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Thread: will creatures look alive?

  1. #1

    Default will creatures look alive?

    Will creatures look alive as it was in dk2? I mean that creatures must go from one to another proop time to time when workning in some room, or their behavior will be a droidlike as in pile of garbage called WTFO where they stading still whole time in front of one proop and saying "beep-boop i am a robot doing things here" and then start running at full speed to another "robot depot" .

    p.s.: bad english

  2. #2
    OpenKeeper developer
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: will creatures look alive?

    Yes, we are using the same assets and effects as the original, so graphics-wise yes. As for the AI, there are only hints here and there how it works. So reverse engineering it is based only on eye balling the original gameplay. At this point at least we have a bit different approach to it. The original seems to be quite slow paced, polling stuff every 4s or so.

  3. #3

    Default Re: will creatures look alive?

    Hi! Yes)

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