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Thread: Texture filtering

  1. #1

    Default Texture filtering

    Is there a possibility of enabling some kind of texture filtering?
    I appreciate this could cause some ugliness in places

    Tried to do this myself through dgvoodoo but it doens't seem to work for me

  2. #2

    Default Re: KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.4.9

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonjunk View Post
    Is there a possibility of enabling some kind of texture filtering?
    I appreciate this could cause some ugliness in places

    Tried to do this myself through dgvoodoo but it doens't seem to work for me
    You can make a profile for KeeperFX through your own video card, to force AA or do whatever. For example NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D settings -> Program Settings -> Add.

  3. #3

    Default Re: KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.4.9

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    You can make a profile for KeeperFX through your own video card, to force AA or do whatever. For example NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D settings -> Program Settings -> Add.
    I can force AA and such, but can't get texture filtering - textures stay blocky no matter what.
    Didn't know how difficult it is to enable Direct3D in KeeprFX being the original DK is based on very old version of DirectShow - though I don't know enough about SDL to know if it's unfeasable or not.

  4. #4

    Default Re: KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.4.9

    I'm not sure such low res textures could get filtered to be any better. But I don't know either.

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