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Thread: Frozengard Wastelands

  1. #11
    Orc Dark_Omega MK2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    *Grith heard the call of his master*

    fwa? *talking with a chicken in mouth*

    OH HI MASTER!!! i am Grith i can do anything i can even play do a triple jump while working with the hammer *w*

    *Grith stands up*

    oh yeah training i love training, you love training, i love training, trainig is awesome and i am awesome, and training is love, that means love is awesome and ill train with love because im that awesome *w*

    *Grith gets up and heads right straight to the training room where he starts training with overly excitement*

    i can do this i can do it i can do it!!!

    Grith is training with overly excitement at the training room.
    Health : 100%
    Level : 1
    Mood : Happy
    Efficiency : 90%
    Btw hope that color is better to read my dialogues, if its still a pain to read, let me know
    Last edited by Dark_Omega MK2; September 28th, 2009 at 01:40.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Lena the (Spawn of Satan)Fly

    Lena darts out of her Caccoon.

    "Keeper Keeper! I smell lava lava! Does that that mean I can ex-explore!?" Lena exclaims excitedly.

    Not waiting for a answer, Lena casts speed on herself, and darts out of the Dungeon, exploring the new lava region.

    Health: 100%
    Lena is exploring the unexplored areas.
    Level : 2
    Mood: Hyper
    Efficiency: 80%

  3. #13
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    In your head :O

    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands


    "A New Room has been researched" Said the Mentor.

    "Good, My hard work has been put to good use." Cinder said quietly, "Now to go check out the trainning area, maybe because I'm so low leveld, the keeper sees me as a regular. But I can't stay there for long, cause that new spell is needed."

    Cinder walks over to the trainning room, wich did not smell as bad as when he first went in there. He belived he could stand it for a couple hours, but then he got really hungry.

    Most Warlocks don't eat much so they are quicker in battle, but Cinder couldn't resist eating for much longer.

    It took him a couple minutes, but he finally found the hatchery (everything is a blur when you havent eaten or slept for as long as he has). After a quick half chicken, he believed he had the streingth to go on for a few hours. He returned to the trainning room, and attempted to try to see how hard he could hit the trainning dummies before they broke.

    Name: Cinder the heat loving
    Level: 1.1
    Health: 98% (he was a little weak for not sleeping for a couple days, since his last keeper)
    Mood: Strong and excited
    Did: Heard the good news about the workshop done, and thought he would get more noticed if he was level 2, so he went to the trainning room, avoided the foul smell of creatures trainning, got hungry, ate, and went back to trainning.

  4. #14
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Chapter Two: The Flip

    Roach was barely opening his eyes, and his vision was completely blurry. He had been awoken by the voice of the Dungeon Keeper, and managed to hear just about everything. Roach rolled out of his lair, and stood there dazed for a moment.

    He tried to walk but he looked like he were staggering from head injury. Roach began to wake up as he staggered towards the Hatchery, and about half-way there he began walking on his own. That's when he began thinking of what the keeper said.

    Who's Zerri'Mar? Workshop, yay! But when did we get researchers. I wonder if he will call me by my nickname alot, or by "lil' bug". Am I the only beetle or just the smallest? Whatever, I'm hungry.

    Roach entered the Hatchery, and stretched forward at the closest chicken once he was in the garden. He grabbed it with his pinchers, and then became curious what his next move would be. And an idea came to him.

    Let's see... maybe I should build a door... but I could train. Eh, I don't feel like getting that much of a work out right now... maybe I should go back to sleep. No... I should do something productive. Don't want Keeper mad at me...

    I got an idea... the chicken will decide. I'll throw it to that wall, and if it hits the wall before the ground, I'll go to the Workshop. Alright, let's try this... high-yeah!

    Roach threw the decapitated chicken with all his might at the wall. It flew straight up and hit the cieling, then fell onto a torch and fried. Roach watched it burn for a few moments before wondering what that counted for.

    Eh, forget it! I'll make a door! But first...

