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Thread: 15+ Coop-Maps 4 two Players against AI

  1. #1

    Arrow 15+ Coop-Maps 4 two Players against AI

    Hi keepers,
    below you find 15 new designed and tested maps for two human players to race against the machine (one or two NPCs):

    - tested with GOG-Version 1.7 with GIM DKII General Improvement Mod v1.05 (DK2V1.5)
    - most are symmetric for the human players
    - for experienced players
    - some maps w/o scripts, some more or less heavy scripted
    - pls set AI to "Conqueror"
    - Hint: Call your partner for help early, so he or she can cast or drop creatures in your dungeon.
    - often you need to convert good creatures, sometimes you even need Horny!

    Also included is one stolen map I found somewhere here in this board: "Elite Skirmish", which was some serious fun for me and my friend. Not made by me, with kudos to the unknown creator.

    What's more? Have fun!
    Last edited by falaffel; July 10th, 2022 at 21:29.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 15+ Coop-Maps 4 two Players against AI

    Some words on DK2 Coop: This game is not suitable for cooperative play, but with these maps it should still be possible. You should be careful not to cut off your partner's path, though, and you will have to deal with crashes.
    Crashes? Yes, networking is not that stable with dk2, but the maps are all tested and can be played without crashes - if you are somewhat lucky. However, under special circumstances the game might still crash; random, probably bad sync, bad timings.

    Our "counter-measures" on Windows 10:
    - apply "GIM DKII General Improvement Mod v1.05" to downgrade V1.7 to 1.5, which is said to be more stable. Google for download.
    - Stop all other programs and unnecessary processes. We even reboot Windows before playing.
    - disable thread-optimizing in Nvidia control panel for dk2.exe
    - use this batchfile for starting dk2: start "DK2Coop" /affinity 1 /belownormal "C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Keeper 2\DKII.EXE" "-32bitdisplay -32bittextures -nointmouse -disablegamma -32bitzbuffer -32biteverything"
    - avoid possession, if possible (we sometimes watched sync-fails with this spell while networking)

    Even with this steps we had random crashes, but much less than without.

    ofc you may try these steps if you encounter crashes in skirmish or competitive mp.
    Last edited by falaffel; February 25th, 2023 at 21:00. Reason: typo

  3. #3

    Default Re: 11 more Coop-Maps 4 two Players against AI

    Here you find 11 more maps for 2 human players against the AI. Some maps are similar to my first pack, but enhanced in one or the other way, some are completely new.
    Expect some serious, long-lasting battles.

    Have fun!

  4. #4
    Fly Quuz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Default Re: 11 more Coop-Maps 4 two Players against AI

    Great! thank you for your work.

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