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Thread: Frozengard Wastelands

  1. #21
    Dungeon Keeper Duke Ragereaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Din the warlock

    After Din received a warm welcome response, along with some other newcomers Keeper Mikaelios mentioned, he proceded to move to the lair to find some rest for his old bones. He was glad he finally received some shelter for he did not find much peace elsewhere due his notority for his deeds in the War for the Overworld.

    Oh, how I love those days... were his thoughs with a smile on his face.

    Finally arriving at the lair he noticed there were serveral other creatures but did not spend much attention to it, he was too tired. He quickly conjured a confromtable chair in the north-westeren section of the lair and while sitting on it, he took some well earned rest.

    Din the warlock is sleeping.
    Health: 100%
    Level : 1
    Mood: Tired
    Last edited by Duke Ragereaver; October 3rd, 2009 at 22:35.

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  2. #22
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Cinder the

    After some sleep, Cinder was well rested up and ready to do anything. He desided to go back to trainning, and hopfully meet up with those "fast talkers". He thought it was cause he haden't slept in so long, the world was just speeding up.

    He came back into the trainning room. He noticed the fly and demon spawn, and decided to introduce himself.

    Hi, sorry for yelling at you guys back there, I haden't slept in a while. My name is Cinder.

    Name: Cinder (again)
    Level: 1.4
    Mood: rested and friendly (in a keeper-y kind of way)
    Did: Got rested up (luckily warlocks only need like 2 or 3 hours of sleep for 2 months) and started introducing himslef to Lena and Girth

  3. #23
    Orc Dark_Omega MK2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    *Grith looks at the roach*

    EEEEEWWWWW ITS A ROACH!!!!! DDDDD8... ... ... THATS AWESOME!!!!!! 8D wanna be my new super fantastiduky friend? *w*

    *Starts dancing randomly*

    horray for crazy hat day of pure randomawesomenessandstuffthingys!!!

    *Then stops suddenly*

    oh by the way my name is Grith, im a Demon Spawn, and im also Red for some reason. *w*

    *Sees the warlock entering and making his speech and talks to him, this time he talked fast but at least it was understandable*

    Sorry for what? o.o Yelling? i thought you were using your maaaaaagical poooowers *3*, if you cant sleep you should sleep because sleeping makes you happy and happyness is the course of life and fun thingys, but good thing that now you are sleep. i am Grith, and i can do anything like...

    *Suddenly he puts some weird brown pointy hat on his head*

    ...MAGIC!!! watch, *talks to a dummy* die you evil goodly hero of nice things and stuffs *throw stick at a dummy and nothing happened* HAH, see? the dummy its now freezed *w*

    *Looks at everyone*

    Oh guys *w* you are my new best fwends evah...

    Grith its at the training room talking to Lena, Roach and Cinder, he still talks fast but not as before.
    Health : 100%
    Level : 1
    Mood : Uber Happy
    Efficiency : 90%

  4. #24
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Chapter Four: Acceptance

    "EEEEEWWWWW ITS A ROACH!!!!!" the demon spawn shouted as Roach became absolutely nervous and unsure if he had something against beetles. But then he said joyfully, "THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!! Wanna be my new super fantastiduky friend?" "Sure!" Roach smiled as much as a beetle actually could.

    Roach and then demon spawn then began dancing about. The demon spawn was giving out hurrays for Crazy Hat Day. Meanwhile, Roach was singing the Crazy Hat Day theme. Roach was quick on his feet, and apparently so was the demon spawn.

    "Hurray for crazy hat day of pure randomawesomenessandstuffthingys!!!" the demon spawn danced to his words as Roach danced to his laughter.

    Then suddenly, the demon spawn stopped. Roach didn't notice at first but froze in his position when he did.

    "Oh by the way my name is Grith, I'm a Demon Spawn, and I'm also Red for some reason," the demon spawn told him as Roach let out a deep breath of relief.

    I've done everything good up to this point... a nice intro fitting for us... now for my name... I should do this right.

    "Cool. I'm called..." Roach started off before running between both Grith and the female fly. He jumped and flipped himself upside down and landed with a twirl of his shell before finishing, "Roach! Sometimes called "Nuclear" Roach because of my poison spells and tendency to survive."

    And thus the Crazy Hat Day Dance began once more, but suddenly a warlock interrupted them by entering their dancing grounds. It was that same warlock that was talking to both Grith and the fly before Roach did.

