Originally Posted by
Metal Gear Rex
Yes, it's tricky. I think it may even be trickier in FX now because, I think you can place traps on subtiles now and have multiple traps per tile? Someone might need to correct me on that.
But regardless, the potential power level of the player, defensively or offensively, scales really high. It's hard to balance around such a wide power scale, I think normally power scaling so high is used as a means to mitigate player skill difference. It reminds me of Megaman X, where you can quadruple your starting health through Heart powerups and Body Armor which halves damage, and then increase health even more through the finding of the four Sub-Tanks, which fully restore health. Assuming a player uses them at 25% HP, that's an additional 1200% health if the player also collects heart powerups and body armor, so 1600% of base health. It's a massive range, and in the first MMX game they made the final boss really hard, but eased up on that in following games, eventually reduced Sub-Tanks down to two as well.
It's not uncommon for this to be the approach of a game's design, and I think from that arises the desire to truly make use of all that power else it becomes "wasted" or diminishes the victory by being "unnecessary". A desire to show true skill, to finally settle the strongest. What's awkward is that, you can always make something harder, something to supersede that previous bar, and be greater than what that player is capable of doing or even capable of reaching. It's a very thin line.
I bring this up because I think that manifests into DK by seeking fast maps, intense pressure and such, more APM styles of skill. It's interesting because you don't seem to want this end, but instead a more defensive counterpart, where Heroes are to truly challenge your dungeon.
I have felt this as well, I think especially with Boulders. Quite a while ago, I made some saves of these trap dungeons in a couple of different DD maps. Netzcaro and Belial, because Netzcaro has a Hero Heart that you can destroy and let out all of the heroes at once. Torturing heroes reveals the Hero Heart instantly, but I think CtA can be cast through SoE, so with teleporting units you can easily destroy the heart without hurting any heroes. So then they all come into your dungeon at once and fall to your traps. Belial too, spawns powerful heroes at the end. I made traps like lava pits, Word of Power traps that knock enemies backwards into other traps. Nasty stuff, and disappointingly the Heroes wouldn't survive through the whole thing. It's like building your own house of horrors, you want to see how far the Heroes can go, it's always disappointing that they didn't make it to certain rooms.
I don't remember if I mentioned this or not but it does seem like you might prefer a map with limited "power creatures". No Orcs, Mistresses, probably no Bile Demons or maybe access to only a few at a time. Like, max 3 power units be it Orc or Mistress or Bile Demon. Could easily make a script for that.
Limiting offensive capabilities by limiting creatures. Even taking away CtA. Or making it so the map is just pure invasion, it's not about attacking any sort of castle.
Or, perhaps you would prefer to make it so attacks on the Heroes are only to lure them out, and they may not send any Heroes, or at least not of significant strength or number, without the player initiating aggressions. This way, it is up to the player to begin any sort of invasion.