Still, feel free to download, try, comment and help me improve all maps. All feedback is valued.
1 = Tournament Maps
2 = Special Maps
3 = Siege Maps
4 = Campaigns
5 = Mapping Templates
These maps are ideal for tournaments with a major focus on interesting and fun terrain and gameplay, whilst retaining balance.
Faults (Download)
An open, but well-defended land, Faults provides a more than adequate arena in which to settle your differences with rival Keepers.
Game Modes: Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 4
Size: 69x69
Honeycomb (Download)
Good choice, Keeper. Honeycomb is the homeland of the fireflies, and though they may take up arms against you if pushed, their feeble struggles will hinder you not and this gold rich land will be yours for the taking. What makes this realm ideal as a powerbase for the conquest of surronding lands is its abundance of portals and, if rumors are true, gem seams cherished by the firefly population.
Great minds think alike though, Keeper, and several adversaries have been spotted lurking in this realm. Teach these upstarts a leason or two.
Game Modes: Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 4
Size: 69x69
Patchwork - Classic (Download)
Do not scoff at this simplistic realm, Keeper, for though it lacks complexity it provides fast-paced, intense game-play with lots of open terrain for building while keeping enough in the way of obstacles to keep you from being overwhelmed to early-on. The outlying hero forts are poorly defended but provide a perfect counter to your attempts to scout further. Gem seams are placed in clear sight but must be fought for. Yes, Keeper, this realm is the perfect battleground for settling disputes with your peers.
Game modes: Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 4
Size: 69x69
Patchwork - Extra Large (Download)
A complex labyrinth of channels turns this into a confusing, hectic battle. Portals and gem seems are all quantities to be fought for, and the complex central interplay is fierce. But be watchful, Keeper, for there is no wall to your back and enemy keepers will be merciless, striking from any direction.
Game modes: Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 4
Size: 127x127
Tourney (Download)
Its getting personal, Keeper, but are you ready for it?
Game modes: Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 2
Size: 69x69
Quiet as the Grave (1.21) (Download)
What in the name of all that is unholy have you done this time, Keeper? You've woken the dead! At any other time I would be happy for you, Keeper, but this is...
Do you suicidally plan these little mishaps out in advance or do you just have a talent for getting into unearthly trouble? Didn't anyone ever teach you NOT to anger the Dark Gods? Their wrath is legendary and they won't stop until at least one of you is dead, Keeper! Make sure it isn't you...
Map Type: 1v1 Skirmish/Multiplayer (Stonewall/Hold-out style)
Amount of Players: 2
Size: 69x69
Dead Walking (1.4) (Download)
Again with the walking dead thing, right? Do you never learn, Keeper? Here we go again...
Map Type: 1v1 Skirmish/Multiplayer (Stonewall/Hold-out style)
Amount of Players: 2
Size: 69x69
Fort Stillwater (Version 1.0 - Another version unlikely due to corrupted files)
An impressive castle created by the goodly architect and castle-builder of renown, Lord Feeblerant, Fort Stillwater, like so many of its relations, has proven more than just a formidable foe to the many Keepers who have attempted to take it over the years. Although this well-built keep has proven to be the downfall of most, evil will prevail tonight, Keeper.
Game Type: Siege - (Player 3 Defensive) - Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 3
Baron's Fault (Version 1.1)
Long ago a small goodly stronghold stood near the edge of Baron's Fault, an ideal defensive position to repel any Keeper raids from the nearby realm of Firespite. Of course, this small hero-fort was only a second-line defense and staffed by a garrison of less than ten and, as such, it might well have been staffed by blind doddery old monks for all the resistance it managed put up when Keeper Charmaul came though. It seems the Keeper took somewhat of a liking to less than idyllic part of the kingdom as he reworked the small garrison into a strong power-base. Since its renovations, the fort has changed hands many times.
Game Type: Siege - (Player 1 Defensive) - Skirmish, Multiplayer
Players: 3
The "Prophecy of Malice" Campaign.