    "Hi, sorry for yelling at you guys back there," the warlock apologized, "I hadn't slept in a while. My name is Cinder."

    If that's what you called yelling... wait do you even notice I'm here?

    Cinder hadn't looked at Roach one time. Roach was curious if he had something against beetles as he originally thought Grith did. Perhaps he actually didn't notice Roach, but Roach was about to change that. But then he noticed Grith speaking, and decided to wait his turn.

    "Sorry for what? Yelling?" Grith asked Cinder, "I thought you were using your maaaaaagical poooowers, if you cant sleep you should sleep because sleeping makes you happy and happiness is the course of life and fun thingies, but good thing that now you are sleep. I am Grith, and I can do anything like..."

    "MAGIC!" Grith shouted joyfully.

    Grith did a magic trick where he "froze" the training dummy with a stick. Roach couldn't help but applaud with such grace. But now was the time Roach would make his intro to Cinder. Roach quickly ran under the warlock's legs and then around his right leg to go back to his original location.

    "Hello Cinder!" Roach shouted as loudly as his quiet voice would allow, "I'm called "Nuclear" Roach! Though, "Nuclear" is simply a nickname I got from previous dungeons. Hey, do you have a staff I can borrow?"

    End of Chapter


    Name: "Nuclear" Roach
    Health: 250/100%
    Mood: Super Happy and joyous
    Job: Introducing himself to Cinder.
    Gold Held: 0
    Location: By Grith, Lina, and Cinder in the Training Room.

    Summery: Roach and Grith introduced themselves to each other and then danced to the Crazy Hat Day theme. Then Cinder showed up and apologized for "yelling" before introducing himself. Grith showed a magic trick where he "froze" a training dummy. Roach applauded before making his intro to Cinder by running under and around Cinder's feet. He said his name, nickname, and asked Cinder if he had a spare staff.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 8th, 2009 at 07:03.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  5. #25
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Sorry for what? Yelling? i thought you were using your maaaaaagical poooowers *3*, if you cant sleep you should sleep because sleeping makes you happy and happyness is the course of life and fun thingys, but good thing that now you are sleep. i am Grith, and i can do anything like... said girth, this time, just slow enough for Cinder to understand.

    Then Girth threw a stick at a random dummy.

    ...MAGIC!!! watch, talks to the dummy die you evil goodly hero of nice things and stuffs throws a stick at a dummy and nothing happened HAH, see? the dummy its now freezed.

    Cinder knew it wasn't frozen, but he desided to let Girth have his moment. He need all the allies he could get.

    Then he noticed a Beetle aplauding to it. Then he noticed the beetle was moving fast around his legs for some odd reason, and stoped back close to his original place.

    "Hello Cinder!" Roach shouted as loud as he has ever heard any bug creature go, "I'm called "Nuclear" Roach! Though, "Nuclear" is simply a nickname I got from previous dungeons. Hey, do you have a staff I can borrow?"

    Hi "Nuclear" and Girth. Nice to meet you guys. He started. He turned to girth and said Girth, that was amazing. I didn't know demon spawns knew magic, let alone how to freeze stuff. Then Cinder turned back to Roach and said Sorry, my last staff was torched long ago by some very energetic imp. But, if I may ask, why would you need one.

    Name: Cinder
    Level 1.4
    Mood: Curious and friendly
    Did: started talking with Girth and Roach.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Lena teh Fly

    Lena was about to reply to the Beetle until the Demon Spawn interrupted. after awhile of more conversation, 'Magic' and other things, Lena was able to speak, sadly, her Speed spell wore off.

    "Hey hey! I'm Lena the Fly Fly!" Lena said to the Demon Spawn, Grith, the Beetle, Nuclear, and to the Warlock, Cinder.

    Not exactly what I I expected my intro to be... Oooh! I know know! I'll spice this up up!

    Lena began to fly around each and every Training Dummy, causing them to spin and hit each other with their weapons. When all the Training Dummys were all hitting each other, Lena stopped and flew back to the group. Lena was about to say something, when a Training Dummy broke off and landed on Lena.

    "Erk!" Lena squealed, as she got herself out of the bottom of the fallen Training Dummy.

    "I... I planned that that! Teehee! (Crap... There goes goes my payday...)" Lena said, then muttered.

