
    Manufacture Value: Extremely High
    Fireburst Traps are easily the deadliest of Pressure-based Traps, dealing such massive damage with an intense explosion of flames that it can potentially kill its victims outright. Even for someone who is fire resistant, the force of the explosion will likely cause a bit of a stun. It deals more than just instant damage, also being capable of roasting nearby targets overtime if they stay in its range. The drawback to this is that it can also perform friendly fire. It also suffers from a long recharge time and is very difficult to craft.

    Guard Post

    Health: Very Low
    Range: -
    Damage: -
    Recharge: -
    Manufacture Value: Very Low
    The Guard Post simply acts as a marker to specify patrol routes, nothing more.

    Alarm Trap

    Health: Low
    Range: Average
    Damage: -
    Recharge: -
    Manufacture Value: Low
    The Alarm Trap alerts a Dungeon Keeper and nearby Creatures of invading enemies.

    Trigger Trap

    Health: Very Low
    Range: Pressure
    Damage: -
    Recharge: -
    Manufacture Value: Low
    The Trigger Trap prevents all adjacent Traps from triggering normally, instead forcing them to rely on the Trigger Trap itself to be set off. All adjacent Traps remain invisible until that time. Once the Trigger Trap sets off, it allows adjacent Traps to return to their normal behavior until the Trigger Trap is manually reset.

    Fear Trap

    Health: Average
    Range: Average
    Damage: -
    Recharge: -
    Manufacture Value: High
    The Fear Trap fills the air with its own magic. Once a Creature steps into the air that's been infected, the Fear Trap's area of effect, the Fear Trap's magic will then begin to manipulate their senses, creating illusions for them to see, hear, smell, feel, or even taste. Those who have a powerful will are more resistant to the Fear Trap's magic, and those who are familiar with the magic of the Fear Trap can also build their own defenses against the Fear Trap. Undead are immune to Fear magic.

    Boulder Trap

    Health: High
    Range: Average
    Damage: Extremely High
    Recharge: -
    Manufacture Value: Very High
    Boulder Traps can cause a lot of instant damage to a large number of Creatures with the way it just rolls over them, making it very dangerous. However, the Boulder's fault likes within the fact that it can be set off intentionally and prematurely by a clever enemy.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; May 8th, 2013 at 22:43.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
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  6. #6
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG Rules

    Here is a list of all the Specials, along with information regarding each of them. Rarity ranges from Common, Uncommon, to Rare.

    Make Safe

    Rarity: Common
    Reinforces all earth walls connected to the Keeper's dungeon.

    Recieve Imps

    Rarity: Common
    Creates an extra 10 Imps.

    Stun Imps

    Rarity: Common
    Temporary immobolizes enemy Imps owned by a specific Player for a while.

    Resurrect Creature

    Rarity: Uncommon
    Resurrects one of the Keeper's dead Creatures. The Creature's owner in question must allow it and have a free slot in order to accomplish this.

    Increase Gold

    Rarity: Uncommon
    Increases Gold reserves by 20000.

    Mana Boost

    Rarity: Uncommon
    Increases Mana reserves significantly. Due to the lack of an official mana system, this must defined by individual Keepers but ideally it would be somewhere between a third and half of a Keeper's max potential mana.

    Destroy Walls

    Rarity: Rare
    Reverts all reinforced walls belonging to a specific Keeper into standard earth walls. Does not effect Heroes.

    Heal Creatures

    Rarity: Rare
    Completely restores the health of all Creatures.

    Increase Level

    Rarity: Rare
    Boosts the Level of all Creatures by one. Experience from the previous level carries over.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 2nd, 2013 at 17:56.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

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