I intend this to be my first campaign and it is set some time (undecided) before the events of Dungeon Keeper 2, effectively a precussor. As to whether Keeper Malice or Horny will appear... probably at some stage. We shall see. I want to try to sync it with the plot and goings on of DK 2. I also intend this campaign to be somewhat more challenging, gruelling and longer in terms of levels than the original campaign.
In the deepest extremities of the under-realm where even Keepers fear thread there is a mighty fortress built on the very brink of the Crushing Depths. This ancient stronghold was built by a devout order of a powerful, arrogant race of prophets who call themselves the Dark Angels. They have in their possession what they call, the Prophecy of Malice. Little is certain, but all accounts tell that the prophecy speaks of a lone Keeper who will rise above the rest, seize and amass the heroes’ new Portal Gems and take the Over-world for his own. Normally nothing would be worth taking on the Dark Angels, but for the chance to fulfil this particular prophecy?
Search all three Dark Angel Libraries for the prophecy.
DEEPFALLS (Download)
There is great uncertainty and much infighting amongst the shaken ranks of the Keepers following many rumours circulating of a prophecy. Unfortunately we were unable to recover the prophecy, but interrogation of prisoners from the fortress at Darkshrine has revealed that shortly before our assault a rogue was witnessed infiltrating the dungeon. We believe that this rogue was in the service of a Keeper Wruth, but yet more unfortunately it seems as if our pursuit will have to be delayed as we have been ambushed near the base of the Deepfalls Chasm by a small number of late entrants hoping to pick up on the trail of the prophecy. To make matters worse, the remaining Dark Angels of the Order of Sek’riah have taken up the chase and seek our demise after the attack on the subterranean sanctuary of their order. Ill fate has indeed befallen us, but the prophecy is not yet beyond our reach. Do not let it slip between your fingers.
Crush the Keepers Undkath, Tertho and Goerosa while holding off the Dark Angel's who have allied with one of the three Keepers.
RIVENROUT (Download)
It would appear we’ve caught up with Keeper Wruth at the age-old battleground of Rivenrout and, for the while at least, thrown the enraged Dark Angels off our trail. Fate, it seems however, again moves to thwart us. Keeper Wruth has prepared himself cunningly, knowing well that he is pursued and has set out to ambush us. His forces are formidable and well-deployed. What is more he has recruited the help of a lesser Keeper called Fuin. Their combined forces are indeed formidable, but you must not falter.
Kill both Keeper Wruth and Keeper Fuin to avoid any chance of the Prophecy slipping through your fingers.
FELROCK (Download)
Keeper Wruth may be dead, but he was enviably cunning and clever. Neither of the late Keepers had prophecy and, from what we can garner, it wasn’t even anywhere near Rivenrout. Keeper Wruth entrusted it to his younger brother, Keeper Dasque, who on the news of his brother’s death has undoubtedly gone to ground. But let us dwell on the good news because no matter how successful Keeper Wruth’s master-plan at throwing the Keepers off his tail was, he is now dead and will no longer trouble us. The second piece of good news is that Keeper Dasque is young and inexperienced and won’t last long pitted against the combined might of the rest of the Keepers. When he is located, and there is no doubt he will be, we must jump in as he desperately holds off what will undoubtedly be the underworlds finest Keepers and steal the prophecy from him before they can get their hands on it. With any luck the trail will go cold on him and we can make a clean getaway.
Either kill or convert the warlock entrusted with the prophecy or else kill Dasque to break the alliance of the three Keepers Rerguard, Colburg and Frelsmere who assailed him. These great Keepers have temporarily ally to take down Dasque. Kill all three to prevent any making off with the prophecy.
5. Map Templates
Although it may not seem like it, templates are extremely useful and laying out a map before you start advisable. Making a map symetrically in particular is almost impossible without them. These are laid out already and take the effort out of that.
Map Template (69x69) ~ Here