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Thread: OpenKeeper

  1. #1
    OpenKeeper developer
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    Jul 2014

    Default OpenKeeper


    some of you might already know us. We spawned from this forum. So by "we" I also mean some of you

    We are re-creating Dungeon Keeper 2. And calling it OpenKeeper. Fully open source. 1,5 years in the making.

    Like us in Facebook:

    Us in Youtube:
    Last edited by tonihele; February 7th, 2019 at 16:29. Reason: Added youtube as suggested

  2. #2
    Your Majesty Hapuga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Austin, USA

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    I am not sure if java is the best decision for a project like this. On another hand, I guess if you stay true to game mechanics/art style, performance will not be an issue after 15 years

    As I understand, quite a lot of progress was done on data reverse engineering, very good job! I am currently working on a modern game engine in c++. I always wanted to remake DKII myself. It this is of interest to you, PM me, let's talk, maybe we can come up with a mutually beneficial solution
    Last edited by Hapuga; February 26th, 2016 at 00:13.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    Not doing facebook, but nice to see how far you've come already. I'm now a stargazer on your github.

  4. #4
    KeeperFX Author mefistotelis's Avatar
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    Default Re: OpenKeeper


  5. #5
    OpenKeeper developer
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    Quote Originally Posted by Hapuga View Post
    I am not sure if java is the best decision for a project like this. On another hand, I guess if you stay true to game mechanics/art style, performance will not be an issue after 15 years

    As I understand, quite a lot of progress was done on data reverse engineering, very good job! I am currently working on a modern game engine in c++. I always wanted to remake DKII myself. It this is of interest to you, PM me, let's talk, maybe we can come up with a mutually beneficial solution

    They made WFTO with Unity. So I'd say it has the same drawbacks than we do, being garbage collected. Performance otherwise I don't consider being much worse in JAVA than C++. It has been 10 years since I last touched C/C++, I'm already illiterate in that area

    We are not documenting the file formats. We do try to keep the code so that it is just simple readers / data bean. But there are people documenting them, and we are benefiting also from them.

  6. #6
    OpenKeeper developer
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    Thanks all. Here, also a direct link to the last progress video for those not wanting to touch the Facebook

  7. #7

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    keep the good work going! THanks!

  8. #8

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    any updates? how's the development going? if only i was JAVA fluent. have you started a kickstarter or patreon? i'd gladly donate to this project if it would at all help.

  9. #9
    OpenKeeper developer
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    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    We are a little bit late if we wanted to keep the trimonthly video updates. But we have a lot working now, basically you can play campaign level 1. And actually many other levels as well against the good player. Fighting is one thing that has been implemented. Nothing is very polished at the moment but I'll try adding some features in quick & dirty. We need some refactoring anyway and a bit redesign for the multiplayer. So the semi-working features help a bit to give an understanding of the requirements.

    Money does not really help the development to be honest, maybe it would give some motivation. But the limiting factor is that I'm 33 years old with a day job (actually just changed to a new company even) So with 1 million dollars you would still get just few hours in a week

  10. #10
    Your Majesty Hapuga's Avatar
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    Austin, USA

    Default Re: OpenKeeper

    I feel you. In a similar boat, actually (28, full time job, writing my own engine). Still very nice to know that there is progress. Cheers.

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