Hello, and welcome to my third creation of an original Dungeon Keeper 2 Campaign!
Don't worry, this does not mean I'm abandoning my other campaigns, this is just a side project to work on while taking a break from my other campaigns.
Key Notes For This Campaign!
- This campaign will include an original story along with main and side objectives! (To know what your objectives are, they will be posted here with each level and their own narrative.)
- Each level will be 100% unique, never before seen in my previous campaigns or the official campaign.
- You are extremely encouraged to explore each level thoroughly, as there are many secrets in each level! You will be handsomely rewarded for your exploration.

- There are now never before seen 'Captains' with a unique look from their goodly heroes look alike! Most Strongholds, garrisons, and outposts will have at least one Captain that will be essential to kill in order to overtake or complete objectives, in most cases.
- But be warned! For in most cases, killing a Captain, or claiming an outpost will not go unnoticed! For Hero parties will be sent to destroy you as a repercussion of your actions!
- I will try to add a new level every 1-2 weeks, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. As of now, there are two very polished, complete levels. The second one will take you around 2-5 hours to complete.
- If you care about the story of this campaign, it is a sequel to the official Dungeon Keeper 2 campaign.
- The realm now contains provinces, I'm unsure how many there will be, guess it depends on how many levels I decide to create.

- This campaign will not be including the spell 'possession' in ANY levels due to how overpowered it is, making the game incredibly easy and dull. (May decide to include it later after making changes to it...)
- This campaign, like my others, is meant for those who think the official campaign is far too easy. This campaign will be very hard, challenging, and fun!
- This campaign will be using its own balance patch that I personally created. Balance changes to things such as, but not limited to: Keeper Spells, Room Costs, Creature Spells, Creature Abilities, Multiple Level Variables, and more.
- The Campaign will be released in episodic order, ranging from Episode 1-5. Each will contain a minimal of 5 unique levels!
- There will be a dedicated 'Update' list informing players changes made to each respective level, located at the bottom of this post.
- A first-ever use made campaign with voice acting is planned to be added to each level! If all goes well during testing, the campaign will include Voice Acting and Text descriptions for objectives, goals, warnings, and more! (This is planned to be implemented shortly after Episode I is out.)
"The one Keeper that was to save us from goodly heroes, has failed. After claiming all the portal gems and seeking to go to the overworld, he was stopped and killed by King Reginal himself.
After the fall of the chosen one, the goodly heroes set a goal of eliminating the remaining Keepers from the realm, and so they did... except for one..."
The Forgotten One
Level One: Cedric's Hold

"Hello, Keeper... You are the only known Keeper that remains in this realm... Goodly foes surround you and you have nowhere to go... So will you keep hiding, or avenge your fallen brethren, and take back the underworld for your own survival?
It's been centuries and all you've done is hide and survive, I think it's time you came out to play... Now is a better time than never... but be warned Keeper, for it will not be an easy task. It will be a perilous journey in which your kind may go extinct if you do not succeed...
Cedric rules this province, but he has let his forts and outposts decay, pulling out troops due to the lack of Keepers existing and all... Kill the essential captains in this province to draw out Cedric, then slay him and we shall move onward to his twin brother's castle, and then release Cedric and his brothers grip from these lands for our use."
Main Objective:
Kill Cedric's five designated Captains, and eliminate any careless heroes that attempt to get in your way! I recommend eliminating his first two Captains to the south...
Once the 5 captains lay cold and limp on the ground, Cedric will come to try and end you himself... But he will not come alone, make sure you are well prepared for his arrival.
Side Objective:
Find the ghost of King Reginald aimlessly roaming in seclusion and kill him once again along with his sons.
When he dies a secret will be revealed, but be weary, there may lie a trap ahead of his hidden jewel and treasures...
Locate the salamander tribe and free them of their giant oppressors, do not underestimate the giants ability to turn on you...
Relieve the mistress of being hunted by goodly faeries to gain her aid to conquer the goodly hero keeps in this area.
The faeries won't be pleased with your intervention...
Find and save the bullied goblin known as Grubb who refused to join the goodly hero side, but first, you must gain access to their hidden passageway.
Take caution though, for the goblins will not be happy with you freeing them of their fond pet...
A mercenary of black knights known as the Blackrock Clan has overthrown their previous leader and imprisoned him.
Kill the gang of black knights and their new leader to gain a new powerful ally to aid you in taking down the lord of the land in this province.
But we warned Keeper, the rest of the gang members will come to slay you for killing their new leader...
A warlock named Almeric resides hidden away under the nose of the ghost of King Reginald, perhaps if you succeed in the slaying of King Reginald and survive his trap, he will join you and aid with his own jewels and treasures...
There's a group of dead monks who worship their gods from beyond the grave via their magic well.
Find them and slay them to take their magic well to bolster your traps and spells with additional mana.
There are a total of ?? secrets.
Level Two: Cedric's Castle

