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Thread: Red Crystal Islands

  1. #21
    Troll nijuni_kuro's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    "Well, imps still haven't claimed all of the land up in the newly-dug area, but there's enough claimed land for a functional room..."

    With these words said, Kuroki tries to create a Workshop, but nothing happens. At first, he wondered what was wrong, but he soon realized he still didn't possess the knowledge required to create that room. Hiding his embarrassement, thankful none of his minions were there to see it, he turned to his imps.

    "2 of you imps, finish cleaning up that floor. The rest of you imps, go reinforce the walls, starting with the Training Room.

    Minions, when you are done researching the Bridge, go and improve your fighting skills in the Training Room. I'd like you to reach at least level 2 before we get out of this rock formation."
    Last edited by nijuni_kuro; December 2nd, 2009 at 21:01.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    Zelne the Spider

    "So you are alive then."

    Zelne looked up from her book at Chuckles. His strange disturbed Zelne.


    Once the strange Spider looked away at last, Zelne's senses were alerted by a Warlock entering the Library. He looked disgusted, grabbed a book and sat away from the Spiders.

    "Minions, when you are done researching the Bridge, go and improve your fighting skills in the Training Room. I'd like you to reach at least level 2 before we get out of this rock formation."

    Zelne didn't know where the Training Room is, so she decided she would follow whoever that went there. Zelne goes back to reading her book.
    Health : 100%
    Zelne is researching the Bridge.
    Level : 1
    Mood : Normal
    Efficiency : 80%

  3. #23
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    Quiet Deadly Assassinating Female Goblin

    It was too late for the Keeper's words, Ririi had fallen face first into her bed, and now slept. For a stealth unit, she made a lot of snores. Her sword and knife were right by her as she snored away.

    Name: Ririi
    Health: 152/86%
    Level: 1
    Mood: Zzzzz...
    Gold: 0
    Job: Sleeping
    Location: Lair

    Summery: Ririi went to sleep.

    OOC This is how lazy I am...
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; December 3rd, 2009 at 15:18.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  4. #24
    Troll nijuni_kuro's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    "Ah, I finally possess the knowledge required to construct a Bridge! Well done, Zelne, Kosov and... Cha. Get some time in the Training Room under your belts before we get out of this rock formation. We're bound to run into patrolling heroes outside."

    "I am Chu- mmhm... My name is .... mhmmph ... I am a Spider."
    Hence, Cha. XD */

    "... Hmm. I was hoping Ririi would get more training done by now. Oh, well.

    Imps, 4 of you start digging a corridor heading north from the last dug 5x3 clearing. Dig a 5x3 clearing with west-east orientation again there. Remaining 2 of you, go dig that gold south that's parallel with the Portal's entrance. But only that one."
    Last edited by nijuni_kuro; December 2nd, 2009 at 21:03.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    The library

    Chuckles slumped when the Keeper called him "Cha"

    "Why do you mock me so Keeper."

    "Is it because I am unattractive and have no seance of humour."

    "Or is it because I am very depressed. I hope not. That would make me depressed."

    Chuckles sighed with the futility of it all. Because he had nothing else to do he edged his way silently towards the training room- but then he saw Zelne not leave for the training room at the normally super speed velocity other creatures seem to move at.

    "Are you not coming with me to the training room."

    "I knew it."

    Chuckles flexed his abdomen.

    "You don't think I'm very fun do you."

    Summery: Chuckles asked his keeper if he was taunting him, and he asked Zelne if she wasn't going to the training room because she thought he wasn't much fun.

  6. #26
    Dragon DragonsLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    "You should get out while you still can."

    "All eternity trapped in a cramped damp dungeon with 3 other beings sharing your work and living space while a storm constantly rages out side out of boredom."
    One of the two Spiders said to Kosov with a long weird glance. Then later, added :


    "The Keeper learnt your name."

    After a little mad laugh, Kosov answered :

    - Yeah, and what does that bring to you, Spider with no name? Now buzz off and leave me alone would you?

    "Minions, when you are done researching the Bridge, go and improve your fighting skills in the Training Room. I'd like you to reach at least level 2 before we get out of this rock formation."

