There are a few problems in the map "Whynots Dwarves II".
1. the dwarves often do not drop their gold in the treasure chamber or do not go to the first best treasure chamber, but go through it and go to the next one.
2 I can't switch through the creatures. I have already removed 2 Rogues and now have to remove some again (because the Dark Angel was added) so that everything fits on the first page.
You see: The arrows can't be used, but there would still be a few dwarves (and also the Dark Angel, if I hadn't thrown away the rogues).
Here's all 31 ver. II updated maps,
and the map "Whynots Dwarves II" are modified, testplayed and now working (thanks to one little Imp
Last edited by Whynotsian; July 16th, 2024 at 17:30.
Updated "Temple Of Jupiter" and "Temple Of Jupiter II", When added a new Hero Party to make this map a little harder
I changed and moved some Action Points and forgot to change two other Hero Partys respawn A.P. acordingly, now fixed.
Edit. Why you can't get this map to work, why I don't know, I just testplayed it, both before and after and it starts fine!
Last edited by Whynotsian; July 16th, 2024 at 17:22.
I tired it again, with files from your new zip. The DK2 loading screen pops up, status bar moves to the right, and then it dumps me back at Windows. It's actually the only map of yours that refuses to play, out of the many maps of yours I've been able to play. So, 1 out of 50 or whatever failing is still a decent average.
If you are curious, I am trying to load this map with the GOG release of DK2. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I have the older brick-and-mortar release on CD somewhere, not sure what version that is, I can always try it with an older version and see what it does.
Hello MrFulci!
This MAY be because you have one space too many in the shortcut. I had this problem once, even though I've been playing DKII for decades and must have played hundreds of maps.
Look carefully:
YES -> “Whynots Temple Of Jupiter II”
NO -> “ Whynots Temple Of Jupiter II”
NO -> “Whynots Temple Of Jupiter II ”
NO -> “ Whynots Temple Of Jupiter II ”
Is there a space after the first “ or before the last ”?
I also never noticed this error and never made it before and was then surprised why I couldn't load the map.
MrFulci, you can try this...
First, 1. Make sure you also have in the shortcut > properties > Start in: "E:\Dungeon Keeper 2" (change to whatever where you have it installed "C:").
2. Try this version..
3. And last try this, that is if you have a NIVIDA card installed on Win10.
To make DK2 crash less on W10.
1. Right click on your desktop, choose NVIDIA Control Panel
2. Choose, Adjust desktop color settings (to the left)
3. Choose, Other applications control color settings > Apply
4. Choose, Manage 3D settings (to the left)
5. Choose, the tab > Program Settings
6. (1. Select a program to customize search for dkii.exe (If you don’t see it already)
7. Go to Texture filtering – Trilinear optimization > make it Off.