"Hello, Keeper... Now that you've eliminated Cedric's forces in his forward hold, we can march straight to his castle and kill him, his sons, and his remaining forces!
However, we will need to claim his graveyard and prison if we are going to truly end his reign of rule within his two provinces..."
Main Objective:
Kill Cedric's Captains guarding his graveyard and prisons, claim them, and raise an army of the dead to overrun his castle to kill him and his sons!
Side Objective:
Find a lost workshop in this province, as it may have supplies to help defend against Cedric's waves of heroes!
Our scouts have reported a second portal to the south, find it and claim it from the goodly heroes to help overthrow Cedric's forces!
Our scouts have also reported sightings of an Elite Dark angel working for the goodly heroes... find him and kill him if you can, as he can only be trouble in the future... (Hint: You will be rewarded for completing this objective...)
There are a total of 3 secrets.
Level Three: The Loyalist And The Cowardly Lord

"Hello, Keeper... Now that you've eliminated the goodly lord Cedric and his Sons, and claimed both of his provinces he once owned, we can travel to the bordering province once owned by a rival keeper...
Although the keeper has long been defeated by the Lord of the Land whose name is unknown, he still has creatures that remain loyal to their dead keeper. Use your newly acquired graveyard and prison to kill the loyal creatures of a former keeper, and claim a much-needed room in order to kill the cowardly Lord that hides in his castle. Doing this will free this land of any unwanted problems, and give us free rein of a gold enriched province, much that we will need to fund our newly started conquest! But be warned, Keeper, for the more gold you add to your vaults, the more likely thieving thieves will be eager to take it from you..."
Main Objective:
Kill off what's left of the former Keeper forces, and then take their combat pit for your own use.
Once you've acquired the combat pit, storm the Cowardly Lord's castle and slay him where he weeps.
Side Objective:
Find an old casino the heroes claimed from the former keeper, claim it for your own, and bolster your forces with rouges.
There are a total of 2 secrets.
Level Four: A Distraughtful Encounter

"Keeper! Your scouts have discovered three other Keepers that are alive... But they are under the control of the goodly heroes... Kill the heroes and they're pet Keepers, they do not deserve to remain in this realm.
They are a disgrace to their kind, show no mercy. "
Main Objective:
Kill off the three pet Keepers along with the hero captains that give them orders. I suggest you start with the weakest, Vilihame (Blue).
Be wary though keeper, for we do not know the outcome once we kill their pet Keepers...
Side Objective:
Eliminate the two hero fortress to prevent them from aiding their pet Keepers.
One of the Wizards in the main Fortress may have a powerful spell we can use in our aid against the Keepers...
There are a total of 3 secrets.
Level Five: Purge & Fire

"If you recall Keeper when we invaded and killed Lord Cedric, he had unruly Dark Angels secretively working under him. We are now brought to a Dark Angel keep that is housed next to a Grand Castle of two lords of this land.
We must eliminate this threat before they threaten our very existence. We can not allow the goodly forces to use the dark angels against us! Kill all goodly forces in this realm so we may get back on course to our main objective, claiming this realm for ourselves, to which we shall lead a massive army to claim the bordering realms!"
Main Objective:
Lay waste to the outer defenses of the grand castle, once you've eliminated their outer defense, breach the gates and kill its protectors. You must then locate the lords and their son's keeper, giving them a swift death before you are overwhelmed! Be warned keeper, this will not be an easy task, you may yet face the most difficult objective thus far...
Side Objective:
Eliminate the dark angel keep before we lay siege to the two lords of the land... or face unforeseen consequences, keeper.
There are a total of 3 secrets & more?
Level Six: Retribution

"After removing the Dark Angel threat, we now must extinguish another battalion of creatures turned by the goodly lord Michael. These battalions are controlled by Michael and his three sons, once we eliminate the sons, the Lord of the Land will surely come to avenge his young princes'.
Once we have disposed of these ill-goodly heroes, we shall move on to bordering territory where our scouts report another keeper that is still alive but under the control of the heroes... We shall try and release him, in due time. For now, slay Lord Michael and his sons!"
Main Objective:
We must locate and kill the three princes' to force the Lord of the Land to reveal himself. Be wary though, keeper, for once you kill the Lord's sons I'm sure any remaining lieutenants of the sons will pursue you, I advise you kill them before you draw out the Lord of the Land.
Two of the princes are twins, and once you attack one, both will attack you with all their available forces, ensuring you are capable of taking them head-on, keeper.
The last prince will be isolated, now taking ownership of a fallen keeper's base that did not obey the orders of the goodly heroes. You shall be warned, however, keeper, although he is isolated, his elite guard is protecting him well.
Side Objective:
Kill all of the princes' lieutenants before slaughtering the princes themselves, or else face dire consequences later on.
Locate the hidden gem to secure our ongoing battle without payment problems for your creatures...
There are a total of 5 secrets.
Secret Level (1): Defiant One

