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Thread: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

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    Fly Quuz's Avatar
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    Default The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    The Dungeon Power Campaign

    Approved by the Russian DK2 mapmaking community.

    General Information

    The campaign includes 20 levels. This campaign is about a Keeper who cleans the dungeons from the armies of heroes in the most remote parts of the Underworld. Each successive level is slightly more difficult than the previous one. Each level will be 100% unique. You are extremely encouraged to explore each level thoroughly, as there are many secrets in each level! You will be handsomely rewarded for your exploration. This campaign will not be including the spell 'possession' in ANY levels due to how overpowered it is, making the game incredibly easy and dull. The campaign contains another keeper spells, modifications in the attributes of creatures and some new textures. The level of difficulty of the campaign is high.

    Level One: Like Old Times


    Before the heroes invaded here, these lands belonged to the Keeper. His name does not matter, for it is the fate of the unfortunate to be in oblivion. The local lord has built several outposts to keep the dungeons under control, but it won't help him. We have built a small fortification on the front lines, but we need to increase our defenses, as we have already been spotted by the heroes' scouts. Care of the creatures, resources are very limited. Move north, capture the rooms and portal of the past Keeper, assemble an army, and pull the heart of the lord of the lands from his flimsy body.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) The past Keeper left several hiding places behind him. They are connected to specific gold veins. Find them if you can.

    Level Two: A win-win option


    Do you know why I hate heroes? Because they invade our dungeons, build their ugly fortresses, and hide behind their walls like rats. These lands are full of their small fortresses. Four captains keep them in order. Our forward squad was defeated by heroes, some of our creatures were taken prisoner, some were hidden in underground tunnels. There are two dark portals in this area, but both are under the control of the heroes. Gather the scattered creatures into a powerful army, destroy the heroes' captains, assault the castle and put the local lord's head on a pike. He deserves it.

    Main Objective:

    Find and capture the portal.
    Kill all the captains in the fortresses.
    Defeat the Lord of the Land.


    1) Heroes have built guard posts near the underground river, so be careful.
    2) Our fireflies report seeing a detachment of the forces of darkness imprisoned in the southeast of the dungeon.
    3) The heroes will not ignore the capture of the portal of darkness.

    Level Three: In An Environment


    Master, our castle is being assaulted by armies of heroes. They are countless and we need your help. We tried to send assassins to the Lord of the Land attacking our fortress, but it was failed. This coward, fearing for his life, abandoned his army and is now hiding somewhere in the outer dungeons. Four commanders control the attacks on our fortress, as long as they are alive we will not be able to look quietly for the escaped lord.

    Main Objective:
    Find and eliminate the escaped Lord of the Land.


    1) Kill the 4 knights captains to stop the heroes' attacks.

    Level Four: Don't give up!


    Master, you have arrived just in time! We tried to attack the Lord of the Lands' fortress with the two Keepers, and were lost. The heroes have fortified in the castle to the northeast. The castle is surrounded by solid rock, and there's no way to breach the walls. A frontal attack could be dangerous, so it's wise to look for other ways. Hurry, we must move quickly! Our dungeon heart is being destroyed right now!

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Twelve gold veins, dominoes, reveals a secret.
    2) Our dead ally the Keeper didn't have time to build a prison, but he had some plan. We need to find the place where he had planned to build it.

    Level Five: Uprising


    Master, we have successfully infiltrated undetected into the lands of the local Lord. This is our chance. The one portal in this land, is in the southeast under the control of the Heroes. To the north is the local prison, and there are some starving creatures in it. They seem to have been in the dungeon for a very long time, and their health is in danger. If we want to save them, we must hurry. However, we must move carefully and silently. If the guards notice our creatures, the heroes are definitely going to send strong patrol forces to scout them out.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Activate the alarm traps to distract the guards.

    Level Six: Land Indubala


    A sea of fire and lava... The local Keeper has been destroyed, warlocks and trolls in prison, and salamanders banished. This is the realm of the Giants. They have built a formidable fortress in the north and now roam around... But that's all right-- they won't live long without worries. We have found a portal to the south, and part of the rooms of the past Keeper not far from our Dungeon Heart. Our advance squad of goblins will assist you in capturing this land! Probably...

    Main Objective:
    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) A room of lava hides a secret.
    2) A special cell will open the way to the salamanders.
    3) There are a total of 3 secrets.

    Level Seven: Water And Lava


    Master, we have sneaked into the local Lord's fortress, and it is a very strange place. Water and lava seem to divide the fortress in two. We must be careful what we do. We don't have a portal, but I'm sure you'll figure something out. Good luck!

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) The path of fire is more dangerous but the reward is greater.