    Roach grabbed a chicken and ran excitedly back to the Lair and into the new passage Workshop. He heard something about a door between the two rooms. Roach began production of a wooden door.

    But first, Roach had other plans. He went over to one of the fires and began frying the chicken. The idea occured to him because of the chicken landing in the torch. Roach then remembered the keeper, and began to speak to him...

    "Don't worry, Keeper!" Roach called out to him, "I won't be eating this here chicken for too long. As soon as I finish, I'll go to work!"

    Roach had fried the chicken to black colors, and ate it slowly. It was nice and crunchy. Most of the juice was dried out, but Roach didn't mind. He liked them crunchy. But now, he had to focus on the wooden door.

    Ok! So what do I need? Wood, hammer, and nails. So where are they...

    Roach ran around the Workshop, making a mess of it in the process, trying to look for his tools. The hammer, or mallet, and nails were found first, but some long time after, Roach found the wood. Then he set out to work.

    The wood appeared to be previously cut special for making wooden doors, which made Roach's job alot easier. He picked three pieces of wood, and placed two on the ground beside each other. Then he put the third on top of both, split at a 30-70%, due to a beetle's not so excellent vision. He place some nails on the sides of the top wood piece and began hammering away.

    Most of the nails weren't down all the way, or were bent to the side. Few were correctly on. One was actually upside down. Roach placed another wood piece next to the bottom row, and another one on top of that one and the one next to it. It was split at about 40-60%, but the new bottom wood piece was farther away from Roach than it should have been.

    Eventually, Roach finished his wooden door. It was probably the worst wooden door a Dungeon Keeper could ever see. Roach was very dissatisfied with the door, and burned it in the workshop fire. And so, he put all his hard work in vain.

    Well, it certainly isn't the worst I've ever done. But what could I expect? The only other wooden door I created was that piece of crap block that just stood outside my hut... Well I give up. I guess it is the Training Room for me...

    Roach glanced at his mallet.

    But I won't waste this golden oppertunity...

    What could be expected from Roach as he ran through the Hatchery, smashing chickens with the mallet. Not much, actually. He actually had a good grip on it with his pinchers, and wasn't breaking the mallet either. It was clearly fun for Roach as he laughed madly while squishing chickens, and Roach decided to adopt the mallet by secretly hiding it in his lair.

    Roach left in a hurry for the Training Room to begin training.

    End of Chapter


    Name: "Nuclear" Roach
    Health: 250/100%
    Mood: Happy
    Job: Training
    Gold Held: 0
    Location: Towards the entrance of the Training Room from the workshop, training.

    Summery: Roach woke up, and went to the Hatchery. He threw a chicken at the wall to decide his next actions. The chicken hit the cieling, and landed on a torch. Roach grabbed a different chicken and went to the Workshop. He fired it and ate it, before building the worst wooden door.

    He burned the wooden door because it was so bad. Then he used the mallet to squish some chickens, and then secretly put the mallet in his lair before rushing off to the Training Room.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 8th, 2009 at 06:05.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  5. #15
    Orc Dark_Omega MK2's Avatar
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    Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    *Grith continues his training, he does not seem tired at all, in fact he seems faster than before*

    Take THIS!!! and THAT!!! and THIS!!!

    *Grith jumps on a dummys head and starts biting it*

    grrr omnomnomnom, take my Omnom attack!!!

    *Then he stops for a moment*

    Hmmm... wait... did i hear... *Puppy eyes* Friends??? *w*

    *Then he saw a warlock and heads toward him almost instantly*

    HELLO THERE!!!! i am grith im a demon spawn, and you who are you? are you new? are you from the region? are you a warlock? what are you doing? who are you? wanna be my new friend??? icandoapeanutbutterandjellysandwichwithonehandwhil eblindedanddoingabarrelroll *w*

    *The last sentence was soo fast that it simply can't be understanded*

    Grith its at the training room talking to a warlock.
    Health : 100%
    Level : 1
    Mood : Uber Happy
    Efficiency : 90%