"Hello, Defiant One. It appears you are in need of help as you are on the pinnacle of being broken by your captures, the goodly heroes. Since you defy to take orders from your new masters, you should break out of your confinement and once again be free. To do so you must survive the waves of horror, and then kill the puppet master to free yourself. Who knows, if you successfully make it out of this one alive you may find a new ally known as the Forgotten One..."
Main Objective:
Survive the waves of onslaught from the heroes that seek your demise. If you are still alive by the end, take the fight to the Lord of the Land that runs this encampment, slay him, and seek out the last remaining free keeper.
Side Objective:
Prepare to die, a lot.
There are a total of ?? secrets.
Level One:
Update 1.1:
- Added a new Captain in the south fort.
- Added a hero party to accompany the Wizard Captain in the south fort.
- Increased multiple hero levels in some hero parties and around the map for a better difficulty curve.
- Fixed some triggers not properly working.
- Lower cost of Wooden Doors - will be like this for all current levels and future ones.
- Buffed Wizards with heal spell and more.
- Minor terrain changes.
- Thunderbolt and Heal have proper cooldowns now.
- Lots of other minor changes and fixes, future updates are planned.
Update 1.2:
- South Hero party will spawn eventually, even if you ignore their crumbled fortress in the beginning and attack others.
- Minor changes to triggers in the centered hero garrisons for that specific hero party.
- Buffed the lonely heroes in the isolated hideout.
- Removed excessive gold across the map.
- Tweaked a few hero levels.
- Smarter AI changes were made for heroes in the South Fort.
Update 1.3:
- Added two new hero parties.
- Changed location for some hero parties.
- Added a new patrol around the northern keep.
- Added a few more gold seams.
- Added a threat response to the lieutenant dwarf.
- Other minor changes.
Level Two:
Update 1.1:
- Buffed the majority of hero parties.
- Fixed many hero parties not properly spawning.
- Gave every hero leader their proper leader texture.
- Increased a lot of hero levels for a better difficulty curve.
- Fixed pathing problems with some hero parties. (hopefully)
- Added special effects to the hidden cemetery.
- Minor terrain changes.
- Thunderbolt and Heal have proper cooldowns now.
- Lots of other minor changes and fixes, future updates are planned.
Update 1.2: (MAJOR UPDATE!!)
- Added several new rooms and tiles to the enormously good castle.
- Added a hero party that attacks the player for breaching the castle.
- Lord of The Land now attacks once his three sons are dead.
- The level properly ends now.
- Added parties that protect the princes until they're dead. (For two of them...
) - Each son now reacts in a unique way when attacked.
- The overall difficulty has been significantly increased!
- Removed secret level. (To be added in future level)
- Lots of other minor changes and fixes, future updates are planned.
Update 1.3:
- Fixed a major crash bug - had to remove two specific hero rooms to fix this. (no idea why it caused the crashing...)
Update 1.42:
- Fixed Lord of the Land party not spawning.
- Added four new parties that spawn when the Lord of the Land joins the fray.
- The player now has 10 minutes of reprieve after killing the three sons before Cedric comes with his new final elite force.
Level Three:
Update 1.1:
Special Thanks to Quuz for implementing the following changes! (Currently only applied to 1.7!!!)
- Stone Knights now have the invulnerability spell.
- Blue Keeper now has AI! Making blue somewhat intelligent and much more challenging.
- Goodly Lord's Castle has had minor terrain improvements.
- Two additional mana vaults have been added.
- Hero 'traps' have been added to attempts at claiming hero portals.
- Blue Keeper now has a 'Commander' that must be killed.
- Lots of other minor changes and fixes, future updates are planned.
Level Five:
Update 1.1:
- Relocated both 2x2 hero portals in the hero fortress.
- Added several new hero parties.
- Increased difficulty across multiple hero parties.
- Both 2x2 hero portals in the hero fortress are much harder to conquer.
- Killing both lords of the lands has become much more difficult if not killed quickly when attacked.
- Buffed the early hero parties to be more of a threat.
Level Six:
Update 1.1:
- Increased overall difficulty.
- Buffed early and later parties.
- Northen Hero Keep hero levels have been increased, along with respective hero parties.
- Removed first cinematic.
- Minor terrain changes.
- Increased Lts. levels and guard protection.
- Other difficulty increases.
Download links:
Version 1.3:
Download TFO 1.3 Campaign
Version 1.7:
Download TFO 1.7 Campaign
Note: To play the levels you must use the command line to launch the levels. Level One would go like this: "-q -level TFO1" Place this at the end of the command line for your DK2 launcher. Do this without the quotes. To play the other levels do the same thing except change the number to your desired level.
Here's an example of how to launch level one. You can only do this via a shortcut of your DK2 launcher. To bring up this window just right-click, and scroll down to 'Properties'.

Please provide feedback with any problems encountered, or if a specific level is simply unbeatable.
If players are struggling to beat a specific map, I will add hints on this post to the respective level.
Thanks in advance!