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Thread: Changing dungeon heart in a map

  1. #1

    Default Changing dungeon heart in a map

    I have an idea for a level where the player starts with a dungeon that gets overrun by strong heroes early and has to flee and claim a new dungeon heart to build around. I haven't made levels for many years (and never for Keeperfx) so I don't know if this is possible. I did check out some of the new script commands and made a test level with a neutral heart that gets into the players possesion when you reach the action point beside it. So far so good, but enemies refuses to attack it, or the original heart for that matter. I tried both with a pre set hero and one in a spawned party set to destroy the dungeon heart.

    My question is, am I doing something wrong, or is it impossible to have multiple hearts?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    There's partial support for this, but in the alpha's it would work a bit better. There's 2 ways about this:

    1) Use two red hearts, but only one is active. This is determined by the order they are placed. One if totally ignored but will take over if the 'primary' one is destroyed. Does not work in the 0.4.9 full release yet.

    2) Use two red heart rooms, but have one of the 'soul containers' secretly belong to another player. Check the first 'undivine dungeons' map to see this in action.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    There's partial support for this, but in the alpha's it would work a bit better. There's 2 ways about this:

    1) Use two red hearts, but only one is active. This is determined by the order they are placed. One if totally ignored but will take over if the 'primary' one is destroyed. Does not work in the 0.4.9 full release yet.

    2) Use two red heart rooms, but have one of the 'soul containers' secretly belong to another player. Check the first 'undivine dungeons' map to see this in action.
    Ah, thanks! That leaves me with option 2 unless I change version. And I don't want to make the other heart room red, I don't want to be able to simply drop the creatures there but rather fleeing with them in first person (with a barracks) to the new heart. It's not that important though and kind of pointless from a gameplay point of view, I just thought it would be a cool setup for a campaign

  4. #4

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    To describe this in detail:

    In the first dungeon you can build a red heart room then delete the red heart object and put a yellow heart instead

    And in the new neutral dungeon, you build a neutral heart room and a red heart

    This also means that there is no other area in which creatures can be placed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinthoras0815 View Post
    To describe this in detail:

    In the first dungeon you can build a red heart room then delete the red heart object and put a yellow heart instead

    And in the new neutral dungeon, you build a neutral heart room and a red heart

    This also means that there is no other area in which creatures can be placed.
    That's an interesting workaround! It works in the sense that the heroes attack the red heart, but they won't touch the yellow heart... That's strange.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Did you define a yellow player on the map? If there is no yellow active player, it's not an enemy for the heroes.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    Did you define a yellow player on the map? If there is no yellow active player, it's not an enemy for the heroes.
    Actually I forgot to do that...
    Last edited by Blossy1000; October 6th, 2022 at 07:38.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Now that I changed that it works as expected. However, I want the heroes to destroy the old dungeon and set the raiding parties to attack rooms. Problem is they destroy only a few tiles of a couple of rooms and then start wandering around looking confused. Maybe that's just the way the ATTACK_ROOMS objective works? I don't think I've used it like this before (where I actually want them to succeed in destroying whole rooms) so I probably wouldn't have noticed.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Are there perhaps rooms on the map they can't reach?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Changing dungeon heart in a map

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    Are there perhaps rooms on the map they can't reach?
    There is, a neutral bridge to the north which you're supposed to take over after you get your creatures to the new dungeon and grants the spell to create imps, in order to cut off the strong heroes until you can deal with them. I guessed it would have something to do with that, and after I posted I tested a bit more and realized everything worked as I wanted unless I claimed that bridge (even if I sold it ASAP).

    Maybe there's a way to solve that, but either way I tried another approach. This is just a scripted event to make you run away and lose your starting dungeon, it's not a battle that's supposed to be winnable. Maybe the heroes simply blow up your dungeon instead? I figured I could use change_slab_type and change it all into rock or lava and that works pretty well I think. Especially lava, or else the creatures are simply pushed out of the rock if they're still there. However I wanted something more to give the effect they're blowing it up and tested the create effect at pos command.
    The documentation on this that I found is a bit vague though, and I couldn't find it used in any map I had so I'm just guessing what it does really lol. I tried to use some dirt rumble and explosion commands. Like, CREATE_EFFECT_AT_POS(EXPLOSION_5,43,190). Nothing happens, and the log says "Not enough parameters for "CREATE_EFFECT_AT_POS" GOT ONLY 0".

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