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Thread: What this is.

  1. #31
    Keeper of Keepers dotted's Avatar
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    Default Re: What this is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madkill View Post
    A more advance engine.
    100% Assurance that it'll work on all of the latest OS' from XP and onwards without hassle.
    Beta testing the WftO engine and its limits/potential.
    KeeperFX isnt limited to a less advanced engine. And you have equal assurance that KeeperFX will work on XP onwards, im running it just fine on Windows 7 64-bit. KeeperFX isnt a simply patch that adds a bit of functionality, its a project to fully rewrite the game as open source. And with a completely open source game you can convert it to be fully 3D like NBKE. As i said before KeeperFX and NBKE accomplish the same thing. KeeperFX is a slowly evolving project, much like OpenTTD which in the beginning was reverse enginering Transport Tycoon Deluxe but now is completely independent of the original game.

  2. #32

    Default Re: What this is.

    So KeeperFX could basically be what NBKE is planning on being? In an almost exact way as NBKE would look like too?

  3. #33
    Keeper of Keepers dotted's Avatar
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    Default Re: What this is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madkill View Post
    So KeeperFX could basically be what NBKE is planning on being? In an almost exact way as NBKE would look like too?
    Hypothetically yes. But i think the current goal is just to make a open source DK1 clone.

  4. #34

    Default Re: What this is.

    Hopefully it'll have its own setup soon so it'll be installing Dungeon Keeper and the FX together. 16bit setups don't like to work too well on 64bit OS'.

  5. #35
    Keeper of Keepers dotted's Avatar
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    Default Re: What this is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madkill View Post
    Hopefully it'll have its own setup soon so it'll be installing Dungeon Keeper and the FX together. 16bit setups don't like to work too well on 64bit OS'.
    What are you talking about?

  6. #36

    Default Re: What this is.

    DKI wont install for me because I'm on 64bit; this is because it isn't a 32bit setup(by assumption) so it must be 16bit and I'm assuming I have to have a copy of the game installed to use KeeperFX.

  7. #37
    Elite Dragon Mothrayas's Avatar
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    Default Re: What this is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madkill View Post
    DKI wont install for me because I'm on 64bit; this is because it isn't a 32bit setup(by assumption) so it must be 16bit and I'm assuming I have to have a copy of the game installed to use KeeperFX.
    You don't.

    The Awakening

  8. #38

    Default Re: What this is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mothrayas View Post
    You don't.
    Awesome then.

    Though I still think a DKI clone would be a useful tech demo for the WftO's engine. Even if it didn't include the campaign.

  9. #39

    Default Re: What this is.


    This for example is what would be happening to Dungeon Keeper, if NBKE was to get off the ground.

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