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Thread: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

  1. #21
    Imp DarkKan's Avatar
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    Jul 2021

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Quote Originally Posted by Rox View Post
    When I sacrifice the princes in the temple, I can still play for about 1-3 minutes. Then the enemies attack and the game crashes.

    Any idea?
    Yes, at this moment there can often be a departure, the reason for this is a heavy load on the map, the 20th level is the largest level, there are a very large number of creatures on it, after you drop 3 princes into the temple, passages open at this moment a bunch of actions occur, the blue player begins to attack, the green one the player can start an attack, the heroes come out of 5 gates at this moment, a couple of packs go to green, the rest go to red, there are too many movements of the heroes on the map, I tried to fix it did not work properly, all I can advise, at the moment of opening the passage, put the speed of the game at the very minimum and try not to act much yourself, wait for the approach of enemy creatures, well, just a lot of attempts with the launch of this moment. Everything works for me on the first try and without crashes.

  2. #22

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    "The heart will consume - let the storm and the thunderstorm!
    Out of darkness the evil eyes, look out of the ice.
    In the flames of hell - a sphere of color shall burn.
    In the middle, shall die - the imprisoned victim!
    So far we have fared well on our own, but in this bloodbath that awaits us all, the aid of such an ally does not seem superfluous. Perhaps the effort expended in seeking him will not be in vain. Well, a great battle is coming, and it will not be easy. Good luck. You will need it... "

    I have finished all 19 levels, but I can't solve first riddle in level 20. Can you add walkthrough in spoiler for brainlets, please? I have converted elite salamander without killing others, but other salamanders just dissapperead. Besides of that nothing else happened.

    OK, I figured it out. You need to drop all 3 prices in top spot of neutral temple. After that game crashes sooner (if I have more creatures) or later (if I have much less). I tried even with slowest game speed, 4 Imps and just 15 creatuers. After killing few heroes next waves of them come and crash my game anyway. It is unfinishable unfortunately.
    Last edited by tiredq; January 7th, 2025 at 15:14.

  3. #23

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Sorry to ask so directly but how in earth is one supposed to win even the first level? I start in the upper left corner, with 7 creatures and some traps, but no mana to field them. And after 1 or 2 minutes several hero waves start to attack. My creatures can do nothing since those heroes are far too strong.

    Did I mess up something or is this level intended to be lost?

  4. #24

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Quote Originally Posted by Nimiria View Post
    Did I mess up something or is this level intended to be lost?
    No, you're not doing anything wrong. The first level is a bit difficult at the beginning. You have to get through the first waves of attacks somehow. It's hard, but not impossible.

    You can sacrifice your Imps (again and again) if you need mana for the traps. It's best to do this BEFORE you are attacked. Try not to lose any fighters... except the skeleton. I keep losing that too.

    In the event that you survive the attacks, fight your way through to the right. There you will find a workshop. Underneath is a hero portal that you can easily destroy. Above the workshop is a guardroom. Try to lure the fighters down to the workshop one by one and then attack them with all your fighters.

    Once that's done, it's best to sell the left parts of the guardroom and set up 8-10 cannons BEFORE you go through the door to the right. You'll see why.

  5. #25
    Imp DarkKan's Avatar
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    Jul 2021

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Quote Originally Posted by tiredq View Post
    "The heart will consume - let the storm and the thunderstorm!
    Out of darkness the evil eyes, look out of the ice.
    In the flames of hell - a sphere of color shall burn.
    In the middle, shall die - the imprisoned victim!
    So far we have fared well on our own, but in this bloodbath that awaits us all, the aid of such an ally does not seem superfluous. Perhaps the effort expended in seeking him will not be in vain. Well, a great battle is coming, and it will not be easy. Good luck. You will need it... "

    I have finished all 19 levels, but I can't solve first riddle in level 20. Can you add walkthrough in spoiler for brainlets, please? I have converted elite salamander without killing others, but other salamanders just dissapperead. Besides of that nothing else happened.

    OK, I figured it out. You need to drop all 3 prices in top spot of neutral temple. After that game crashes sooner (if I have more creatures) or later (if I have much less). I tried even with slowest game speed, 4 Imps and just 15 creatuers. After killing few heroes next waves of them come and crash my game anyway. It is unfinishable unfortunately.
    You need to find 4 artifacts scattered all over the map and put them in the correct order near the temple, after that you need to free the elite angel and donate it to the temple, and then the way to Reaper will open.

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