While it's true that it is not possible to change the script of a map of a saved-game, what I meant was to click Continue in the main menu after the script is edited: you'll start the map again with new - edited script - sure you know that. I do not use the cheat menu so I do it that way 
Now are you sure you didn't mix up the original and updated version?
The original had:
QUICK_OBJECTIVE(2,"Congratulations, don't forget the transfer creature special!",PLAYER0)
Added this without testing because I thought it's correct. This did not work: as you said it's just BRIDGE. What was fatal however was the fact that the error caused the game to miss WIN_GAME. I quickly removed the error by removing the whole if available statement. The updated version does not have room_bridge, the original one has.
Quickly checked win conditions in other maps and they seem fine.
And you are right I find interesting how people play the maps and I am thankful for your feedback
Did not want it to sound other way.