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Thread: [Old] Discussion

  1. #161
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Okay being a bit bored I decided to work on the RPG some more!


    I didn't think it be that easy... okay never mind, I don't wanna go work on them personalities... I'll do some other stuff on the RPG instead. It's been a while since I peeked at that Keeper/Character/Whatever list...

    I hope I don't get side-tracked because I'm hungry.

    I'm on my summer break, haha to all those who have one month to go.

    I have time to do stuff now... and umm:

    I'm back...


    Once I finish the more complex and advanced stuff that are really custom as they're from Dungeon Keeper (So not your average RPG Maker made game) and then I get to the basic RPG stuff so yeah. :3
    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; June 17th, 2010 at 11:04.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  2. #162
    Bile Demon natchoguy's Avatar
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    a new forum

    Default Re: Discussion

    when is the new release coming out?

  3. #163
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by natchoguy View Post
    when is the new release coming out?
    Hell if I know.

    Checking over the things I have to do, I realize that this list is actually very small. After all the features I've implimented, there's very little I need to do left.

    Right now, I'll see if I can get something out soon and worry about some of the other stuff later. What I mean is that I'll dodge some features and tasks... for now...

    I will ignore multiple personalities and the graphical update.

    My first priority is getting in a single personality for the Fly and Beetle installed. Then I'll impliment Creature #2-Creature #6. Afterwards, I'll get the actual level in. After all the work before that, this will be nothing in comparison.

    In other words... I'm getting very close to releasing something for you.

    While you're enjoying that, I'll get the Heroes done. Then I'll do the graphical update, get some more personalities, and fix any reported bugs I recieve along the way.

    While looking though the creatures, I became curious about the Vampire's resurrection ability. I did some tests and there are good news. I will be able to get the Vampire to resurrect no problem. He'll have to be at a certain level, just as he usually is, and he won't lose spells or anything. (At least durring the battle, I don't know if this applies to when he exits out of the battle)

    In other words, it'll be just like in the original DK1. But there is one thing I can't fix, (Due to the triggers' limitations to turns in battle) is that if the Vampire is the only one alive, and he is defeated, then game over.

    Temperairly closed the RPG News thread, (Not that it matters since nobody seems to post there anyways) I'll announce when I re-open it.

    On a more RPG-related note, I've checked my To-Do list. There are so little things left for me to do that there is a high chance I will get the RPG done and ready before Saturday. No promises though. If I just keep progressing like I am then it'll all be fine and done before Saturday but there always seem to be time for real life roadblocks :/

    Wow, June 3rd... could have sworn it had been much longer since my last discussion post...

    As you may know from what I said in the RPG News thread, some things are slowing me down. If you've read the chatbox, you'll get an example.

    I'm afraid it is going to take a little while longer than I expected, well much longer actually. I haven't had any time to rest, after dealing with alot of stress on the weekend, I really would like to rest just a little bit. But for some reason, the cats peed on my blanket, I found out last night. It happened that same day, since it didn't smell bad before then. And I couldn't sleep with it, so I slept without anything to cover myself. Then I caught a cold, I don't feel good now and most certainly don't feel well enough to work on the RPG.


    Just a little fun with a new feature I added in, a Party Switcher thing. It works in battle, and when you die you can form a new party from those who are still alive :P

    I got lots of stuff, like a tax thing for shops. I can now make discount shops and expensive shops.


    Last edited by Metal Gear Rex; July 4th, 2010 at 10:12.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  4. #164
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discussion

    Wow that merged post keeps on getting bigger and bigger.

    I've gotten all the tile graphics I need at the moment, and almost all the spell animations are done. Well, all the spell animations are done but there is the one for Flame Breath but I use it as a melee weapon so I dunno if I can consider it a spell so it doesn't count.

    Anyway, intro is done and I'm working on the map data for the actual JttAA campaign. I'd show you the intro but... my camera is out of batteries. I can still post the text you see though if you'd like.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

  5. #165
    Vampire MeinCookie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discussion

    How are things going? Any progress?
    {RPG} Creature Page: Here | My Maps, My Comic

    Not even Vermillion reads the OOC threads

    Current Awakening Creatures

    8 :Creatures Dispatched | Creatures Killed: 9

  6. #166
    Awakening Game Master Metal Gear Rex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by MeinCookie View Post
    How are things going? Any progress?
    I stopped replying due to lack of feedback so you don't know this, but I've completely abbandoned the "Dungeon" mode. I instead dived right into the Hero story of the actual JttAA. The Dungeon Mode won't ever be completed, now that I think about it, it was a really stupid idea. Too much effort and not worth it at all.

    I won't tell you my progress on the Hero Story, but I will say that I suddenly remembered an idea for a Bomberman game I had quite a while back (Years probably) and back then, I didn't have the abilities to make it. Now I do, and I began getting into that again. I've been working on it since. I already have made a partner who does everything graphical and does it well. An example of his work:

    More can be seen here: (Just skip beyond my crap)

    It seems there are some people interested in this project of mine. But, anyways, the reason why I suddenly jumped back is because I currently don't have much to do besides brainstorm ideas, and am merely waiting for the tileset of Alcatraz to be completed by him before continuing. It actually seems to kill me a little bit not doing anything at all, I actually enjoy mapping out areas and designing the events inside.

    Here is my current list of priorities:

    Bomberman RPG Project
    Awakening RPG
    JttAA RPG

    When the Awakening has nothing for me to do, JttAA will proceed in progress. But once he finishes the sprites, I'll be working on that project again and continue the same list of priorities. I won't abbandon neither the Awakening, nor JttAA (Maybe the latter) but they will move slower. Once I've reached a certain point in the Bomberman RPG, JttAA will move up to the same level as the Awakening. And once the Bomberman RPG is at an even farther point, I probably will put them up on the same rank of priorities.

    I also will provide a link to the topic I post the Bomberman RPG in my signature once I finish the first chapter of one of the stories, and provide 2 screenshots (On that topic). Once it is downloadable, I really do suggest you check it out, as it is quite an impressive piece of work from what I see, and it isn't even done yet. It will have things JttAA doesn't, and vice versa. I WOULD put these things in JttAA but the reason I can't is simply because I don't have the same abilities in the JttAA as I do in the Bomberman RPG (I need someone to design graphics basically)

    Anywho, that is the story. That's what's going on.
    Dungeon Keeper 2 Patch: With More Balance and Pie [Hiatus]
    Forever Hiatus. Probably. Latest Version: 3.5 w/Levels 1-11 Revised.

    The Awakening: GM Powers Activate!
    Tesonu is napping!

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