Hello there.
I'm just a 24 year old nerd from Sweden. If my name is of any importance to anybody, it's Emil.
I've been an avid player of Dungeon Keeper for as long as I can remember, and it's still tied for 1st place as my favorite game of all times (Quake being the other one).
I was one of the lucky kids who's father bought this game pretty much when it came out. And I've been playing it for almost 20 years now.
Although, I never realized how much I sucked at the game until I tried the community created Campaigns of KeeperFX. (Like, the original campaign is like a tutorial in comparison.)
But it's nice being able to play the game again without having to play the original campaign that I know like the back of my hand. :P
Anyway, I'm not sure how active I will be in this community, but I'm still happy I found a place where Dungeon Keeper can get the recognition it deserves, it truly is a masterpiece of a game.
I'm mostly a DK1 player, I don't know why, but something about the clunky 3D graphics and slower gameplay kinda drove me off DK2.
But I own a store-bought copy of both DK1 and DK2, although my DK1 CD is broken after years of overuse, I finally got my hands on the GOG version.
So, that's my introduction, hoping to make a good impression on you guys.
(Also, I'm so glad you're not called Keeper Kommunity Klan >x>)