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Thread: Progress update #6

  1. #11

    Default Re: Progress update #6

    Haha, I know what you mean. It is a bit disappointing that there are so many human units, especially on the Keeper side. I like crafting an army of beasts much more. Which is why I hope OpenKeeper brings back the old monsters, at least! The 3-D models for this game aren't so advanced that it's out of our reach to do. I understand adding anything extra is down the road as the first step is to actually get it functioning, but you know, one can hope
    Last edited by damedog; November 21st, 2016 at 18:33.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Progress update #6

    But I doubt they want to. If they did what would be the difference between open keeper and open dungeons?

  3. #13
    OpenKeeper developer
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Progress update #6

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    But in Open Keeper I'm sure they won't limit themselves technically to just the included units. I just don't know if they actually want to change stuff.

    @Tonihele: Do you want to make a carbon copy of DK2, or do you have changes to the original game planned? If so, what do you want to do differently?
    We are aiming to improve the original as well, mostly technologically (graphics-wise etc.). But also scriptable AI perhaps, since we really can't even replicate the old 1:1, at least with my skills. We support other 3D model & audio formats already by the engine we are using. The original map editor, or the pro version, goes a long way. It is a bit buggy, so I don't know if it is capable of adding new units to the game. And the original game seems to have some things hard coded unfortunately. The ultimate goal is to be true to the original. So the original gameplay/graphics, or rather our version of such, will be available always as "vanilla" experience. That comes first at least.

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