    Level Eight: Rage Throw


    Master, we have come to this godforsaken land for one purpose, to destroy the wretched heroes. They're like roaches. If you leave a few alive, an army multiplies, and there they are already decorating our dungeons with flowers! The Lord of Heroes has a small fort in the middle of nowhere. His army is meager, but we have no more. Once again, we could not find a portal anywhere nearby. So you will have to do the exploring on your own. We saw a troll workshop in the tunnels to the south, but it is guarded by heroes. The fate of the trolls is unknown to us. The heroes in this area have two portals. We must be careful with them. It is unlikely that reinforcements will be thrown into these godforsaken lands, but who knows...

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) The corners of the map hide secrets, but maybe not.

    Level Nine: From the bottom


    The heroes have captured one of the Keepers and built an entire fortress around him. They experiment on his Dungeon heart and try to reveal his secrets. This cannot be allowed to happen! Some of the other Guardians, too, have decided to improve their reputations and they will no doubt try to get to the middle of the fortress first. Time's up, Master!

    Main Objective:

    Eliminate the blue Keeper.
    Prevent the green Keeper from reaching the center of the fortress.


    1) Betrayal is in the blood of heroes. A new spell will help you.

    Level Ten: Without retribution


    There are 3 small outposts of heroes on this land, and the main fortress of the Lord. The outpost to the south is the worst defended. With the outpost to the north, there may be problems. One of these two outpost captains should know where the secret library is located. Torture the wizard before attacking the main fortress.People like to build secret passages in their fortresses so that they can cowardly flee away from the castle in case of a siege. A wizard might know something about that. The bad news is that none of the creatures went on this journey with us.However, with the help of dark magic, we have resurrected several warlike skeletons. They will help us find the portal.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Convert a wizard to your side, he will open a secret passageway for you.

    Level Eleven: We're getting close A


    Master, we found the fortress of another Lord of Heroes. He's hiding in a small fort to the north, but there are solid rocks in the way to get to it. We will have to make a detour. There's a small outpost of heroes not far from us. I suggest we destroy it. There's another outpost to the south guarding a neutral portal. I suggest we destroy that too. The terrain here is wide enough, and we haven't found any strong hero fortifications. Several imps were killed by traps hidden in the ground, so be careful. We are joined by Bloz, an Elite Bile demon. He is very strong and stinks a lot, so don't forget to feed him.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Destroy hero gates to stop hero reinforcements.

    Level Eleven: We're getting close B


    Master, these lands remind me of something... Never mind. We have discovered the fortress of another Lord of Heroes. He's hiding in a fort to the northwest. We have located a portal south of our base. It's guarded by a small outpost. And... it looks like the heroes are going to detonate it! If even one hero reaches our Dungeon heart, they will destroy the portal. There is a small lava lake near us, we should look around and look for salamanders. I'll never believe there aren't any here.

    Main Objective:
    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Destroy hero gates to stop hero reinforcements.

    Level Twelve: Saints and sinners


    What good is it to be on the side of the forces of good if you can't even bring the dead back to life? The Undeads will help us get rid of the next lord, and I'm sure they'll have a free grave for his body. The area is dangerous enough, with several holy temples, outposts and giants. In the south you can find a prison of heroes, and I'm sure there's someone there you can free.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Kill the wizard to open the passageway to the portal.

    Level Thirteen: Nervous breakdown


    Master, have you ever seen a monastery stronghold? The local pious lord has turned the chapels and monasteries into a real stronghold. There are hundreds of fighting monks, cannons, paladins, and other rubbish. The lord is now in the sanctuary, praying to his light gods. We have learned from our past mistakes and this time we are well prepared.We have organized two offensive fortresses to attack the flanks. Our trolls fortified the Dungeon heart with solid rocks. So now we're invincible! Okay, that's not really true. All the trolls were able to do was disguise rocks as basalt. So experienced miners like dwarves will easily discover a fake. Therefore, keep these bearded shorties away from the Dungeon Heart.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) If the dwarves get to the Dungeon Heart, it will become vulnerable.

    Level Fourteen: Terrible news


    Bad news, Master. We chose a very unfortunate place to build a new base. We're surrounded by a web of tunnels with hordes of heroes roaming through them. We may be able to bring back a few corpses of human miners as undead, but we have to dig very carefully. Most of our advance squad was defeated and captured in a secret prison. They were taken somewhere to the north, but we could not discover the exact location.
    The heroes are using the huge underground river as a defense line with a moat. Breaking through it would not be easy. The lord is hidden in a remote fortress on the other side of the moat. Our level of evil now allows us to summon the Horned Reaper. His summoning, however, requires an enormous amount of energy, we need to quickly claim more territory, or find sources of mana.