    - No trouble master. I will do that unless you want something else for me to research...

    *...quietly without being disturbed by weird spiders.*
    Kosov thought to himself.

    After some deep researches about the Bridge, the room finally became available for the Keeper to build and Kosov was glad of that.

    "Ah, I finally possess the knowledge required to construct a Bridge! Well done, Zelne, Kosov and... Cha. Get some time in the Training Room under your belts before we get out of this rock formation. We're bound to run into patrolling heroes outside."

    Kosov laughed silently by hearing such a funny name : Cha. He even heard that it was about the Spider that talked to him earlier as it was him that answered to the Keeper, which caused him to laugh silently a few more.

    - I'm glad my precious help was useful for you, master. I'm going to train now.

    Kosov left the Library, leaving the two Spiders together, and walked through the Lair, spotting the goblin totally asleep in her lair, and all the way up to the Training Room at the complete opposite side of the dungeon where he could finally enter into the Training Room. He immediately started punching clumsily the dummies with his fists, being poor in melee attacks.

    Health = 100%
    Gold = 0 coins
    Kosov the Warlock is in the Training Room, training
    Level = 1 (2%)
    Mood = Happy

    Summary of the situation = Kosov told "Cha" to leave him alone and kept researching the Bridge until it has finally been fully researched. He then learnt "Cha"'s name and laughed in silence. After that, he left the Library and moved to the Training Room to start training.
    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...

  7. #27
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    Quiet Deadly Assassinating Female Goblin

    Ririi finally woke up and her stomach growled at her. She saw the two Spiders in the Library and her body shivered.

    Eww... Spiders...

    Ririi entered the Hatchery but kept thinking of the giant Spiders with their eight disgusting legs and round eyes with pinchers and... they were so disgusting. Ririi felt too disgusted to eat, and decided to slowly try and train. She saw Kosov already training, and decided to introduce herself.

    "Hello... I'm Ririi... so you're the one who entered the Dungeon... I'm glad a Warlock who can help this dungeon and not another ugly Spider..." Ririi whispered lightly, "Can I train with you?"

    Ririi took a step forward but her foot was still bleeding. She leaned a bit on her side and stood only on her one good foot as she tried to hold onto the Training Dummy for balance. From there on, her movement went to limping.

    Name: Ririi
    Health: 184/92%
    Level: 1
    Mood: Shy
    Gold: 0
    Job: Training/Talking to Kosov
    Location: Training Room

    Summery: Ririi went to the Hatchery, then the Training Room and introduced herself to Kosov.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; December 3rd, 2009 at 22:12.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  8. #28
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    Steam ID: Evifire

    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    Zelne the Spider

    After the Keeper's words echoed, almost everyone in the Library left.

    "Are you not coming with me to the training room."

    Zelne looks up from her book.

    "I knew it. You don't think I'm very fun do you."

    Zelne gets up.

    "What? No... no, you're just... odd.

    ...Uhh... I don't know where... the Training Room is...

    Can I follow you there?"

    Health : 100%
    Zelne is in the Library.
    Level : 1
    Mood : Shy
    Efficiency : 80%

  9. #29
    Troll nijuni_kuro's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    "I do not mock you, Cha-mhm-mhphm. I just find Cha much easier to pronounce."

    Kuroki's said so in such a voice that made it hard to interpret whether he was being serious or actually joking.

    "The imps will dig out that gold soon. I need 1 volunteer to scout around after that. Anyone interested?"

  10. #30
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Red Crystal Islands

    Quiet Deadly Assassinating Female Goblin

    While Ririi didn't want to be rude to Kosov, she didn't want to miss her chance of her first mission to explore. She immediately stepped away from Kosov and spoke out to the Dungeon Keeper.

    "I'll do it my master," Ririi answered Keeper Kuroki and looked down at her foot, "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

    Name: Ririi
    Health: 184/92%
    Level: 1.3
    Mood: Shy
    Gold: 0
    Job: Training/Talking to Kosov
    Location: Training Room

    Summery: Ririi went to the Hatchery, then the Training Room and introduced herself to Kosov.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

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