  6. #16
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    In your head :O

    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands


    As the trainning dummy he was pounding on was giving away, he calculated that you can hit a dummy with about 45% the streangth of a horned reaper. After that, it will start to break.

    then he heard someone from the not so far distance:

    HELLO THERE!!!! i am grith im a demon spawn, and you who are you? are you new? are you from the region? are you a warlock? what are you doing? who are you? wanna be my new friend??? icandoapeanutbutterandjellysandwichwithonehandwhil eblindedanddoingabarrelroll *w*

    Um... He strugled for a secound to understand what he said, can you slow down a bit.1 question at a time.

    Name: Cinder (obviously)
    Mood: confused
    Did: found out how hard you can hit a trainning dummy, and then got very confused by girth the very energetic Demon spawn.
    Last edited by dk2player; October 1st, 2009 at 00:09.

  7. #17
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    Steam ID: Evifire

    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Lena the Fly

    After awhile of exploring the outside of the Dungeon, Lena's wings catch on fire from the Lava's heat.

    "OHMYGODOHMYGODIAMONFIREZOOOOOOOOOOM" Lena started screeching, while hurling back into the Dungeon.


    Lena landed head first into a chest full of gold. The impact made the flame go out. Lena managed to start flying again, then wondered if she should continue exploring.

    "Keeper Keeper! I explored explored some of the outside! I flew through so fast fast, I didn't manage to see much much, what can can you see? Lena exclaimed.

    Hyper as ever, Lena started to fly into and outof everyroom, until she heard something that sounded li-

    "-nna be my new friend??? icandoapeanutbutterandjellysandwichwithonehandwhil eblindedanddoingabarrelroll! *w*" Something said.

    Huh huh? Someone more hyper than me me? Lena wondered, as she fly into the Training Room, spotting a hyper Demon Spawn and a Warlock trying to understand it. Two can play this game game! Lena thought as she casted Speed on herself.

    "HeyheyYouseemlikeafunDemonSpawnSpawnWhatsyourname namelittleguy?" Lena said, then she looks at the Warlock."HeyheyDidyouyouhappentotoseeafemaleWarlockwhoscre amedscreamedlikeamanicwhenshefirstsawmemeIwouldlik etotalktoherheragainTeeHee!"

    Health : 90%
    Lena is torturing creatures with her hyper-sped up voice, while in the Training Room.
    Level : 2
    Efficiency : 80%
    Last edited by Evi; October 1st, 2009 at 00:26.

  8. #18
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    In your head :O

    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Cinder the fire loving, magic wielding, awesom warlock of evil.

    HeyheyDidyouyouhappentotoseeafemaleWarlockwhoscre amedscreamedlikeamanicwhenshefirstsawmemeIwouldlik etotalktoherheragainTeeHee!

    Um... well, you see... I can't really understand you when you talk faster than light. I don't even think the keeper can build a room as fast a you guys talk. Can you come back when you are less energetic.

    Then Cinder went back to his lair for some much needed sleep.

    Name: Cinder
    Level: 1.41
    Mood: sleeping
    Did: got more confused from what seems like a fly who ate a treasur chest of sugar, and a bookshelf of soda. He went to go sleep, which he hasn't done in over 3 weeks.
    Last edited by dk2player; October 1st, 2009 at 00:35.

  9. #19
    Orc Dark_Omega MK2's Avatar
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    Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    *Grith didnt really noticed that the Fire Fly spoke really fast, to him was normal*

    did anyone asked my name!?! *w* mynameisgrithimademonspawnnotagoblinorabiledemonbu tademonspawnandwhoareyou?whatisyourname?youliveher e?becauseifyoudontillhavetopokeyouintheeyewithasti ck?ohbythewayheresarockifoundjustforyoubythewayyou talkfunny.