    Main Objective:
    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Beware of the dwarves.
    2) The knight leader holds the keys to the passageway to the neutral prisoners.
    3) A secret place can summon vampires if you build the right room on it.

    Level Fifteen: Invincible knights


    Master, we have discovered the Colosseum of Heroes. They have thrown black knights into the arena, this is our chance to get them into our army! It is not tournament season, and there are no spectators. The outpost is guarded by a small garrison. We've also discovered two hero outposts far to the north of our base. The outposts are small, but scouts on the surface report they're teeming with heroes. If something happens, all that rabble will descend into our dungeons. We need to take care of the defense. The lord of the land is lurking in a fortress well to the south, but you can't get to him without going through the outposts.

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Lava Washes Precious Crystals.
    2) Look for the place and the right key that opens the passageway to powerful creatures.

    Level Sixteen: The door to Hell


    The Great Citadel of the Forces of Light... another banal and ugly human castle that should have been destroyed immediately! If only we hadn't lost the attacking group of creatures on the way here. We should have just turned our backs and they scattered somewhere. We don't know if they're alive or not. We can look for them, or we can try to capture the portal. But how do we do that, if the portal's heavily guarded? We need to think...

    Main Objective:

    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) Be careful with hero portals.

    Level Seventeen: Land of Black Magic


    The Great Temple of the Forces of Light... It's rare to see so many heroes in one place. This time you will have to face a lot of magic heroes. Wizards, Monks, Fairies. There are hundreds of them here! They know we are around and are preparing a horrible spell in the middle temple that will destroy not only us, but every living thing in the area as well. These fools don't know what they are doing! They will not be able to control such a colossal flow of mana. We must stop them before the ritual is complete! And when we drown them in their own temple, it will be the Lord's turn. We will need an army. We have found three neutral portals: to the north, to the south, to the west. Act quickly!

    Main Objective:

    Capture the central temple before time runs out.
    Kill the Lord of the Land.


    1) When the timer expires, you will be killed.
    2) Upon reaching a secret, magical place, you will receive an Elite Dark Angel.

    Level Eighteen: An unexpected coup


    The lord of the local lands is as cowardly as a chicken. He hides in a fortress far to the northeast, and in his place his army is controlled by his trusted officers. The lord is so terrified of the creatures of darkness that he bricked up the passageway to his fortress years ago. No one has seen him for a very long time. Perhaps some of the dark knights, in their past lives, had been here, and in the remnants of their memory there are clues to the location of the fortress? In any case, if the Lord is still alive, we will find him and eliminate him.
    Without proper stewardship, the local lands have fallen into decay. The Lord's commanders, scattered and holding several different fortresses. We will easily destroy them one by one. To the north, we find a small temple where the knights train in the arena. The middle most fortified fort is under the rule of a powerful mage, but its weakness is... Oh, what's that noise?! Master, we're under attack!!!

    Main Objective:

    To prevent the lord of the land from escaping.
    Kill the Lord and all his commanders.


    1) The dark knight between the two geysers will open the way to the lord.
    2) The temple instead of gold, opens the way to the creatures of fire.

    Level Nineteen: It could have been worse


    Master, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that we have discovered the location of the heroes' base where the king's sons are now! It is an elongated outpost in the lava valleys. The princes are inspecting the fortifications-and this is our chance to capture them and corrupt their minds under torture! We will force them to betray their father!
    The bad news is that we have been discovered. No-no, no one in the fort do not suspects anything, but the nasty little dwarf saw us when we began digging a place under the dungeon heart, and he escaped from us to the surface. I suppose it's only a matter of time before a heavily armed army of heroes from the surface comes down to our dungeons. If we want to avoid that, we'll have to hurry with the mission.
    We do not care about the local Lord of the lands, he is so petty that not even his own army of knights respects him. Their souls are tainted with sins and they will surely come to us if we demonstrate the full power of the forces of evil and rid this world of the useless Lord.

    Main Objective:

    Prevent the Princes of Heroes from escaping.
    Persuade under torture the 3 Princes to come over to your side.


    1) Take your time.
    2) Great an army of heroes will attack you when the timer expires.
    3) A squad of knights will come to your side if their Lord dies.
    4) Large temple candlestick, Temple, Magical Place - 3 elements open you army.

    Level Twenty: Battle for the top of Hell


    We made it! Here it is, the great citadel of the forces of Light! The King and his worthless army of heroes. Goodness, mercy, compassion - to hell with them! They all deserve to die. We captured the king's sons and under torture they revealed to us the location of the secret temple that opens the way to the king's citadel. We will sacrifice them in the same temple. In the name of the king! Ha-ha!

