Hello everyone,
I am Johnny, also called “Pinkie” because of my broken pinky. Currently I’m still in the army and almost done with the education to be a nurse in the civil life. Right now quite busy because of the corona.
But in my spare time I have a new hobby; making video’s on YouTube. It’s about Dungeon keeper and I’d like to share it here. I’m a huge fan of Dungeon Keeper. What I’m planning next is fan made campaigns/maps on DK1 and MP on DK2.
If you guys have some idea’s and/or suggestions I’d appreciate it. Otherwise I hope you have a nice time watching it.
Youtube channel
Dungeon Keeper 1 Playlist
Dungeon Keeper 1 Good Campaign
Dungeon Keeper 2 Playlist
Dungeon keeper 1 multiplayer!
Dungeon keeper 2 Multiplayer!<active!