    *Gives rock to the Fly and Grith starts jumping*

    Wanna be my new best fwend evah??? *w* i can do anything, i can dance, i can swim, i can rideachikenwhilefightingadragononatricycle

    *Grith talked soo fast that no one in the training room could understand him*

    Grith is trying (sort of) to make new friends in the training room, he talks soo fast that its really hard to understand him
    Health : 100%
    Level : 1
    Mood : Uber Happy
    Efficiency : 90%
    Last edited by Dark_Omega MK2; October 1st, 2009 at 04:08.

  10. #20
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Chapter Three: Grith and Lena

    Roach trained hard with his training dummy. He practiced a very basic "head on" fighting style. He took a leap to the side of the training dummy, and then bit it with his pinchers. He jumped back a bit, then threw all of his strength into his tiny legs to form a great jump. The height of his jump was at the training dummy's head level. Roach passed by the head and widened his pinchers so he ripped the head along its side before landing and turning back to face it.

    Roach hopped to the training dummy's feet and bit it, then jumped to the side and towards the training dummy again and bit it. Roach jumped back, and prepared in his strategy for any on coming attacks that his enemy might throw. Roach jumped to the left to dodge, and then ran at his training dummy. He leaped up and grabbed onto the head, biting the neck several times before he considered his enemy dead. Roach dropped down, and then he heard another voice.

    "HeyheyYouseemlikeafunDemonSpawnSpawnWhatsyour name namelittleguy?" A fly asked a demon spawn before turning to a warlock and asking "HeyheyDidyouyouhappentotoseeafemaleWarlockwho scre amedscreamedlikeamanicwhenshefirstsawmemeIwouldlik etotalktoherheragainTeeHee!"

    Roach understood the fly's words exactly, and did not know any such warlock. In fact, the warlock of whom she spoke to had been the first Roach had seen in the dungeon. He was sure there were others, but perhaps he hadn't paid too much attention.

    Then the demon spawn responded back to the female fly, "did anyone asked my name!?! mynameisgrithimademonspawnnotagoblinorabiledemonbu tademonspawnandwhoareyou?whatisyourname?youliveher e?becauseifyoudontillhavetopokeyouintheeyewithasti ck?ohbythewayheresarockifoundjustforyoubythewayyou talkfunny."

    Roach couldn't help but laugh at the "You live here? Because if you don't I'll have to poke you in the eye with a stick". He then decided to introduce himself to both creatures, not caring to much for the warlock as he seemed boring to Roach, or at least compared to the other two.

    The question I should ask myself is, how should I introduce myself? Hmm...

    Roach looked up at his damaged training dummy and an idea came to him. It was time for one of his more favorite days... of course he created it.

    "Wanna be my new best fwend evah???" The demon spawn asked the fly after the warlock left, "I can do anything, i can dance, i can swim, i can rideachikenwhilefightingadragononatricycle"

    "Hey everybody, how's it all going..." Roach entered the conversation with a rather amusing tone.

    Roach stepped forward towards the demon spawn and the fly. He wore the head of the training dummy on his head, and had the arms ripped out and balanced over his back, or as you may call it shell. He quickly had wrapped some rope, originally used to tie the training dummy together, around him to make the head and arms stay on

    "It's crazy hat day! Wheee!!!" Roach called out while dancing about and around the two creatures, "Come on! Let's play, friends!"

    "Here come Crazy Hat Day"
    "Spin around, take a bow"
    "Cause it's Crazy Hat Day"

    Roach laughed joyfully while circling the fly and demon spawn two times before he decided to ask them their names. Roach couldn't have been happier at the moment.

    "So!" Roach started off, "What's your names?"

    End of Chapter


    Name: "Nuclear" Roach
    Health: 250/100%
    Mood: Super Happy and joyous
    Job: Dancing
    Gold Held: 0
    Location: By Grith and Lena.

    Summery: Roach trained, and damaged the training dummy a little bit. Then he heard Grith and Lina talking. He walked over with an intro of "Crazy Hat Day" while wearing the training dummy's head on his head with the training dummy's arms on his shell, both attached by the training dummy's rope. He asked their names after singing and dancing around them.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 8th, 2009 at 06:06.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

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