    This area is home to three Keepers. The emerald Keeper is Argomos, the blue Keeper is Darmok and the yellow Keeper is Gla-ash.
    Glaa-ash has been trying to break into the king for a long time, but his attempts are unsuccessful. He lacks your cunning and skills. But even though he is foolish, his heart is black as coal, and he is a reliable ally or servant, as you prefer. Try to see that he survives this battle. There are few good servants left nowadays.
    Guardian Darmok has fallen to heroes long ago. He will be defend the king to the death. Such trash has no place among the living.
    Keeper Argomos is also on the side of heroes, but he is different. He can still be saved. Argomos's mind is foggy, but he has red-hot magma flowing in his heart veins, and I am sure that if we can find and subdue an elite salamander, we can rekindle the fire of his hatred. Not far from our hideout, there is a lair of wild salamanders, but we must be careful, we shouldn't kill them if we want to obtain Argomos' support.

    In these lands, the world's greatest evil is locked away. Centuries ago, an army of the forces of light imprisoned him in a magical prison, forever sealing the passage with three keys. We have discovered, this ancient temple! It exists, but is guarded. One of the warriors in that battle between good and evil, centuries ago, is still alive, though clearly not without the aid of magic. A great warrior in golden armor still roams these lands, he may remember something of those events. In addition, our warlock Almaric has managed to find notes about a locking spell in ancient folio. It might be of some use to you:
    The heart will consume - let the storm and the thunderstorm!
    Out of darkness the evil eyes, look out of the ice.
    In the flames of hell - a sphere of color shall burn.
    In the middle, shall die - the imprisoned victim!
    So far we have fared well on our own, but in this bloodbath that awaits us all, the aid of such an ally does not seem superfluous. Perhaps the effort expended in seeking him will not be in vain. Well, a great battle is coming, and it will not be easy. Good luck. You will need it...

    Main Objective:

    Sacrifice the Princes in a special temple to open the door to the King.
    Kill the King and the Stone knights.


    1) The Princes are very weak. Take care of them.
    2) Keeper Darmos will join you if you capture an elite salamander without killing any other salamanders.

    Version 1.7:
    The_Dungeon_Power_Campaign (3).rar

    Note: To play the levels you must use the command line to launch the levels. Level One would go like this: "-q -level Like Old Times" Place this at the end of the command line for your DK2 launcher. Do this without the quotes. To play the other levels do the same thing except change the number to your desired level.

    Here's an example of how to launch level one. You can only do this via a shortcut of your DK2 launcher. To bring up this window just right-click, and scroll down to 'Properties'.


    Please provide feedback with any problems encountered, or if a specific level is simply unbeatable. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Quuz; November 4th, 2021 at 20:56.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    I see you used my layout theme and design

    Definitely will stream a full playthrough of this eventually.
    My Dungeon Keeper 2 Campaigns

    Veteran Campaign
    A New League - Coop Campaign
    The Forgotten One - An Elite Campaign

    My Twitch Where I Stream DK2 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  3. #3
    Fly Quuz's Avatar
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    Dec 2019

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Yes, because the layout is very appropriate and looks good)

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    still fairly new to this how do i play it

  5. #5
    Fly Quuz's Avatar
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    Dec 2019

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Added a note at the end of the post. You need to create a shortcut and change the path to it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Quote Originally Posted by Quuz View Post
    Added a note at the end of the post. You need to create a shortcut and change the path to it.
    LOL you directly copy n paste from TFO haha))
    Will you be adding other Russian made campaigns?
    My Dungeon Keeper 2 Campaigns

    Veteran Campaign
    A New League - Coop Campaign
    The Forgotten One - An Elite Campaign

    My Twitch Where I Stream DK2 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  7. #7
    Fly Quuz's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Sorry, I don't have the skill to describe it correctly.)
    I'll post it later, yeah.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Quote Originally Posted by Quuz View Post
    Sorry, I don't have the skill to describe it correctly.)
    I'll post it later, yeah.
    No worries, and I look forward to other user-made campaigns that I haven't had the pleasure of playing, yet. ))
    My Dungeon Keeper 2 Campaigns

    Veteran Campaign
    A New League - Coop Campaign
    The Forgotten One - An Elite Campaign

    My Twitch Where I Stream DK2 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  9. #9
    Imp DarkKan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefanos View Post
    still fairly new to this how do i play it
    What is the problem? Do you not know how to run or is it so difficult to play?

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Dungeon Power Campaign - by Dark Kan

    Hmm, can't open the .rar-file. I get the error that it's corrupted. Tried to download and open it several times.

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