    Health : 85%
    Lena is with the group in the Training Room.
    Level : 2
    Mood : NOOOO! My payday!
    Efficiency : 75%
    Last edited by Evi; October 3rd, 2009 at 03:54. Reason: Its Beetle!

  7. #27
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Hey, I'm Lena the Fly Fly! said a stange fly. After 3 secounds of silence, the fly then started buzing around just fast enough to get all of the dummies to hit themselves. Then a piece of one got hit to hard, and flew off, and hit the fly.

    I... I planned that that! Teehee!

    Are you ok, Lena? asked Cinder.

  8. #28
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    Chapter Five: The Wonder of Lena

    "Sorry, my last staff was torched long ago by some very energetic imp. But, if I may ask, why would you need one," Cinder told Grith who was disappointed and asked, "Can I have it if I catch the imp? Er-why I nee-... umm... reasons..."

    In truth, Roach had a joy for collecting creature objects, mostly weapons. He has a good collection of creature weapons, but he's never had a staff or rod. All of his collection he left back at home, but Roach wanted to continue collecting. He didn't like to admit his collection to much of anyone.

    "Hey hey! I'm Lena the Fly Fly!" Lena suddenly jumped in and caught Roach's attention. "H-Hello Lena," Roach greeted back with the slightest hesitation.

    Roach was naturally a little shy in front of women, especially considering the main attraction to her, her quick speech, seemed to have faded. Lena then began flying across row after row of the training dummies to start them in a huge spinning cycle.

    Woah, now that takes some sweet talent...

    With Lena's quick speed and skillful trick, Roach's attraction came back and his nervousness faded. Lena flew back to the three of them, but for a moment Roach forgot about Cinder and Grith.

    Unfortunately, the moment didn't last as one of the training dummy's parts broke off and flew right at Lena. It knocked her to the ground and she quickly struggled to escape it and succeeded shortly.

    "Lena? Are you alright?" Roach asked her. "Erk! I... I planned that that! Teehee!"

    Seeing as how she was unharmed, Roach couldn't help but laugh at the end result.

    End of Chapter


    Name: "Nuclear" Roach
    Health: 250/100%
    Mood: Happy
    Job: Laughing at Lena
    Gold Held: 0
    Location: By Grith, Lena, and Cinder in the Training Room.

    Summery: Roach asked Cinder if he caught the imp that he could keep the staff, but kept quiet about his reason to collect creature objects. Lena did her trick, and Roach asked if she was alright after she got hurt. But then he laughed at her after she said she planned that.
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; October 8th, 2009 at 07:03.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  9. #29
    Dragon DragonsLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    [Sorry, I was a bit sick these days. I just read and LOL, who will win the fastest speaking contest? And LOL Metal Gear Rex for that "original" presentation!]

    Listen to Grith eating some chickens, trying to catch what he says, and finally understand that he loves training while going to the room so, don't say a word about that.

    Then, listen to Lena and look at her leaving the dungeon, exploring the lava river. I don't retain her as she does a nice scout and she's nice to find interesting stuff. Instead, I watch Nuclear doing the wooden and laugh silently while looking at him trying to build the door and finishes by being disappointed by his work.

    - It was a nice try Nuclear. Here's a few gold for having tried at least.
    Gives Nuclear 10 gold coins.

    Suddenly, hear Lena screaming and flies back away, her wings in fire to finally end in a gold chest. Laugh at her for the comical situation.

    - You okay, Lena? What did you see?

    After that, turn my attention to the situation in the Training Room and hardly understand what Grith and Lena are saying.

    - Err... Grith, Lena, could you slow down a little please so that we could understand you better? Thanks!


    Oh, already? Fine my minions, go get your pays. Then go back to work. I sense that a big combat awaits for us. There's more important things to do than chatting and I'd like to have at least level 3-4 minions before we go.
    Last edited by DragonsLover; October 3rd, 2009 at 04:36.
    I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...

  10. #30
    Hellhound dk2player's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozengard Wastelands

    It is payday

    Yes. I finally can get some money. He thought in his mind.

    Ok guys, well, I'm gonna go get my pay and start trainning again. Hope to see you guys around. He said to Lena, Girth, and Roach

    And surely he did. After getting his normal pay of 254 gold, he returned to the trainning room, and started beating on a trainning dummy.

    Name: Cinder
    Level: 1.5
    Mood: Energetic, excited, and just plain happy
    Did: Got his pay and returned to trainng.

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